Ready for download and testing is the ISO KLV-Spectr-alpha2 which is a KLV distro built with the Spectrwm tiling window manager with Rox as primary file manager. Starting out simpler than KLV-Airedale there are only a few applications installed. Firefox is installed as the browser.
The spectrwm commands and key bindings are easy to follow here: ... rwm.1.html
Included packages:
base-minimal, ncurses-base, ]bash, eudev, file, mc, xterm, xauth, shadow, wpa_supplicant, ntfs-3g, zstd, xorg, spectrwm, dmenu, xlockmore, gvfs-smb, gvfs-mtp, gvfs-cdda, scrot, pavucontrol, geany, gftp, rox, thunar, lxterminal, e2fsprogs, yelp, gparted, dosfstools, mtools, squashfs-tools, wget, htop, cups, cups-filters, cups-pdf, samba-cups