I'm using Fossapup64 CE (F96_3) frugal install.
Is there a system variable somewhere which echos the name of the savefile in use?
Moderators: 666philb, Forum moderators
On Fossapup64-9.5, this information is in /etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE
In a script it could be:
Code: Select all
. /etc/rc.d/PUPSTATE
echo ${PUPSAVE##*/}
stat "/initrd/mnt/dev_save${PUPSAVE##*,}"
You can also note what's been used when any Puppy boots. And all recent Puppys have Menu>System>Pup-SysInfo. Opened, its Sys Specs >Profiles >Complete will identify the name of the SaveFile/Folder being used in the Distro State paragraph.