EasyOS Containers

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EasyOS Containers

Post by scsijon »

Reading your 'stuff' on containers and using them for other system bases I wonder if you've considered:-

1- the need for backup/restore of the individual containers;
2- the possability of the need, due to space requirement considerations, to have them reside on their own partitions or in individual directories;
3- The possability to have an index available/visable on startup to have EasyOS start in a particular container rather than the main menu / non-container desktop;
4- having containers dupliate in basic content and (almost) duplicate name but for different purposes (eg one without devx to run/test and another duplicate with devx for package creation/building) ?

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Re: EasyOS Containers

Post by Caramel »

scsijon wrote: Sat Mar 11, 2023 3:08 am

Reading your 'stuff' on containers and using them for other system bases I wonder if you've considered:-

2- the possability of the need, due to space requirement considerations, to have them reside on their own partitions or in individual directories;

I've tested the move of the containers folder (/mnt/wkg/containers) on an other (ext4) partition.
It's necessary to also move the sfs folder (/mnt/wkg/sfs) in the same destination. (Both must be subfolders of the same folder because there are links between the two)
And in /mnt/wkg we create symbolic links to the new folders (containers will be a link to the new containers folder, ...)

It's also necessary to mount automatically the partition (where were moved the folders) at start (see viewtopic.php?p=89806#p89806)

It seems to work even after reboot. But could be a problem with an upgrade.

Edit : BAD IDEA. After several boots, Easy does not start normally.

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