Pupsave Backup: small error in script?

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Pupsave Backup: small error in script?

Post by mow9902 »

I'm running F96 CE_v3 with frugal install.

On my system:

  • If I execute Pupsave Backup (from the menu) and do not choose compression, then the script does the backup and puts it into the nominated destination directory.
    ..but seems to leave the initial gtkdialog message on the screen even after the backup is completed.

  • If I execute Pupsave Backup (from the menu) and also choose compression, then the script does the backup, but puts it into the same directory which contains the target save file.
    ...and leaves the initial gtkdialog message on the screen even after the backup is completed.

Can anyone else verify this? Thanks

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Re: Pupsave Backup: small error in script?

Post by geo_c »

mow9902 wrote: Tue Apr 04, 2023 11:18 pm

I'm running F96 CE_v3 with frugal install.

On my system:

  • If I execute Pupsave Backup (from the menu) and do not choose compression, then the script does the backup and puts it into the nominated destination directory.
    ..but seems to leave the initial gtkdialog message on the screen even after the backup is completed.

  • If I execute Pupsave Backup (from the menu) and also choose compression, then the script does the backup, but puts it into the same directory which contains the target save file.
    ...and leaves the initial gtkdialog message on the screen even after the backup is completed.

Can anyone else verify this? Thanks

I can concur that when running a fossapup64_9.5 or F96_CE install where changes aren't written immediately to the save, but instead require running "save session to pupsave" as is done in the event manager, then a "session saved" message is left on the desktop until X is restarted. This has been the case since fossapup64_9.5, and I believe it's an annoying bug.

In the case of pupsave backup, the same occurs if session changes in ram require being written to the pupsave before creating the backup. So it's really the save session to pupsave routine that creates the annoying message being left on the screen.

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Re: Pupsave Backup: small error in script?

Post by mikeslr »

""session saved" message is left on the desktop until X is restarted" may be 'computer-specific' or the result of the presence of some specific application or setting.. It doesn't happen on my F96. Occasionally did happen under Fossapup64. Or it may relate to the current amount of content in the SaveFile/Folder: 'tacking' something new into a large SaveFile/Folder takes a long time and the 'remove dialog on desktop' routine may have 'expired'.

What is annoying and seems to happen under F96 and IIRC every recent Puppy is that when a Save is executed a .wh is written to /root/thumbs: result, thumbnails are no longer shown until the SaveFile/Folder is mounted, the .wh is fdeleted and 'X' restarted.

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