Previously I created pBluetooth 3.x which is a Bluetooth device management tool based from abandoned project by @fr33land which works on Bluez4 only. Although it works however it was a very messy code
Right now I tried to build a new pBluetooth forked from a project of russian puppy developer which seems to be implemented of PuppyRus. It is all bluez5 with few and consistent dependencies as well as improved paired device management and GUI.
This is an alpha release of pBluetooth. It is forked from Puppyrus PuppyBT
* bluez 5.x
* bluez-tools
* obexfs
* obexd/bluez-obexd
* yad
* Xdialog
* dbus
* bluealsa/bluez-alsa or pulseaudio
bluealsa/bluez-alsa dependencies:
* sbc
* libbluetooth
What currently works
* Toggle bluetooth ON/OFF
* Scanning (works best if hcitool was installed)
* Set Discoverability
* Renaming bluetooth device
* Unpairing paired devices
* Pairing devices
* Send Files via bluetooth
* Receive Files via bluetooth
* Bluetooth audio (playback via PulseAudio and BlueAlsa)
* Remote control
* Tethering (Works but obtaining IP address not yet implemented)
* Using paired bluetooth device features
Not yet tested
* Bluetooth audio (with sound input)
* Serial
* Obexfs mounting
* For best results, do the following (Applicable for puppies which build before November 11, 2020 which supports bluez5)
* Use pulseaudio if bluealsa or bluez-alsa is not available on respective repos
* When newly paired devices does not connect automatically. Go to PAIRED DEVICES, Select the paired device on the list then click CONNECT
Edit /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit and add these line at the part before connecting to network and starting services
Code: Select all
dbus-daemon --system
Edit /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown and add these line at the part after disconnecting to network and stopping services
Code: Select all
killall dbus-daemon
D-Bus handling on boot and shutdown is now merged on Woof-CE testing branch (Nov 11, 2020). Puppy builds from Nov 11, 2020 onwards are no need to modify the rc.sysinit and rc.shutdown script.