rockedge wrote: Sat Dec 17, 2022 7:04 pm@mikeslr Yes we are aware that the setup of boot stanza's for grub2config and Grub4Dos can be tricky. What you need is going to be a basic one most likely so all those extra parameters don't need to be used or set.
Also most importantly @wiak provides a script in the ISO called
. Run this script from the frugal install directory in a terminal. It will create the grub2config compatible stanza's which then you can copy to your grub2 menu.
KLV-Airedale is one of many systems that boot via firstrib initrd (which some refer to as wiak initrd), and like FatDog attempted documentation is not covered by myself in forum threads anymore aside from what is archived at FirstRib (old archived info) here: viewforum.php?f=130
As far as that archive is concerned, most of what I still refer to is linked to at this 'WDL initrd "Cheat Sheet"' page: viewtopic.php?t=3965
Easier is:
For a first time user it is simplicity itself to boot KLV and similar distros booting via FirstRib initrd. As rockedge said, simply run the iso-provided wd_grubconfig utility and it will immediately give you working example grub.cfg stanzas (the UUID and LABEL it provides in the examples are those that match where you made the frugal install on your system). I usually myself use the bottom of the provided stanzas (the grub2 one for UUID boot method) but the others should work out-of-the-box too (including for those who use grub4dos rather than grub2). i.e. to find suitable boot stanza for your grub2 or grub4dos system, simply open terminal where you made your frugal install and enter command:
Code: Select all
wd_grubconfig does not provide examples for other boot managers such as Limine though.
For more details on other boot options and FirstRib initrd facilities read the specially written blog articles at such as:
"Firstrib booting via UUID and LABEL": ... and-label/
"FirstRib initrd RAM modes": ... ram-modes/