clusterweb v20.10.1

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clusterweb v20.10.1

Post by guagua »

clusterweb v20.10.1
Source Code

new version with improvements.

Betatester required.

Jabber room to discuss and collaborate with the project:

comes from viewtopic.php?f=112&t=1190

#clusterweb #server #python
Last edited by guagua on Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: clusterweb v20.10.1

Post by user1111 »

Not a crazy idea at all guagua. Internet speeds will only increase with time and IMO distributed computing is likely to be right up-there. Meta-data flows, with processing on machine clusters dedicated to a particular task in-hand, and screen-flows.

For instance why have millions of Libre Offices running separately when data flows to a server cluster along with screen flows (display) ... could be accessed/used by millions on relatively light (low process powered) devices.

Historically the stumbling point has been communication speeds, and we're now entering a era where that hurdle has been near jumped.
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Re: clusterweb v20.10.1

Post by wiak »

rufwoof wrote: Wed Oct 28, 2020 11:51 pm Not a crazy idea at all guagua. Internet speeds will only increase with time and IMO distributed computing is likely to be right up-there. Meta-data flows, with processing on machine clusters dedicated to a particular task in-hand, and screen-flows.

For instance why have millions of Libre Offices running separately when data flows to a server cluster along with screen flows (display) ... could be accessed/used by millions on relatively light (low process powered) devices.

Historically the stumbling point has been communication speeds, and we're now entering a era where that hurdle has been near jumped.
Yes, when we all insist on driving our own fast cars the overall transport system consumes a great deal of energy, and I don't have enough space in my garden to grow sufficient carbon-offsetting trees... Pity about the likes of Bitcoin though - I just can't feel happy to see banks and banks of computers in ever-expanding server warehouses just to 'solve' increasingly complex bitcoin generating puzzles... That's rather the opposite to the use of server clusters serving out the likes of LibreOffice screen displays to low process powered devices.
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Re: clusterweb v20.10.1

Post by Flash »

In plain language, what does clusterweb do?
Chaos coordinator :?
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Re: clusterweb v20.10.1

Post by guagua »

Flash wrote: Thu Oct 29, 2020 4:14 pm In plain language, what does clusterweb do?
Turn on a web server in Hub mode, and your friends then starting the same script will start another support server but in Node mode.

If the Hub / server goes down, your friends take control of the web. And the web will never be Down.

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Re: clusterweb v20.10.1

Post by user1111 »

Fidonet is still going after all these years. Unlike always-on, that caters for close tracking - Google (and/or others - such as your Government) seeing who is where and what they're doing etc. with old BBS style you can access, duplicate, disconnect ... and read/write mails (or post files/content) offline ... in readiness for when you next go on-line and sync up again. And where the connection can be via a means of methods, dial-up modem, telnet, ssh ...etc. (could even be a usb posted in a envelope).

A crude conceptualisation might be that you go online, sync this Puppy board (duplicate its content) and then disconnect and post, read, reply/whatever to whatever ...etc. offline, and then at a later date go back online and re-sync again (so your new posts, replies ...etc. all get posted, and you download any additional new postings/files).

Clusterweb is somewhat a form of that, but where each party can act as the main 'Board', so if rockedge's link/server goes down, then others that were sync'd with that and still online can step up and take over. And with a timing type agreement as to which of those servers/systems is the 'main board' at any one time.
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Re: clusterweb v20.10.1

Post by guagua »

I base myself a bit on bbs. yes. by the in and out folders. because I have a bbs running.

but it can be used for repository, messenger, web server. The uses you want. You just have to be creative ... to see how many uses it can be done. Has anyone tried it yet?

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