If the disclaimer hasn't scared you off we'll begin

I own a 2011 acer aspire one 722 netbook with an amd c-60 cpu (this is a pretty poor cpu!) and a few days ago stumbled across the fact that the c-60 cpu has a turbo mode but this doesn't activate in linux.
The C-60 CPU has three states: P0, P1 and P2
P0 / 1.3 GHz / turbo mode
P1 / 1.0 GHz / normal mode
P2 / 0.8 GHz / eco mode
and P0 doesn't activate, so for all these years i've been running just between 0.8ghz & 1.0ghz.
However there's a way to fix this thanks to these two chaps.......
undervolt by Thierry Goubier.
c60-tweak by wsdfhjxc .
please have a read of the info about c60-tweak and what it does.
First off check that you have an amd c-60 cpu as this is for amd c-60 cpu only.
Code: Select all
cat /proc/cpuinfo
next you'll need to install the devx.sfs for your puppy as we need to compile undervolt.
download and extract undervolt 0.4
open a terminal in the extracted folder and type
Code: Select all
next download and extract c60-tweak and then open as text as we'll need to edit the script before running it (leave open).
now we need our default voltage values (this command doesn't change anything just reads the current defaults)
Code: Select all
modprobe msr
undervolt -r
it's fine if your results are different as we are just getting the default values for your c-60.undervolt -r
P-state Vid Voltage div
0 0x1E 1.1750V 3.00
1 0x20 1.1500V 4.00
2 0x23 1.1125V 5.00
now we need to add these default values to defaultParameters= line of so i change it from this
to thisdefaultParameters="-p 0:0x22 -p 1:0x28,4 -p 2:0x2B"
remember to use your results from undervolt -rdefaultParameters="-p 0:0x1E -p 1:0x20,3 -p 2:0x23"
next edit the tweakedParameters= line of first off just copy your default values in the same as above.
then change -p0 (ptsate 0) to the same value as -p1 (pstate1). so for me i changed
totweakedParameters="-p 0:0x28 -p 1:0x28,3 -p 2:0x38"
so my edited is now setup for my computer using the results from undervolt -r. you can now save this.tweakedParameters="-p 0:0x20 -p 1:0x20,4 -p 2:0x23"
Code: Select all
defaultParameters="-p 0:0x1E -p 1:0x20,4 -p 2:0x23"
tweakedParameters="-p 0:0x20 -p 1:0x20,3 -p 2:0x23"
Before continuing make sure Menu>>system>>cpu frequency scaling is set to ondemand. I discovered whilst bench-marking that all other modes block turbo. Performance Mode is particularly bad.
Before running it's worth doing some benchmarks on your unaltered system. Menu>>system>>Hardinfo has a number of cpu benchmarks. run a few of these and write down their results.
Now we're ready!!
run in a terminal and choose option 2
hopefully you system is stable. you can run undervolt -r again to see you new voltages.AMD C-60 Linux Tweak
1 - Check current status
2 - Undervolt and unlock turbo mode
3 - Enable on system startup
4 - Restore and disable
5 - Quit
Select an option:
Now try running the same benchmarks again.
My Benchmarks Before:
Blowfish 25.81
Cryptohash 52.83
CPU N-Queens 18.81
My Benchmarks After:
Blowfish 19.36 lower is better
Cryptohash 71.47 higher is better
CPU N-Queens 14.37 lower is better
if you happy with the results choose number 3 in to run at boot.
Have a play with some different benchmarking tools, you can easily turn it on and off (2 & 4) in
I tested the above in raringpup tahrpup xenialpup bionicpup fossapup and results are consistent. My netbook is noticeably snappier and has been given a new lease of life. it will actually now play 720p youtube videos for the first time ever