KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 ( 766 MiB )

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Clarity »

Again, KL is not some backroom distro experiment.

It has become a Flagship of the distros in this community. All the things I do is in the interest of this flagship.

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by wiak »

Yes, an exact best way howto install samba (client and/or server) would be useful. I won't myself be trying to install it since I don't use Windows at all here and no-one familiar with how to use samba. However, @rockedge said in another thread he wanted to try it so we will see how that goes and what effect it has on distro additional size and so on. I don't know myself how much bigger it would be once all compressed, but main thing is that I don't know enough about samba to even try it. In cases like this it is always better if someone produces a step-by-step howto and good to include what install sizes and any extras involved.

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Clarity »

This is not a request, but for anyone who want to use it whether you do so via a VM or via bare-metal.

Run any WoofCE PUP', pristine or otherwise

  1. On desktop, go to Menu>Network>Simple SAMBA Management

  2. Fill in ANY folder or your choice which can contain any files/folders you want to have shared/seen by members of your LAN community

    Simple SAMBA Use
    Simple SAMBA Use
    Simple SAMBA use2.jpg (26.21 KiB) Viewed 1271 times
  3. Click apply. The SAMBA switch will turn on.

That folder can be seen and its contents referenced by your LAN community members.

You might also add other folders; say 1 named Music and/or another Videos-Pics ...or any name-folder combinations of one's choice.

The developers of the Puppy community has made this too simple and it a primary reason why there are so few questions about this LAN sharing subsystem. :thumbup:

In QEMU is just as simple to share info with the running HOST system. 'puppyshare' name, for example, can be changed to whatever name one chooses. The VM guest uses its samba client to move info to/from the host

This is not a knock at Linux conforming to something. SMB is a technology across OSes.

Hope this is useful user info.

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by wiak »

Clarity wrote: Mon Mar 27, 2023 2:45 am

This is not a request, but for anyone who want to use it whether you do so via a VM or via bare-metal.

Run any WoofCE PUP', pristine or otherwise

  1. On desktop, go to Menu>Network>Simple SAMBA Management

  2. Fill in ANY folder or your choice which can contain any files/folders you want to have shared/seen by members of your LAN communitySimple SAMBA use.jpg

  3. Click apply. The SAMBA switch will turn on.

That folder can not be seen and its contents reference by your LAN community members.

Yes, I think we know about that samba frontend available in most all, maybe all, Pups. But it is just a simple frontend, written in gtkdialog or whatever. That's not the problem - rather it is setting up the underlying samba system, whatever libs are required, how big they are, what configuration is involved. A gui frontend is only that - it doesn't help with this decision or not. Also no distro is probably concerned to copy what any other provides. Good for Puppy is all I can say - but no use to me personally - the question remains: how many need or want samba support and do they want client, server, or both, and is anyone going to do a test install of samba to see what that involves anyway. What else can the post be if not a "request"? As fredx181 said, what is needed in such circumstances where some want something and some don't is a howto showing how easy and non-burdening the request is. I don't agree that Samba is an essential nowadays - otherwise how on earth do I manage to use my computer without it?! That doesn't mean I wouldn't agree for someone to include it if it didn't involve too much. We don't include a video creation program or even libreoffice, or abiword, or gnumeric usually - I imagine more people use these than they use samba, and we do include alternative file sharing programs that work really well - just they aren't samba. Most of us who use Linux all the time, probably never use Windows much if ever at all (unless some employment forces that upon us) and I wonder who exactly is purposively putting in so much dev efforts and distro building for the sake of some so-called Windows refugees or 'newbies'; I know none of that is anything to do with my own work. I just build what I need personally, but since I contribute to this forum I do listen to what others would like, and if not too much trouble I just slot extras in. Sometimes it turned out to be a lot of trouble and work and time, however - SG2D and Ventoy support took more effort than any development work since; however, that is done now, so I use it sometimes now too (not SG2D though - I don't like it at all), but I certainly don't need it. Qemu is a different matter - making sure that worked is important.

I still think, eventually, if samba (and again need to know client or server or both?) proves too big or too much work for anyone able to add it to the distros, then maybe someone should provide an addon sfs that includes that. I'm just an observer on this matter and if @rockedge does find time to try it all out and comes to a conclusion to include samba in KLV then I'll also see what was involved and consider whether to do the same in my own KLA or KLU releases. However, what is included as a samba frontend in Puppy makes no difference at all. KL distros (all of them) use official upstream package managers. If you are familiar with samba (be that client or server or both) and you think it should be included then you really shouldn't simply say it should be included, you should be submitting a detailed howto, or an addon sfs, that shows how easy it is to include - I'm pretty sure it must be relatively trivial to install samba via package manager and get it working with Windows - but I just myself have no interest in setting up a Windows-related network to test it out here. Lucky if @rockedge finds time to do such extra work, but really I feel those who think samba should be included are the same who should do the installation, testing, and howto as their contribution. Otherwise, I think it will never happen, and rockedge might report back that it involves too much work and more iso-size increase than he is happy to incorporate - the GUI frontend is always going to be a trivial matter though, and what Puppy includes or doesn't include seems completely irrelevant to me, or what Linux Mint includes for that matter...

Maybe I'm simply not a very good 'community' member. Indeed plenty of opinions in other threads suggest exactly that. DId I ever claim to be? My interest is in Linux - I use it - I have long enjoyed reading posts on this forum, though sometimes not; I build something for myself and so I contribute it in case anyone else finds it useful. Afterall I use stuff others contribute here too and I use plenty stuff contributed on other forums and found throughout the Internet, but I simply don't have forum accounts or many other places to contribute to elsewhere anyway. I'm certain don't have any interest at all in being in any Puppy forum gang (and really don't use Puppy unless to help someone else with some problem they post about) - I absolutely accept the claim that I am not a community gang sort or member - forum member, yes, that's how I'm posting and announcing whatever I release wherever that may be stored, but really I'm not myself trying to push any distro on this forum above any distro not on this forum. If some external distro beats all of the ones here, I'll just be using that - faithful is not a word I'd use about Linux endeavours of my own, sorry if that is seen as some sort of sin or disqualification. I'm a Linux user and not trying to compete with any other distro in terms of what should or should not be included. End of that story from my point of view. Publish a howto install samba (and show for client and/or server depending what you wish) if you really want action, or hope someone else does it...?

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Clarity »

@wiak there are several items you share which I find simply problematic. And I want us to continue this as an academic discussion...as it is NOT an argument.

Firstly, you are overlooking 1 IMPORTANT FACT of forum distros: REMASTERs!
The forum distros provide internal vehicles for removing ANY shipped application and has done this for decades. In the world of computer users, when a user chooses that course of action, they (the user) call the items removed as 'bloat'. Every developer knows this and almost EVERY development organization has had their shipped product(s) referenced as having bloat. Puppyland addressed this with internals giving users the ability to remove and to remaster.

Next, you seems to conflate Windows with the smb protocol. They ARE NOT the same. Windows just became the 1st OS to ship an OS that uses the standard in its OS of 1995...3 years after Andrew & Linus began supplying SAMBA for world's development. Today, smb is built-in to every desktop OS distributions giving all a common way to 'share' information securely.

Thirdly, whether you personally or desire or need the subsystem, the world for years has left that idea behind as the benefit is greater. The ability for smb information sharing is as ubiquitous in today's world of the standard in devices, as home LAN services is, with wire/wireless Ethernet. I have TVs that use it, phones that use it, couple camera data, audio played from a PC, etc. I am not alone in use of one or many of these units as they are now everywhere in society stores/online for home customer use. Could I, like you, go out of my way to avoid for some reason especially a personal one, YES; but why? The cost to replicate the work of many of the world developers to produce a functionally safe technology in the linux world is a benefit to all users of Linux/Unix OSes. For me I do not have in-built "avoidances" in my personality. (Maybe I partied too hard between studies, then work-life, then senior-life.)

Your reference, though, that "it is practical to many" is accurate.

Lastly the post you show had that last line updated to

Code: Select all

That folder can be seen and its contents reference by your LAN community members.

(old guy fingers and thoughts were confused on the original line...then fixed when discovered.

No need to apologize in your post. I find your info sharing pleasant even knowing sometimes I think people misunderstand your post sometimes. This happens to all of us on the forum from time to time; certainly true in my case too.

I think that we have a model that has NOT been disruptive or demanded much of developer's time by user requests over the decade it has been available as a staple in most of the distros in this forum. There have been a few requests, but overall I believe the community has been helpful to members who use it on those rare request for help. And, on some rare occasions, testers have discovered components and reported to development for corrections as we do for ALL broken or bug components.

Rather than asking the community for a response to a subsystem that has been present and working for years is asking for an emotional response. Most everyone know the value no matter if they use the technology or not. Some may not, but rarely do we run into people who do not know how to use the smb technology in their OSes to share information.

Technology people know the outcome of this. :!:

YET, I am listening! You and Fred may be highlighting that a packaging to mimic what is found in other forum distros requires work that is presently not done. AGREED!

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by rockedge »

@Clarity I am working on getting SAMBA going correctly in KLV. It was working all in the alpha and beta stages but now Thunar is not seeing SAMBA shares across the LAN and I am trying to find out why.

I am thinking it might be kernel related as to why Thunar stopped connecting with smb://

Anyway I am experimenting as we speak so have a cup of coffee and no worries.

UPDATE: installation seems to be working @wiak more info here -> viewtopic.php?p=85418#p85418

Update #2 I have SAMBA working both ways now with KLV-Airedale. I found by giving Thunar the entire SAMBA path the shares are found and can be connected.
In KLV-Airedale-rc14 using Thunar->Network->smb://pedge210/pedge which will connect to F96-CE_3 machine named pedge210 and the shares pedge

SAMBA management on F96-CE_3

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Clarity »

WOW!!! I just got home to see this NEWS.

This means running QEMU on desktop, we now can open pathway to the HOST for gaining/adding any info important to either PC; namely the HOST PC or the Virtual PC (VM) with no need to install anything OOTB. Every user has access and also on bare-metal can share.

This completes KLA such that all of the equivalent functions I have in PUPs/FATDOG/etc as a HOST, are present in KL series distros.

@rockedge AGAIN my hat is off to YOU and the members of this area who continue improving this forum distro series!!! :thumbup:

This is why I have commented on this distro being Flagship. With this included in the build recipe, It does EVERYTHING, OOTB, expected that we find on MACs, and all mainstream OSes.

The maturity of this series from the time that it started to now is INCREDIBLE!!!! :!:

And much of the approaches seen in this series is both exceptional as well as creative. Special THANKS to you for this, as well as to @wiak, @fredx181, @Sofiya, @geo_c AND EVERYONE else who have developed, tested, or used in the constant exchanges of ideas and improvement that continues in the KL series.


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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by rockedge »

@Clarity here you go ->

Screenshot.gif (103.03 KiB) Viewed 1130 times

Still need to fix up somethings to modify it for KLV

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Clarity »

This is TRUE here in KL series. Community participation.

Following is a picture I thought was appropriate.

Linux Creative.jpg
Linux Creative.jpg (26.73 KiB) Viewed 1121 times
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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by wiak »

Well, I'm fine with samba (client or server or both rockedge?) inclusion if easy add on and no issues that make it not good for default inclusion.

So good therefore it is working in tests and seems reasonable (?) to include in default KLV-Airedale.

I will still need detailed step by step instructions if I am to consider building it into my own KL releases (KLA variants and KLU-jam). I don't so much need or ask for anyone else to build it into KLA or KLU, just the steps in as much useful detail as possible so becomes just a "do it; try it" sort of addition).

Will be slightly different maybe since different package managers) and I'll get round to testing that sometime (but will be a while guys - I'm really overloaded now with other non-computing matters - I spent far too long bringing KLA and KLU distros on-board - each individual distro piles on the amount of work involved since they are all very different to a large extent (even those using XFCE). But for now, that's great if KLV-Airedale continues to blaze the way since inclusions are always easier when a template is available from a similar under-the-hood organised distro.

As I said elsewhere, I am also keen to release a distro that works out-of-the-box with current mainstream container technology (using Podman - the Docker "alternative" Fedora has promoted). If users are like myself they probably haven't had much experience with the likes of Docker, and Podman works much the same but better in many ways. Only way to really understand this technology is, like everything else, try it, and not having simple way to do that makes it a big hill to climb for most of us - however, I now know pretty well how to do it and also how to explain its use in very simple way. How useful it proves to be is a matter of what users find it useful for... certainly is an alternative to Qemu and so on virtual machines - different in lots of ways, more efficient I'd say if you want to run lots of distro root filesystems (commandline or full desktop GUI). Certainly interesting, and I'm happy myself to now know and understand a lot more about it so a distro that has that all working out of the box with simple usage instructions will hopefully prove useful to others.

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by rockedge »

@wiak looking at it quickly it looks like a similar approach and the Samba Simple Management GUI can be adapted.

I think installing with the package manager and then enabled smbd and nmbd as services. Getting the GUI working should be easy enough in theory......... :ugeek:

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Clarity »

Over the years SAMBA in forum distros have 3 elements that are common that I use/check periodically;

  1. The server elements of smbd + nmbd (comes with the package)

  2. SSM menu utility as it makes ease of use of the above with no user knowledge necessary. The SSM will modify the smb.conf to match the elements/changes of those shown in the default SSM window.

  3. smbclient and findsmb (command-line utilities for both discovery or use of other LAN systems which share). These utilities are found on most every Linuxes with smb protocol services.

This does not preclude that should anyone wants, they could go much much deeper in how they setup for their individual needs...should they choose beyond the sharing of folders and printers that come OOTB in the smb.conf

NONE of what I share here is new info, Same pattern of use since 1990s. Same patterns of use in PUPs since their common introduction, starting with the work of the forum developers @01micko, the FATDOG developers and @TaZoC who was major before illness took him. Their work has made this so simple in use beyond ANYTHING seen in MS/MACs. They were so CLEVER with the user in mind!

Hope this is meaningful

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Wed Mar 29, 2023 10:16 pm

@wiak looking at it quickly it looks like a similar approach and the Samba Simple Management GUI can be adapted.

I think installing with the package manager and then enabled smbd and nmbd as services. Getting the GUI working should be easy enough in theory......... :ugeek:

In theory I agree, but what packages and any special configs? The gui is just a gui frontend so I agree simple part of it. I just don't have time to do this without detailed steps and any needed configs sorry. Of course I've set up Linux with samba in the past, but I don't have time or inclination to revisit it myself right now.

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by rockedge »

@wiak today I can set it up on KLA or should I go first with KLU? Anyway I will see if I can do the complete install and get it working for us. Then put it together as an easy add on. I never made a pacman ARCH package so it might be a collection of files to copy manually........

Added thought.......what if we made an Arch package to Void package and vice versa converter like the xdeb program that converts .deb to .xbps???

The Samba install in Void was insanely easy. Installed one package, made the service symlinks, copied the Puppy Linux smb.conf and changed 3 or 4 statements in the SSM GUI. Copied the SSM icon's to /usr/share/pixmaps/samba


Code: Select all

#this is a very simple smb.conf to get you started
#coutesy rcrsn51 and gcmartin
	workgroup = Workgroup
	netbios name = void-live
	server string = KLV-Airedale
	security = user
	map to guest = Bad Password
	printing = cups
	printcap name = cups
	load printers = yes
    server role = standalone server

	path = /
	writable = yes

	comment = All Printers
	path = /var/spool/samba
	browseable = no
	guest ok = yes
	writable = no
	printable = yes
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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Thu Mar 30, 2023 1:01 pm

@wiak today I can set it up on KLA or should I go first with KLU? Anyway I will see if I can do the complete install and get it working for us. Then put it together as an easy add on. I never made a pacman ARCH package so it might be a collection of files to copy manually........

Added thought.......what if we made an Arch package to Void package and vice versa converter like the xdeb program that converts .deb to .xbps???

The Samba install in Void was insanely easy. Installed one package, made the service symlinks, copied the Puppy Linux smb.conf and changed 3 or 4 statements in the SSM GUI. Copied the SSM icon's to /usr/share/pixmaps/samba

I don't want to mix Void packages in Arch, rockedge. If you are going to do this best do in KLA-XFCEbase for first since that is the one I am possibly going to make new release containing podman soon. I had trouble with podman in KLU for some unknown as yet reason so aiming for KLU-XFCEbase only just now. I imagine the Arch samba package should work fine unless too big - only then might it be worth trying a mixed in samba from elsewhere, but I imagine size should be similar either way.

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by rockedge »

@wiak I didn't explain it correctly. I only use upstream samba packages that match the distro. The only thing that is the same in KLV and Puppy Linux is the SSM GUI which is a gtk2dialog script and most likely will not work on KLA. But since smbd and nmbd are daemons they will be a service that can be controlled via systemd as in systemctl start smbd

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Thu Mar 30, 2023 9:14 pm

@wiak I didn't explain it correctly. I only use upstream samba packages that match the distro. The only thing that is the same in KLV and Puppy Linux is the SSM GUI which is a gtk2dialog script and most likely will not work on KLA. But since smbd and nmbd are daemons they will be a service that can be controlled via systemd as in systemctl start smbd

Oh I see. Eventually shouldn't be difficult to port the SSM GUI to use gtkdialog for GTK+3 (I presume you mean it needs GTK+2 right now).

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by rockedge »

@wiak got it going with very small mod's to the SSM GUI script :

Screenshot from 2023-03-30 21-06-16.png
Screenshot from 2023-03-30 21-06-16.png (229.99 KiB) Viewed 1143 times

I could put together a small package of the SSM GUI components other than the pacman -S samba smbclient to just copy and paste. :thumbup2:

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by wiak »

Okay, @rockedge, yes a small package would be useful. I presume working for KLA-XFCEbase, which is the only one I'm likely to make at the moment. Too busy here for anything else at the moment. I'll catch up more generally in about six months time once hopefully I have some free time again. Actually, I'm flat out all this coming weekend so won't be doing any releases till next week sometime at the earliest.

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Sofiya »

to be honest, I have no idea how it should work correctly and how to check this miracle.
here's what happened, but I have no idea if it works.

Снимок экрана от 2023-03-31 14-48-44.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-03-31 14-48-44.png (369.35 KiB) Viewed 1107 times

KL LINUX Simple fast free

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by rockedge »

@Sofiya looks good 😊

When I installed samba l didn't get the smbd.service file for some reason but it looks like it is supposed to on your install.

It should work fine though to test it start a Puppy Linux on another machine and connect to the same network as the KLA machine. Then on the Puppy Linux run Menu->Network->pnethood or YASSM.

Thunar in KLV can connect to Samba shares across the LAN as well.

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Sofiya »

rockedge wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 12:29 pm

@Sofiya looks good 😊

When I installed samba l didn't get the smbd.service file for some reason but it looks like it is supposed to on your install.

It should work fine though to test it start a Puppy Linux on another machine and connect to the same network as the KLA machine. Then on the Puppy Linux run Menu->Network->pnethood or YASSM.

Thunar in KLV can connect to Samba shares across the LAN as well.

Run from terminal :Enable and start smb.service and nmb.service:

Code: Select all

sudo systemctl start smb     
sudo systemctl enable smb

sudo systemctl start nmb     
sudo systemctl enable nmb

Status check :

Code: Select all

systemctl status smb
systemctl status nmb


Code: Select all

#simple samba settings
#01micko 111122, 120215

#check for 1 running instance
RUNNING=`ps |grep SMBGUI|grep -v grep`
[ "$RUNNING" != "" ] && exit 0

# sort out the message app
type gxmessage 2>&1 >/dev/null && MSGAPP=gxmessage border='-borderless' || MSGAPP=xmessage border=
export MSGAPP border
#just in case
#chmod 755 /etc/init.d/rc.samba

#is this config generated by this script?
head -n2 /etc/samba/smb.conf|grep -q rcrsn51
if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
	Xdialog --title "Samba Simple Setup"  --ok-label "Continue?" --cancel-label "Quit?" --yesno "It is recommended you \
quit this setup \n as you have a custom smb.conf.\
\nIf you continue a backup will be made of your config." 0 0
	[ $? -ne 0 ]&& exit
	cp -af /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.old

##check for custom smb.conf hmmmm multiple shares would conflict with this... would be better to work with ANY samba config..ie use sed or take the wbar approach. Rejects if longer than 3 entries.
#CUSTOM=`grep '^\[' /etc/samba/smb.conf|wc -l`
#if [ "$CUSTOM" -gt "3" ];then
#	Xdialog --title "Simple Samba Management" --ok-label="Continue" --cancel-label="Quit" --yesno "You have a custom Samba #configuration. \nThis tool will overwrite your /etc/samba/smb.conf \nhowever a backup will be made automatically. \nIt is #recommended you quit and \nconfigure Samba manually" 0 0 0
#	[ $? -ne 0 ]&& exit
#	cp -af /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.old

#detect if samba is running
	SAMBARUNNING=`pidof smbd|head -c1`
	if [ "$SAMBARUNNING" != "" ];then
		ln -sf /usr/share/pixmaps/samba/on.png /tmp/samba.png
		ln -sf /usr/share/pixmaps/samba/off.png /tmp/samba.png

#switch samba daemon on/off
	SAMBARUNNING=`pidof smbd|head -c1`	
	if [ "$SAMBARUNNING" != "" ];then
         systemctl stop smb
         systemctl stop nmb
         systemctl disable smb
         systemctl disable nmb
         systemctl start smb
         systemctl start nmb
         systemctl enable smb
         systemctl enable nmb
	sleep 1

#generate smb.conf
	if [ "$SERVERNAME" = "" ];then

	echo "#this is a very simple smb.conf to get you started
#coutesy rcrsn51 and gcmartin
	workgroup = $WGROUP
	server string = KLA-OT2 Server
	security = user
	map to guest = Bad Password
	printing = cups
	printcap name = cups
	load printers = yes
	server min protocol = LANMAN1

	path = $MYPATH
	writable = yes
" > /tmp/smb.conf

[ $MYPATH2 ]&& echo "
	path = $MYPATH2
	writable = yes
" >> /tmp/smb.conf

[ $MYPATH3 ]&& echo "
	path = $MYPATH3
	writable = yes
" >> /tmp/smb.conf

echo "
	comment = All Printers
	path = /var/spool/samba
	browseable = no
	guest ok = yes
	writable = no
	printable = yes
" >> /tmp/smb.conf
#	[ "`grep BLANK /tmp/smb.conf`" != "" ]&& sed -i 's%BLANK%%' /tmp/smb.conf


#config test
#	testparm -s /tmp/smb.conf >/tmp/testparm.log 2>&1
    testparm >/tmp/testparm.log 2>&1

	[ $? -ne 0 ]&& "$MSGAPP" -center -bg "#e77" -timeout 5 "ERROR: your smb.conf is not correct, try again" && return

	echo ""  >> /tmp/testparm.log
	SVPATH=`grep "path" /tmp/smb.conf|awk '{print $3}'|head -n1`
	[ ! $SVPATH ] && echo "ERROR: SHARED PATH IS MISSING" >> /tmp/testparm.log || echo "Ok" >> /tmp/testparm.log
	WORKGROUPSET=`grep "workgroup" /tmp/smb.conf|awk '{print $3}'`
	[ ! $WORKGROUPSET ] && echo "ERROR: WORKGROUP IS MISSING" >> /tmp/testparm.log || echo "Ok" >> /tmp/testparm.log
	"$MSGAPP" -file /tmp/testparm.log

#apply new settings if passes similar test to above... gui may have been altered after test to fresh config created anyway.
	[ ! $MYPATH ] && "$MSGAPP" -center -bg "#e77" -timeout 5 $border -buttons "" "ERROR: Aborting, you must enter a share path" && return
	[ ! $WGROUP ] && "$MSGAPP" -center -bg "#e77" -timeout 5 $border -buttons "" "ERROR: Aborting, you must enter a workgroup" && return
	testparm -s /tmp/smb.conf >/tmp/testparm.log 2>&1
	[ $? -ne 0 ]&& "$MSGAPP" -center -bg "#e77" -timeout 20  "ERROR: Aborting, Something went wrong with the Samba configuration.
	 Check the log at /tmp/testparm.log. 
	 Please try again or consult the documentation in /usr/share/help
	 Your SAMBA config has NOT been changed" && return

	cp -af /tmp/smb.conf /etc/samba/ #instate new smb.conf IF passes test
	systemctl restart smb &
	"$MSGAPP" -center -bg "#4c4" -timeout 6 $border -buttons ""  "Samba is  starting/restarting. 
	You can check the log at /tmp/testparm.log"

export -f swapvalues
export -f testconfig
export -f _status
export -f togglesamba
export -f _apply

#just in case..I suspect not needed as would write a fresh one...should clean up at the end really
[ -f /tmp/smb.conf ] &&  rm -f /tmp/smb.conf

#initialise status button

#extract parameters or use fallbacks
MYPATH=`grep -iE 'path' /etc/samba/smb.conf|grep -v 'var'|grep -v 'tmp'|awk 'NR==1{print $3}'`
[ ! $MYPATH ]&& MYPATH=/root

SHARENAME=`grep -iE '^\[' /etc/samba/smb.conf|grep -v 'global'|grep -v 'printers'|sed -e 's%\[%%' -e 's%\]%%'| awk 'NR==1'`
[ ! $SHARENAME ]&& SHARENAME="puppyshare"

MYPATH2=`grep -iE 'path' /etc/samba/smb.conf|grep -v 'var'|grep -v 'tmp'|awk 'NR==2{print $3}'`
SHARENAME2=`grep -iE '^\[' /etc/samba/smb.conf|grep -v 'global'|grep -v 'printers'|sed -e 's%\[%%' -e 's%\]%%'| awk 'NR==2'`
[ $MYPATH2 ]&& PATH2="<default>$MYPATH2</default>" && SHARE2="<default>$SHARENAME2</default>"

MYPATH3=`grep -iE 'path' /etc/samba/smb.conf|grep -v 'var'|grep -v 'tmp'|awk 'NR==3{print $3}'`
SHARENAME3=`grep -iE '^\[' /etc/samba/smb.conf|grep -v 'global'|grep -v 'printers'|sed -e 's%\[%%' -e 's%\]%%' | awk 'NR==3'`
[ $MYPATH3 ]&& PATH3="<default>$MYPATH3</default>" && SHARE3="<default>$SHARENAME3</default>"

CURSERVER=`grep "netbios" /etc/samba/smb.conf|awk '{print $4}'`
[ ! $CURSERVER ] && CURSERVER="$(hostname)"

WGROUP=`grep "workgroup" /etc/samba/smb.conf|awk '{print $3}'`

export SMBGUI="<window title=\"Samba Simple Management\" icon-name=\"gtk-network\" resizable=\"false\">
  <hbox homogeneous=\"true\">
   <text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"<b>You can personalise some Samba settings here</b>\"</label></text>
  <hbox homogeneous=\"true\">
   <text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"The default <b>user</b> is: <b>root</b>\"</label></text>
  <hbox homogeneous=\"true\">
   <text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"The default <b>password</b> is: <b>root</b>\"</label></text>
  <hbox homogeneous=\"true\">
   <text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"You can change this and add users later\"</label></text>
    <input file>/usr/share/pixmaps/samba/samba.png</input>
   <text><label>Switch Samba Daemon on or off.</label></text>
   <button tooltip-text=\"hitting this button when Green will turn off Samba, when Red will turn on Samba\">
	 <input file>/tmp/samba.png</input>
     <action type=\"refresh\">ARTWORK</action>
  <hbox homogeneous=\"true\">
   <text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"You can change the default server <b>netbios</b> name if you wish.\"</label></text> 
  <hbox homogeneous=\"true\">
   <text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"The default is <b>$(hostname)</b>\"</label></text>
   <entry tooltip-text=\"If $(hostname) is in this entry or it is left blank then your netbios name will be $(hostname) which is your computer's hostname. You can change it to anything you like as long as there are no spaces and chars are alpha/numeric. Dots, dashes and underscores are allowed\">
  <hbox homogeneous=\"true\">
   <text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"The current Sharename is <b>$SHARENAME</b> and the default share path is <b>/root</b>, change either or both if you wish. You can have up to three shares.\"</label></text>
   <entry tooltip-text=\"$SHARENAME is the default mount point of your server. You can change it to anything you like as long as there are no spaces and chars are alpha/numeric. Dots, dashes and underscores are allowed\">
   <entry fs-action=\"folder\">
   <button tooltip-text=\"Browse for suitable share path\">
	<input file stock=\"gtk-open\"></input>
   <entry tooltip-text=\"Add a second share here\">
   <entry fs-action=\"folder\">
   <button tooltip-text=\"Browse for suitable share path\">
	<input file stock=\"gtk-open\"></input>
   <entry tooltip-text=\"Add a third share here\">
   <entry fs-action=\"folder\">
   <button tooltip-text=\"Browse for suitable share path\">
	<input file stock=\"gtk-open\"></input>
   <text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"Change the default <b>workgroup</b> name\"</label></text> 
   <entry tooltip-text=\"If you have Microsoft Windows machines on your network you should set the Workgroup to the same name as the Windows Workgroup\">

  <hbox homogeneous=\"true\" space-expand=\"false\" space-fill=\"true\">
   <button image-position=\"1\" use-stock=\"true\" label=\"gtk-apply\" tooltip-text=\"Perform a sanity check before applying your settings and restarting Samba.\">
    <action type=\"refresh\">ARTWORK</action>
   <button tooltip-text=\"Click to check your new settings without applying.\">
	<input file stock=\"gtk-index\"></input>
   <button image-position=\"1\" use-stock=\"true\" label=\"gtk-quit\" tooltip-text= \"Exit leaving your current settings and status alone\">

gtk2dialog -c --program=SMBGUI


Code: Select all

#this is a very simple smb.conf to get you started
#coutesy rcrsn51 and gcmartin
	workgroup = Workgroup
	netbios name = arch-live
	server string = KLA-OT2 Server
	security = user
	map to guest = Bad Password
	printing = cups
	printcap name = cups
	load printers = yes

	path = /
	writable = yes

	comment = All Printers
	path = /var/spool/samba
	browseable = no
	guest ok = yes
	writable = no
	printable = yes

Last edited by Sofiya on Wed Apr 12, 2023 11:44 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Sofiya »

@rockedge Please test ;)

Снимок экрана от 2023-03-31 17-32-16.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-03-31 17-32-16.png (44.2 KiB) Viewed 1047 times
Снимок экрана от 2023-03-31 16-35-53.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-03-31 16-35-53.png (63.23 KiB) Viewed 1065 times
Снимок экрана от 2023-03-31 16-10-59.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-03-31 16-10-59.png (396.37 KiB) Viewed 1070 times
Last edited by Sofiya on Fri Mar 31, 2023 2:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by rockedge »

@Sofiya I need to go to the store for cat food or I am going to be facing a revolt any minute now.......as soon as I am back I will test it all out !!

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Clarity »

Single simple terminal test for your local PC to be seen by your LAN resources when SAMBA is active:

Code: Select all

root# smbclient -U% -L localhost

	Sharename       Type      Comment
	---------       ----      -------
	CameraData      Disk      
	IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Puppy Samba Server)
	CUPS-PDF        Printer   CUPS-PDF
	Brother_MFC-8480DN Printer   Brother MFC-8480DN
SMB1 disabled -- no workgroup available

Output like this indicates that anything on your LAN will see these resources being shared from this local machine.

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Sofiya »

Clarity wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 4:21 pm

Single simple terminal test for your local PC to be seen by your LAN resources when SAMBA is active:

Снимок экрана от 2023-03-31 20-43-53.png
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KL LINUX Simple fast free

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by rockedge »

@Sofiya all testing so far has had good results. I have KLA-OT2 running on a VirtualBox machine with our samba setup with SSM GUI and starting and stopping the smbd daemon with systemd service. The host machine is running F96-CE_3 with Samba server enabled.

I can connect to the shares on the KLA VM using the different tools in Puppy Linux. Also can connect with KLV-Airedale running Samba and using the SSM GUI as well.

KLA will connect to KLV and also to F96-CE_3 going the other way.

screenshots shows KLV-Airedale-rc14 running on bare metal connected to the file system on KLA-OT2 running on a VirtualBox machine with a bridged network adapter enabled. Using Thunar and Rox side-by-side :

Screenshot(1).jpg (36.98 KiB) Viewed 1019 times
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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Sofiya »

rockedge wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2023 5:48 pm

@Sofiya all testing so far has had good results. I have KLA-OT2 running on a VirtualBox machine with our samba setup with SSM GUI and starting and stopping the smbd daemon with systemd service. The host machine is running F96-CE_3 with Samba server enabled.


Thank you @rockedge
If I understand you correctly, the test showed that setting works and I can add it to the assembly.?

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by rockedge »


Yes. It looks ready to be added. :thumbup:

In KLV the service is enabled and on at boot by default. This can be changed.

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Re: KLA-OT2baseCE-1.1 final ( 766 MiB )

Post by Clarity »

Looking forward to testing the completed KL ISOs. Documentation will be updated to support this forum distro series.

Is the 'findsmb' terminal command utility also in the upcoming system(s)? This allows the local PC to get immediate feedback on active smb sharing on their home LANs.

Code: Select all

root# findsmb

--------------------------------------------------------------------- F96-CE3_TEST   +[	WORKGROUP     ] LAPTOP         +[	WORKGROUP     ]
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