What to do when new2dir make install does not work

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What to do when new2dir make install does not work

Post by Jasper »

I have just compiled Rust (Programming Language) and it occupies over 20gb+ on my HDD.

I wanted to make it into an SFS but the command fails to execute.

Is there an alternative method?

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Re: What to do when new2dir make install does not work

Post by Burunduk »

Jasper wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 12:23 pm

I have just compiled Rust (Programming Language) and it occupies over 20gb+ on my HDD.

Rust is huge but 20 GB sound incredible. Shouldn't it be around 300 MB? And it's probably impractical to pack it as an sfs anyway because of frequent updates.

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Re: What to do when new2dir make install does not work

Post by Jasper »


The "build" directory is 20gb in size.

It did take a few hours to compile/build.

I guess I could try something like (?)

make install /opt or maybe tmp /rust


then compress that directory and convert it to an SFS (?)

.......... for some reason my dir2sfs only allows me to use Gzip as an option.

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Re: What to do when new2dir make install does not work

Post by Burunduk »

I didn't know. Just saw 20 GB and thought "oh!" The PPM reports 158 MB for the rustc deb with the dependencies. Also cargo adds about 10 MB. When extracted, should still be less than 1 GB. Now I'm reading the build instructions and yes, the requirement is 10 - 15 GB of free disk space. Maybe it will be considerably smaller when installed with make install.

But wouldn't it be easier to install it using a package manager or the official installer? There are some interesting command line utilities written in rust and go on github. I've tried to compile one of them using go and thought about doing the same with rust but now I think it's better to use pre-compiled binaries.

Is there a dir2sfs program in Fossapup? There is, indeed. I use mksquashfs dir dir.sfs. It defaults to xz but you can choose another method:
mksquashfs dir dir.sfs -comp gzip.

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Re: What to do when new2dir make install does not work

Post by Jasper »


I used GIT to download all the resources and I did build the "test suite", that may account for the additional size. Also, there are additional compilers eg LLVM included in the build.

As for the PPM, it always appears to have issues extracting *.xz packages when I try to update the repo's.

Today it is working fine.

I did a search and it displayed a number of options. None of which are familiar to me.


I did want to have it as a SFS so it was available as and when required instead of having it permanently installed.

Agreed, regarding Go & Rust applications :thumbup:

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Re: What to do when new2dir make install does not work

Post by BarryK »

Once upon a time, I compiled rust, but it didn't work. Don't recall the details, but I found it is best to install the officially recommended way:


Code: Select all

# curl -4 --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

...if memory serves me rightly, for some reason I needed to insert that "-4"

Just a one-liner, it asks a few questions, and you are in business.
It enables you to install a specific version, and you can update and rollback versions.
Thinking back, when it asks if you want to install the stable, etc version, it doesn't actually say so, but you can type in a specific version, say 1.47.

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Re: What to do when new2dir make install does not work

Post by Keef »

I have used Rust as an sfs, but as has been pointed out, it will need updating from time to time (else things break). I used the rustup script to install it. There are just two folders .cargo and .rust (or is it rustc?), both in root, so easy enough to make a SFS, or just move somewhere else and symlink.
I'm not using Rust at the moment though. As Burunduk says, there are plenty of pre-compiled binaries knocking around.

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Re: What to do when new2dir make install does not work

Post by dogcat »

The Rust compiling information at LFS has worked for me both times I used it when compiling Rust.
LFS has recipes for the very latest release of most software.

https://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/v ... /rust.html

I did not use new2dir though.

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Re: What to do when new2dir make install does not work

Post by Jasper »

Thank you all for the feedback/suggestions/tips :thumbup:

I have had to let this 'sit' for a short time before I can continue. Need to rearrange my initial setup.

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