kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init exitcode 0x00007f00

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kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init exitcode 0x00007f00

Post by gambino »

(newbie here)
today i turned on my laptop and happened this,I was already using it for about 3 months, what should i do? Image

currently fossapup64 9.5 CORRECTING (IT`S FRUGAL INSTALL) , right now (i writing i this in the ram mode)

imagekernelerror.jpg (116.05 KiB) Viewed 2093 times
Last edited by gambino on Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init exitcode 0x00007f00

Post by Flash »

Is this a full install or a frugal install?

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Re: kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init exitcode 0x00007f00

Post by gambino »

full install

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Re: kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init exitcode 0x00007f00

Post by Eastler_Dart »

It seems to be a frugal-install, a full install (as I know from older puppies)
dosn't load the puppy....sfs files.

There are many possibilities causing that error

I think first you have to check, if the change to that error
is in your savefolder.
Your screenshot shows, that this is

First you should check the sda1 harddisk on write-errors,
if it is a ext2 or ext3 filesystem do it with
e2fsck -n -f /dev/sda1
your sda1 gets checked, found problems get showed on screen,
and NOTHING GETS CHANGED at the hdd (the -n parameter).
The sda1 partition should be unmount / not mounted to do that check.

If there are no errors, rename your save-folder, so that fossapup doesn't find it
which results in a fresh new boot with no user - configurations.
If that lucks, the error is in the save-folder in a file which influences the booting.

Try it and report here your result.

hope it helps, Eastler

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Re: kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init exitcode 0x00007f00

Post by bigpup »

You have a frugal install.
It is the best way to run Puppy Linux.
Frugal is just the name, it is still the complete Fossapup64 OS.

If it boots OK when you select ram mode. Not using the save.

Something is messed up with the save.

If doing the e2fsck does not find anything or fix it

Anything you added, changed settings, deleted something, etc....... just before this happened?

What format is sda1?

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init exitcode 0x00007f00

Post by gambino »

Yes is frugal install my bad

i do the e2fsck:
e2fsck -n -f /dev/sda1
e2fsck 1.45.5 (07-Jan-2020)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/dev/sda1: 163394/18767872 files (3.4% non-contiguous), 31719152/75070464 blocks

didn`t work

Anything you added, changed settings, deleted something, etc....... just before this happened? prob I uninstalled busybox

What format is sda1? ext4

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Re: kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init exitcode 0x00007f00

Post by amethyst »

Boot in RAM mode (without the save folder). If it boots, the problem is with the save folder (that could be MANY problems). Good luck with sorting out the problems with your save folder. Unfortunately this is the disadvantage of working with a save file/folder. When it gets corrupted, it's a mess.

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Re: kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init exitcode 0x00007f00

Post by peebee »

gambino wrote: Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:49 pm

prob I uninstalled busybox

YOUCH!!!! Busybox is an absolutely fundamental component of Puppy......... why on earth did you do that??

Your save area will now be corrupted - you may be able to fix it by finding and deleting the hidden "whiteout" files which "delete" system elements.... but it would be easier to throw away the save area and start again with a fresh new one!

Builder of LxPups, SPups, UPup32s, VoidPups; LXDE, LXQt, Xfce addons; Chromium, Firefox etc. sfs; & Kernels

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Re: kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init exitcode 0x00007f00

Post by bigpup »

This may help you if you want to try it.

Removed builtin programs. How to restore what was removed by whitelisting
Boot in ram mode.

May need to mount the fossapup64save, to get it searched, when using Pfind.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: kernel panic - not syncing: attempted to kill init exitcode 0x00007f00

Post by mikeslr »

peebee wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 6:01 am
gambino wrote: Sun Apr 09, 2023 11:49 pm

prob I uninstalled busybox

YOUCH!!!! Busybox is an absolutely fundamental component of Puppy......... why on earth did you do that??

Not just to kick a guy when he's down, but for future reference. Never remove anything unless you know what, and everything, it does. Of course, what some applications do is obvious; such as gnumeric. And as you remove a builtin application you may receive a notice suggesting that that some dependencies may remain but are no longer needed. But take that with a grain of salt. They may be needed by some other application.

Frankly, removing anything is more trouble than its worth. On boot-up Puppy copies your core file-system into RAM-Cache and indexes the files there. As you use an application the necessary files are moved from RAM-Cache into Active RAM and other files --not currently needed--are dropped from Active RAM. The result is that very little RAM available to use for running applications become unavailable. See this post, ... 4070#p4070. The LibreOffice.SFS used there took about 180 Mbs of space on Storage. Loading it and opening a document reduced the available RAM by 46 Mbs.

It is far more efficient to use Menu>Setup>Menu manager to turn off the display of unwanted applications.

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