COMODO Cleaning Essentials (CCE)

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COMODO Cleaning Essentials (CCE)

Post by puppy_apprentice »

COMODO Cleaning Essentials is an older brother of Comodo AV 4 Linux.

screen_2022_07_13_19_58_28.png (357.47 KiB) Viewed 2607 times

It is part of COMODO Rescue Disk (CRD) based on SliTaz.
I've ripped it from CRD.
Updating option doesn't work anymore. But you can download signature database manually - check menu option Help/Help for links - and load it using menu option Tools/Import Signature Database.
Menu option Tools/Browse Logs doesn't work in Slacko64 6.3.2 and Bionic64 7.9.8 (in Slacko 5.7 works, directory cce_linux/log is placed on FAT parition with Windows 200 and Slacko 5.7 frugal installation booted via Grub4Dos, in Slacko64 6.3.2/Bionic64 7.9.8 /mnt/home is ext2 both booted via extlinux, maybe this is a problem?).

error1.jpg (10.4 KiB) Viewed 2607 times

In 64bit Puppies you have to load 32bit libraries first (maybe this is a problem that Tools/Browse Logs doesen't work?)

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Re: COMODO Cleaning Essentials (CCE)

Post by bullpup »

Just don't.

Back in my windows days (the latter days that is) Comodo emerged and was a "new" thing as per way they promoted themselves some 10 years ago.
I remember well installing it on my XP machine and it came to a crawling speed. I always had the feeling that this piece of software was everywhere and it was.

In the last few years I have still "tested" it in Windows virtual machines and the result was always the same. Slowing down the system, always looking into whatever what was going on in the OS, leaving pop-ups and "warnings" left, right and center and distracting the living daylights out of me. So even for Windows this piece of &^%$ is horrible to have installed.

So why on Earth would any Linux loving/knowing person install this monstrosity on their machines? Just don't.

"Get a pup", they said. "It'll be fun", they said. They where right!
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Re: COMODO Cleaning Essentials (CCE)

Post by pp4mnklinux »

The theory:

While it is true that not installing any antivirus software can eliminate the potential risks associated with poorly designed or flawed antivirus programs, it also leaves your computer vulnerable to various security threats. Cybersecurity attacks, such as malware infections, ransomware attacks, phishing attempts, and other forms of online threats, are prevalent and can cause significant harm to your system and data.

Installing a reliable and reputable antivirus solution is generally recommended to safeguard your computer and personal information from these threats. Antivirus software can help detect, prevent, and remove malicious software, protect against known vulnerabilities, and provide real-time monitoring for suspicious activities.

The practice

The main term: antivirus software CAN help... bla, bla, bla

HOW many of you are using puppy and a traditional antivirus software with it?

The best antivirus is... YOU. (now a lot of people are going to explain me that you can ever fail, you can ever be lied, you can ever.... of course, so the best way is the 3-2-1 BACKUP STRATEGY.- ... -Strategy

"The best password is the one you don't know... The best antivirus is the one you doesn't need" HAHAHA (and you don't need it because no one can access your files)

------------------------------------------------- n.b. ----------------------------------------------

3-2-1 backup strategy

Rich Castagna

Rich Castagna

The 3-2-1 backup is a time-tested data protection and recovery methodology for ensuring that data is protected adequately and up-to-date backup copies of the data are available when needed. The basic concept of the 3-2-1 backup strategy is that three copies are made of the data to be protected, the copies are stored on two different types of storage media and one copy of the data is sent off site.

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Re: COMODO Cleaning Essentials (CCE)

Post by mikewalsh »

@bullpup :-

I'm going to hazard a guess that you've never tried the Linux version, and are basing your misgivings solely on experience with it under Windows.

Myself, it was the only security 'product' I ever used under Windows.......but I didn't use the AV. What I used was their Firewall, and practised sensible browsing habits. I never had any intrusions, of ANY kind.

Perhaps I was just lucky. No idea.....but this WAS pre-Windows Defender, after all. You needed something to help block the "nasties", but having tried other AVs, I wasn't particularly impressed with any of them!


I built a package for the Linux port of Comodo's AV some while back. It still runs satisfactorily, still updates, and I tend to use it just for one-off, standalone scans as & when I feel like it...

Well, it works for me!

Mike. :D

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Re: COMODO Cleaning Essentials (CCE)

Post by bullpup »

@mikewalsh You are spot on, lol. Never tried the Linux version.

I suppose I was triggered by the word Comodo and went ballistic for a second.
Just as yourself I did use the firewall as well. If it was any good I will never know.

On a more POSITIVE note: It was Comodo that threw me off of Windows so there's at least 1 good thing about it. :lol: Glad those days are long gone.

"Get a pup", they said. "It'll be fun", they said. They where right!
(Various Pups with save folder in QEMU/KVM)

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