Advance notice - samba change for +4

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Advance notice - samba change for +4

Post by peebee »

Advance notice: probably of interest to @Clarity @Marv
The recent SC change to icu73 is the straw that broke this camel's back.....
samba was rendered kaput and needed rebuilding....
I have therefore decided instead to make a cut-down .sfs of samba built from SC packages - and to include this as a separate .sfs in the .iso
This new way of providing samba can be previewed in +3h onwards ... /interims/ ... /interims/

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Re: Advance notice - samba change for +4

Post by Clarity »

Thank @peebee. As you know Tovalds is adding smb support.

Whatever is the best solution to plan the future of WoofCE builds is entrusted to development. If this is the best approach to having stable builds, I am always in favor of it.

I am sure that similar decisions continue to happen for ALL subsystems that go into building stable outcomes.

I support your vision. We'll just need 'best practices' literature/statement for activating smb support in your Slackware releases. The objective should always be, understanding that this is a useful often used subsystem, "what is easiest for users?".

Thanks for this alert.

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