SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

base64 encoding gives some privacy for indexed material. Now I have added password protection for *book64 indeces with 'Password:****|' field. Contents of an index with Password: field cannot be decoded in bookviewerfn without correct password, which is encoded in the contents of the field which cannot be previewed! Not only that but password is entered in a yad --form which adds it's own formatting to the password. :lol: ....I recommend users to encode there password in a terminal first, as a hash code or base32/base64 or what-have-you and paste that in field ’Password:*******|’ after ':' no space and terminate in '|'. Then user will need to either remember the 'code' or the original string and the encoding method. Come to think of it, the code method could be added to the password request form. So string entry and coding method, or rather decoding method. which could be a pipe of encodings!

Code: Select all

printf "%q" "$STRING" | md5sum | base32 | base64 | md5sum | base64 | base32 

in this case STRING="a\nb" and yields the encoded password string 'LJCFE3CPK5CTGTKEMRVU26SVPFNGUZDIJZVFSM2NK5ETITSUKF4E2V2KNRHVISLZJ5KEKZ2JIMYE
WCQ=' so any characters could be used, afaik. I think it's beyond guessing and would cause a mega-qubit device to burn out. In fact the coding method could be applied to the entire contents of the book and/or the indexed contents.

But thanks to base64 encoding....text formatting and special characters are preserved and displayed, this means the viewer field is good for coding, or accurately saving your code snippets.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

The clock function now flashes local time then hong kong time .....

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

Password methods for indexed entries with 'Password:' field (book64 only); presently I am testing a method which is highly secure but a bit more advanced.

When you create a 'Password:' field, you should then choose your password string, and in a terminal type your password and pipe it through your encoding method

Code: Select all

echo 'Melchizedech888' | base64 

then copy and paste your encoded password immediately after the colon 'Password:GcBmdske==', (the '==' on the end is padding and can be omitted safely), then click ACTION button to save the edit.

The next time you select that index to view, a yad box will popup with two entry fields both hiding input. Enter the original phrase 'Melchizedech888' in field one, and in field two enter the decode method 'base64 -d' press ok.

The encode method could be a pipe 'base64 | base32', then the method to input would be 'base32 -d | base64 -d'...

I dont know about ssh, or openssl, the later requires its own password. I have very very limited knowledge of encryption ... there must be other binaries on my system which could be used in the pipe straightforwardly. Maybe someone can offer some guidance.

It seems to me that it would be a good idea if the critical information or the entire entry was also encoded with the method and the password.

Last edited by stemsee on Mon Apr 24, 2023 6:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

I feel that this encryption needs to be taken to the next level! By that I mean the main script should also be self-encrypted and decrypted using the phrase and decode method to protect its use, as well as the documents created by it. And the .config/snapp directory.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »


bugfixes for wifi connect and profiles. Also for showing ether, and data limit.

1) password field for indexed book.
so passworded index entries when selected have a popup gui asking for password and method. However if a plain password is used, that is exactly the same as in the password field then no method is needed, leave empty. This can be used for example with md5sum,

Code: Select all

echo 'MyPassWord' | md5sum

copy paste generated string in the Password: field. Then regenerate in a terminal and paste in the password entry field in the gui when accessing the index. In fact md5sum output becomes the password, which I know not how to decode to the original string, and the md5sum output can take an encoding method. So

Code: Select all

echo 'MyPAssWord' | base32 | md5sum

copy the string after md5sum, that's your actual password then process further if desired

Code: Select all

echo "$(echo 'MyPassWord' | base32 | md5sum)" | base64  | base32 

etc but to have many different methods for many different indeces will lead to headaches. But not a big deal, as currently previewing a base64 encoded index is possible, and just copying the contents without the index, and pasting in a terminal and piping through base64 -d will show all the original contents including the password field. So the password mechanism presently is fairly superficial, and designed to give some protection from prying eyes, only. Personally I keep forgetting password strings per index and methods used :lol: so I am always decoding in the terminal .... but it is effective. If I re-programme so that decoding methods are applied also to indexed contents, and adding a PSWD string to the book suffix, which will trigger the password and method entry gui to spring open when trying to access the book, might lock me out of my books forever! :shock: Also the books themselves are stored as files which could be independently encrypted. Snapp has directory encryption builtin, so '$camino/books' could be encrypted from within snapp.

2) plays radio using DogRadio .desktop files , depends on mpv and DogRadio.
3) send text to ticker, currently depends on DogRadio ticker and conky.
4) IPA function when you need to input special characters.
5) screenshot with 2s delay in tray menu
6) The clock function flashes alternately local time and HongKong time.
7) replaced tests using 'busybox which' with 'type -p'

I like the use in DogRadio of .desktop files to represent radio stations, along with a chain of executable commands, a url field, icon field etc .... this is just like the fields used in the indexed books .... i see a convergence up ahead. Also a wifi network connection profile, or a book could be represented using self-contained .desktop files in this way, as well as other media, anydesk connections, website bookmark connections specifying url and browser to use ... so many possibilities. In fact I will add a function which takes a radio station url and label from lists currently included with snapp-deps and build .desktop files for DogRadio ... a simple conversion algorithm in a function. ... GY9XLPS4C9

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

stemsee wrote: Sun Apr 23, 2023 10:07 pm

In fact I will add a function which takes a radio station url and label from lists currently included with snapp-deps and build .desktop files for DogRadio ... a simple conversion algorithm in a function. ... GY9XLPS4C9

Here is that code in script form. place script in your playlists directory and make executable and double click. This create .desktop files in /root/my-documents ... because there could be hundreds, then you select thee ones you want and move to /root/.dogradio2/data/
If you just want to convert your playlist.favourites or playlist.rock then substitute in for the '*' > playlist.favourites

Code: Select all

# by stemsee
for i in $(ls playlist.*)
cat "$i" | while read line
if [ ! -z "$line" ]; then
URL="$(echo $line | cut -f1 -d'|')"
if [ ! -z "$URL" ]; then
NAME="$(echo $line | cut -f2 -d'|')"
echo "[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/bin/bash -c \"export URL='"$URL"'; export NAME='"$NAME"'; export ICON='icons/search.png'; ./func\"
" > /root/my-documents/"$NAME".desktop

Changes in the book configuration will be the Icon: field, this will be used instead of the Comment: field to specify the icon to be displayed. This provides for a neater view in the list as the 'Icon: happy' happy will not be displayed but WILL set the happy.png icon.

Password: field ... currently does not accept a pipe ' base64 -d | md5sum' etc because i used yad --form, which seperates output fields with '|' so cannot include '|' in the method. Next update will use yad --entry or yad --text-info which doesn't use the '|' (pipe) symbol..... or maybe yad can specif output seperator...not sure!

SCENE and NEWSCENE need more work!

I will be ading gpg-zip for directory and file encoding. I already have the correct en-/de-coding strings saved to work without prompts. Currently only cryptsetup is used for usb storage /dev encryption.

Conky manipulations,
Nicons code ... which allows icon arrangements on desktop, even drawing patterns with icons using xdotool.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »


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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

Book update adding Status: field
With this field defined as 'Status:YES', it actually means locked, and index cannot be edited. 'Status:*' can be edited etc ...

Unfortunately it's not possible to add a 'Status:YES' field and save it! :lol:

Adding scarab '§' to the book name (not the extension), this will mean that it cannot be deleted from within snapp. To do simplyy select bookviewerfn then select book in selectables list (not double click) use COPY keyword in Nominative/SSID field, and rename book in Accusative/BSSID field addding a scarab '§' in the name, then click ACTION. This effectively creates a backup which cannot be deleted in the app.

xscreenshot, if available, is now used for tray menu screenshot, if not available mtpaint -s with 2 second delay will be used.

fixed bug with data RxTx total stored.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

stemsee wrote: Wed Apr 26, 2023 7:44 am

Book update adding Status: field
With this field defined as 'Status:YES', it actually means locked, and index cannot be edited. 'Status:*' can be edited etc ...

Unfortunately it's not possible to add a 'Status:YES' field and save it! :lol:

Saving as a locked index is now functional thanks to code from @Burunduk. The keyword to do it is LoCk_SaVe. This keyword will not be added to the keywords list, it must be remembered.

Password: indices now work with these options: the gui has password field, encode field and decode field.
If password alone matches password in index then it opens. You can also first encode password and put result in Password field in index. Then to match it you enter original password string plus encode method, or original string plus decode method. Third option is to encode original string twice 'echo $PASSWD | base 32 | base 64', put the result in Password: field in index. Then to open you must enter either matching string, or original string plus encoding method '$PASSWD' 'base32' and decode method 'base64 -d'
so they match in the middle. Of course you can encode and decode many times in a terminal before entering your password, but only the last encode or decode methods can be used with the gui, because making a pipe is too difficult as base64 takes '|' as an argument! Even escaping \| doesn't work.

I decided to remove usb device encryption. Replaced Ticker button on main gui with Books button instead. Ticker button exists on transdialogue gui. I have added sfs un-/loading functions. Added new icons for crypto, sfs, link, code, www.

I really feel the features are complete, if not excessive.

I am using the books feature more and more, I rely on it.

I take the wifi and bluetooth functionality for granted now. Wifi profiles and connecting still needs more work to reliably replace a dedicated app.

Rather than add additional features I just want to improve what's already there!

The main features are
1) Managing Desktop files
2) Bluetooth connections
3) Wifi Connections and profiles
4) Internet radio and local media playback/preview functionality.
5) books, notes, profiles, and scene management
6) system utilities; gamma, screen/keyboard brightness/layout, volume, screenshot, pseudo term
7) system remaster to basesfs, savefile, swapfile creation
8) network tray monitor
9) translation, dictionary, phonetics, ascii, colour, espeak
10) youtube downloader function (much better is the app 'ydown' being developed by @plinejviewtopic.php?t=8550 it's an essential tool in my arsenal, should be in every puppy/dog distro imho)
11) openvpn
12) scpfn (needs to be fully implemented)

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

removed epub text view function.
Removed ability to preview book64.

Added offset to book64 password. This offset is input using a spin wheel and is numeric. After you have got your encoded password ready and pasted it into your index, you can then add 'padding' as a prefix .... for example 'AaxLRfVZm' ... 9 characters ... so the password is from character you spin up 10. That's part of the decode method and the number of characters is significant but not the characters themselves. For the encode method the characters, not the quantity is significant, so this is a prefix added to your password after encoding. In case of not having an encode method. Of course the prefix could also be an encoded string. The purpose of this is that your original , source password string cannot easily be recovered even if someone manages to decode your index, including yourself .... unless they know the padding quantity and quality.

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The next stage will be to use these strings to encrypt the actual document simply by using a keyword while in an open index which has a defined Password field. Any index can be used with defined password field each time it is opened and saved. Then any intruder will not be able to decode the original document in /root/.config/snapp/books. Unfortunately this means forgetting your password means losing your access to your book ... unless I build in a backup mechanism which lets the user input a string of text which exists in the encrypted and encoded book, or something like that.For example we could get the md5sum of the book before encrypting and the md5sum or sha256sum of the book after encrypting, then encrypting the book using the result of the pre and post methods. As the md5sum of the unencrypted book could never be discovered after the unencrypted book is deleted. The final code could be saved as an offset infix.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »


I've worked hard and clearly on this recently. I found a lot of typos and illogical coding. I removed stuff and made improvements....especially to the wifi connection mechanism, which now has but one function 'condeffn' which connects to either netsel in /tmp or default in profiles. Scanning and connect wifi in tray only or main gui is working better than before, same for bluetooth scan and connect. Tray and menu bt and wifi functions reduced each to one function. I am confident now that this is a reliable and effective wifi app. Will be adding bells and whistles.

Added more icons.

Password entry can be used for simple matching password in field. Or with encode method to match saved password. Or encode and decode methods to match input string with doubly coded string in index. Or with all of the above plus offset, if there is an extra bit of padding at the beginning of the saved password string then use offset to ignore the dummy code. On my OS there are md5sum sha256sum sha512sum for decoding there are base32 and base64. One could write their own encoding decoding algorithms of course, including translation as a method of encoding/decoding.

As passwords only affect book64 type books those books do not show their encoded text at anytime, not in the list or via the PREVIEW keyword. Presently can be viewed outside the app, until encryption gets added.

espeak phonetics were not showing in transdialog function...fixed!
remasterfn can make a seperate sfs of your /root/.wine prefix just write 'IN' or 'OUT' in bssid field in remasterfn.

Back on track! ... EDnBhkKDah

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

Today I have added floating audio controls, with audio card profile selector. There are three audio card channel selectors. One is for bluetooth audio cards. The other two are labelled 'Master Volume' and 'Mic'. Master Volume has left and right volume sliders and +mute and -mute buttons which 'toggle' mute. The 'Mic' has a single slider and a mute toggle button and also a un-/mute read only test entry display. Either of these three can be used multiple times. So using the 'Mic' function to open six controls, one for each of the hardware equalizer channels in my card....yours might have more or less....I can control my eq bands with ease. Master Volume is appropriate to use with stereo channels such as stereo mics, headphones, Speakers, etc. There is also an 'Audio Profile' button. The way to use this function (on fatdog at least) is firstly to set up your audio device as the default sound card then save your /root/.asoundrc (/etc/asound.conf) file to /root/.config/snapp/profiles, with a name ...'AirPods.asoundrc' etc. Do this for each device, bluetooth, usb-audio, internal, other bluetooth. Then click 'Audio Profiles' button to open a list of the saved *.asoundrc files, selecting one (single click) activates that profile (copies to /root/.asoundrc). Then the next media program opened will play through that device. VLC has this built-in, I guess it creates it's own temporary .asoundrc profiles for each output device it finds. This means you can open apps to play with whichever device you have connected and profiles for.

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I have also added a wallpaper slideshow function, something I wrote a few years ago. It only works with rox filemanager using soapbox method. Simply drag'n'drop an image directory to the viewer, first line, then click ACTION. This will link that directory to /root/PiCS. Then the images will be cycled through displaying as wallpaper. The display duration is set with the scale slider before clicking ACTION. If the slider is set to 0 then the fastest time of 0.1 is set. To stop the slideshow, empty the viewer and click ACTION, this deletes the link and the loop is broken and exited. This works great especially for well sequenced images, and acts like an animation/video for your desktop wallpaper.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

I spent the day getting snapp script gettext ready, all labels, notifications , help, and presented text....just need translations. Maybe I can acheive that programatically.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

stemsee wrote: Mon May 08, 2023 10:05 pm

I spent the day getting snapp script gettext ready, all labels, notifications , help, and presented text....just need translations. Maybe I can acheive that programatically.

So yesterday I achieved success in regards to gettexting the script. So I only have a vague idea of the gettext process, I know that there are two code forms used when adding gettext one with variable expansion and one without, they look like this "$(gettext "$A_TEXT")", "$(gettext 'This is a test')". I also know that you don't normally gettext code, because even if you translate binary and script names within the script, outside of the script the binaries still have their original could link those executables with links named in the desired language, that should work, and maybe its a good idea. Gettext also requires some preparation, in preparing the 'po' files (i think), with the translated menu and text items. So generally speaking to cover translations for many languages requires several people to do the preparation for each language translation, creating sets of translated snippets for menus and help and feedback texts etc. But now from today there is another option .....

Introducing stemsee's 'transtext'
This is an internal option which depends on the 'trans' script and 'google' translation service.
So, gettext your scripts as usual. Then create a gettext function

Code: Select all

function gettext {
	#if [[ $(echo "$EXIP" | grep "[0-255].[0-255].[0-255].[0-255]") != "" ]]; then
	if [ $(type -p trans) != "" ]; then
		 lng=$(locale | grep LANG | cut -c6,7)
		 WORK=$(echo -e "$1" | timeout 7 trans -e google -b -tl "$lng")
		 [ "$WORK" ] && echo "$WORK" || echo "$1"
		echo "$1"
};export -f gettext

Now the gettext strings are translated 'live' into the system's locale setting's language! This results in a delay when opening gui windows or initiating new functions, while the translations are executed. If there is no internet connection or trans is not installed then it remains in English, and there is no delay.

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I have tested in four languages so far .... all fairly succesful, but maybe not the 'best' vocabulary selections used in idiomatic or computer jargon expressions. This is a first attempt so room for improvement.

The next step is to save these translations locally so retrieval delays will then be minimised if not eradicated , after first uses. The saving and retrieval system ideally should be compatible with the gettext system, which i don't yet understand, or proprietary, which is my usual thing. Either way I think it will be difficult. Maybe need some help with that one!

Phew...that saved a lot of 'leg work' .... snapp is now available in every language which google translate has available to we-the-public.

I have taken the book64 password entry function just one step further.
Previously I added 'OffSet' but to be clear OffSet is usual for the end of string padding, so to balance this out I felt compelled to add 'OnSet' settings as well. OnSet is for the beginning of string padding and OffSet is for the end of string padding. So the actual code is somewhere within a longer string, only you know the start and end points. Padding works with unencoded passwords too. For example, the password 'CryptoCop555' can be OnSet padded 'NiceCryptoCop555' the padding is 'Nice' , isn't it, which is 4 character places, so the OnSet value is '4 + 1 = 5', our password starts at the fifth character place. Add OffSet padding 'NiceCryptoCop555Moron', The OffSet is 'Moron', which is 5 character places, so the OffSet value is '5 + 1 = 6'. Just remember 5/6 ... as a tempo! Because of this you can just remember favourite musical pieces and its tempo 2/4, 5/4, 6/8 etc. And give yourself a 'hint' in the comment or book title. It's optional and doesn't need to be used for those who want to keep it simple and quick.

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The security and password gui mechanism has now been moved to its own function that can be called and used by other parts of the script and its functions.

Also I added a bit of code which selects a default player. The last is the preferred option.

Code: Select all

[[ $(type -p mplayer) != "" ]] && player="mplayer"
[[ $(type -p pmusic) != "" ]] && player="pmusic" 
[[ $(type -p vlc) != "" ]] && player="vlc" 
[[ $(type -p ffplay) != "" ]] && player="ffplay" 
[[ $(type -p mpv) != "" ]] && player="mpv"
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Last edited by stemsee on Sat May 13, 2023 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

Saving and retrieving translated strings has now been solved. Delays are far shorter now, after the first runs in a new language. Each language gets it's own directory in /root/.config/snapp/transtext/'$language/*.transtext

Right to left languages pose a challenge for the gui. I will have to research what solutions others have found.

I tested with Russian, Portuguese, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Tamil, Korean ... most text and labels get translated .... I cannot vouch for the translations, but no matter because the user can edit the saved translations as they like.

Also, starting snapp from the commandline lets you specify language as "$2"

Code: Select all

snapp dark es

in this case Spanish.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

New keyword: TRANSPROFI
a file in the Genitive / Docs field will be translated and displayed in the Viewer.
If Docs field is empty contents of the viewer will be translated and replaced with the translation.
If both Docs and Viewer are empty, selected text will get translated.
Translated to language is selectable in Password field from a locales list.

WIFI connection is broken for the minute! Headache....

Gettext function (transtext system) now saves original strings, but the $HANDLE is taken from the md5sum hash of the translated string. The purpose of this is that further development will use those to create an abstraction layer for parsable code words. So that the user sees translated text, but selecting that parsable text, will invoke transtextoriginal function to replace translated string with the stored original for executable functionality. This heralds a new dawn in programming and translation interoperability, as it could also be used to substitute different programming language strings. (sometimes I think I must be possessed by Nikolai Tesla).

The Transtext system is very good, so snapp can be delivered with language packs, even though it can generate those itself on the first run.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

It would be nice to add Google Vision API, for OCR (text recognition in an image), to 'trans'. Actually it works best in the browser.

Multi-mode is enabled by default.

Sealed off book64 from previews and overwriting.

Added process id in tray menu. Easier to match an open maingui with a given tray menu instance among several.

Other tweaks and improvements.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

Well .... I thought wifi connection was broken, however, just boarded a train to London and connected to the onboard wifi, portable Edge browser (current favourite) immediately opened the captive portal, and I'm online! So Maybe it's not broken, just this stupid iphone hotspot. Wifi....argh!

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

Self translating....etc

download link

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

omg - that's what happens when you try too many simultaneous experiments! That has to be the buggiest possible release to date!! My apologies ... update coming soon!

WiFi is partially back.

Added ability to specify full icon path in book, 'Icon:/root/xscreenshot.png', to show image (full size unfortunately) in list. We can also save an image as base64 encoded text in notes. But it becomes 33% bigger.

Desktop slideshow also can use pcmanfm and feh (openbox) to set backgrounds.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

Just for an experiment i added password protection to thescript startup, maingui startup and transdialogue function. These only 'trigger' when a language argument is supplied... ie 'snapp dark es' es is Spanish language. Then the password is dynamic. IT is the snapp script process id, the language code 'es', and the snapp version...'4506es4.8.4'. If your desktop is left open then you have a lot of protection just from within snapp. Even if you supply the first password, you will then get the tray menu, in which you can scan wifi and bluetooth and connect etc And also use other menu functions such as screenshot, random mac/hostname, iface up/down. But opening up maingui or transdialog will require password entries. Maybe over the top!

Removed 'Executive' function and button from transdialog.
Removed Administrative Command List ... this will be packaged as an indexed book!

Trafficinfo bug from when i changed $ip to $ip_address, but forgot to update variable in notificatoin popup.

Successfully added translating to Language, Keyboard layout, Locales and eSpeak language lists.
added a simple alarm function. It flashes a text alert on screen and if espeak is installed will speak the alert as defined by the user. The alarm creates a script in Startup, so it repeats daily. Any number of alarms can be set, just need a unique 'alert' text. The text gets translated if language has been set from cli. And also spoken in translated language.

Now generating a book also creates a sub folder with the name of that book for the purpose of organising additional files and images which will be accessible from within an index.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

Spent some time obfuscating the script. This version has high security, The script cannot be directly viewed even if you find it!! If it's altered it wont run. Security kicks in to very high mode if starting command line and specifying language for e.g. 'snapp dark zh'. The password is the process id, language code and version .... '$$zh4.8.4' expanded. If opening from the menu then normal use and no extra security.

This has language packs for; de - German, es - Espanol, ja - Japanese, ka - Georgian, ko - Korean, la - latin ,ru - Russian , zh - Chinese

fake .gz

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

More improvements! gettext and transtext functions updated. Transtext gets translations for gui in the gettext function, otherwise an infinite loop is created. The gui provides interactive editing of retrieved translations before saving. Local language transtexts are also created.
Security only kicks in if a fifth argument is passed to the exe on startup ... cli

Books drag'n'drop an image such as created by xscreenshot to the index icon field. This provides a form of manual scaling.

Saving edits to books now happens without reloading book in list. However to see an added icon in the list then book must be reloaded.

The snapp script is now only 4 lines long after advanced compression techniques.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

Made some improvements yesterday.

ALARM) create daily alarms with flashing popups and espeak audio reminders set by user.
e2p) epub ebook pages captured to .png files for easy reading in snapp, or as a desktop slideshow ... or
THUMBNAILS) uses ffmpeg to create scaled .png thumbnails in thumbnails subdirectory in.jpg image directory. For previewing in snapp list. On double clicking an entry the original image gets opened using feh --scale-down.
SCREENSHOT) used xwd -silent -root to grab a screenshot. There are now 3 capture methods, xwd, xscreenshot, and mtpaint, depending
TRANS_PROFI) translate file in Docs field or Viewer or Selected text.
TRANS_EDITOR) for editing or deleting transtexts.

From cli snapp can accept 5 arguments. First argument is dark or light. Second argument is language code. Third argument is trans editor. Fourth argument is alternative translation viewed in editor. Fifth argument is for higher security, password requests for tray and gui startup.

I am now implementing a development version control system of my own making.

snapp now employs a new startup process. That will develope into heavily encrypted fragmentations, distributed according to grammatical logic, and their semantic reconstitution. There will be only one executable script called snapp, consisting of three lines. Shebang, Copyright comment, and a code string!

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

snappdrives.png (93.62 KiB) Viewed 4736 times

New Features!!

1) Introducing the concept of Yad Pinboard. This uses desktopfiles. In case you have no pinboard this lets you prepare a yad pseudo pinboard. Depends on yfb (yad file browser), which creates desktop files representing the system directory structure and files, but not /sys /proc /tmp etc. in /tmp. Simply drag'n'drop the desktop files you want to use to /root/.config/snapp/desktopfiles, then fire up ypbfn from selectables.

2) Harddrives mounting and unmounting from the tray menu, with icon indicator. Will also add this to the maingui as a list operation.

3) yad file browser .... creates desktop files which represent directories and files in your system and open according to the Exec= command string.

With these additions snapp will let you run your desktop with no pinboard or panels, and possible with no window manager too, just need to add some keycodes. Basically "Everything Everywhere All At Once"

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

Storage Devices now manage swap partitions too.

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

Storage Device status now indicated in tray menu. Also can un/mount from list.

Added 4 screen rotations and 8 window placement functions. Added
xrandr -x for mirror transformation

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »


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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »

i will add keyboard shortcuts management in next version

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Re: SNApP (System Nonsuch ApP)

Post by stemsee »


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