I guess when I have to. But I don't like to. [Fortunately, like everyone else, sometimes I don't realize I'm only guessing. ]
Someone complained that a flatpak for gramps wasn't available for OS in use. There is one. In addition to the 1 Gb flatpak framework, the gramps flatpak would have been a 1 Gb download requiring 1.6 Gbs of storage space. I pointed out what I considered waste guessing that the gramps application would likely only be about 30 Mbs. Realizing that I was guessing, and noticing the absence of recent gramps applications for Puppys, I decided to try to build one. I was almost right. The resulting SFS is just short of 29 Mbs.
https://www.mediafire.com/file/ct1dwhe4 ... 4.sfs/file
I tried unsuccessfully to convert it to an AppImage using fredx181's application. And the SFS doesn't function under F-96. So I think it's only for Jammy64. But the following recipe may be helpful if you want to build your own.
Likely easier to do using pkg-cli; but I haven't mastered that. So:
1. Used PPM to download the gramps deb.
2. Extracted that and opened in a text-editor the file named Control thus revealed. Control lists all of gramps' dependencies, recommended libraries, and suggested additional libraries.
3. I used PPM to download them all into a folder named gramps_jammy64-5.1.
4. PaDS from here, https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 6355#p6355 combined all the debs into an SFS in about 2 minutes.
5. Mounted the SFS and copied its contents into a folder named gramps_jammy64-5.1.5.
6. Check for and had to make the following usual adjustments to /usr/share/applications/NAME-OF-APP.desktop when debian/ubuntu provides the source packages:
a. remove %f from Exec= line
b. Change the argument in Categories= to one Puppy recognizes; and
c. find an icon (one was buried in /usr/share/icons/apps... which I symlinked into /usr/share/pixmaps) to specify in Icon=
7. Run dir2sfs on the folder created in 5.
The application opened but complained about a translation problem. Googling revealed that this has happened before. [My guess is that someone failed to include a recommendation in Control's list]. At any rate, that lead me to type the missing component into PPM which then downloaded the debs shown here:
8. Adding them to the folder of Step 3 and repeating the following steps produced an SFS which appears to be fully functional, including geo-mapping capabilities.