I know this subject has been addressed on the forum many times, that is where most of my info came from and some from the basic mad web. I'm trying to put the info that I've learned together to either validate or improve it. I found bits and pieces in different areas and hope to get it consolidated a little bit.
I know that sizing and choice of type of partition can be quite subjective to the individual.
This is what I have so far. Thanks in advance for any input.
All this is going onto a 500G SSD usb. I would like to set it up frugal with multiple partitions.
I may even create a partition for a Puppy full install as on some occasions I use it to get onto the computer to fix faults in my Frugal Puppy. I could just probable set up a thumb drive and do the same.
Partition 1: boot
Partition 2: basic data
Partition 3: swap file (NOT on SSD as write/rewrite can damage the SSD)
Partition 4: save file & sfs etc.
Partition 5: Puppy full install (optional)
I'm aware it can all be put onto one partition, but for ease of restore/reloads/future expansion it will be safer with several partitions.
Partition 1: boot - FAT16, FAT32, Ext2, Ext3, Ext4 can all be made bootable. (Is this correct?)
Recommended size 1-2G, as that can handle anything from a Frugal to full install,
which makes the partition more usable if I change my mind.
I'm considering using Ext2 format as the bootable partition.
Partition 2: data - As a separate partition that may use TRIM for cleanup as this is where the data
will change more often. Considering using Ext3 or Ext4.
Size of partition is what ever I think I need.
Partition 3: Swap, 2x RAM size. As I only have 2G RAM I might need swap.
Partition 4: Save file/save folder?
And/or sfs files and similar.
Size: 1-2G. May be a bit large, but I have the space.
Thanks for teaching me what you already have. Now it's time to find out if I pass my first test.
Once I get the basic info above straightened out, I can start formatting my disc and move to loading my OS and all supportive info.
This is getting fun.
Big thanks.
This is edited in after what I learned to share the outcome. Hope it helps.
After some great support on this forum and some very good links for education, I think that the SSD is up and running just fine. Below I am showing how I set it up, one: to verify that I got it right and, two: to share with you what appears to be a good way to set up a SSD USB.
Partition 1: FAT32, 2GiB, boot
Extended: 12GiB
Ext4: 10GiB
Ext4: 10GiB, swap
Unallocated: 40GiB
I created a save file of 2GiB
I chose Ext4 because of journaling and TRIM