This is a project to give F96-CE-3 Puppy Linux a more attractive look, in order to increase users interested about trying Puppy Linux.
We are not codding professionals, so in case you can help us to improve this mod, all of you are welcome, but please, in case your main objective is only to find errors, and minusvalorate our work, stop reading at this point, THANKS.
This is the first @nilsonmorales project with a x64 PuppyLinux, and he used to develop it the last version (non official) of puppy, F96-CE-3)
When we started this project, we bear in mind create not a faster puppy, not a more complex one, not a… but a more attractive one.
Each day, when working with students, I discovered that they don’t feel the same motivation about linux as I have, because they think it is complex and with no attractive effect, but this changed the day they saw the effects Nilson include in one of his previous distros.- BLANCA EDITION. (glass effect and CUBE)
The problem with this version, is that it uses a x32 environment, and we know we must create a most updated one, so we started working with F96-CE-3.
So after a lot of tries and tests, we feel proud to present the Release Candidate of our distro.-
F96CE-XFCE-FUSILLI 4.2 (name where we mentioned its origin, the base xfce and the used visual effects through fusilli)
You can see our modification on the included pupplet (etc) but we want to include them here not to make u waste your precious time (it’s an attached text file)
If you want to obtain more info, we are starting to build a site where we are going to include some characteristics, tips and tricks to facilitate the complete use of this Puppy derivative.
You can download all of them from INTERNET ARCHIVE . ORG
We include a Creative Commons license, if you consider we must change this licence, please , let us know.-- CHEERS
It is a spanish distro, but you can change the language without problem.
Pupple with the info, its included in the RC iso, into the etc folder, but we include it here to so you can test it
CC2 ALL PEOPLE WHO COLLABORATE (and of course the creators of the base).