Windows 11 s sucks just as bad as Windows 10 s, but the laptop computer is working OK

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Re: Windows 11 s sucks just as bad as Windows 10 s, but the laptop computer is working OK

Post by rockedge »

You should have invested in Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and whoever came along in the big Internet bubble.....

Crazy thing is one of my Uncles did invest in Microsoft as soon as it went public in 1986. One weekend, he picks me up from home to go crew on his racing sailboat and asks me in the car if I ever heard of a company called "Microsoft" because he just bought a bunch of shares at around $21 per share.

I was told if one worked hard and paid the dues starting at the bottom that was how one got ahead. Turns out I never had the extra money to invest and once or twice suddenly life's randomness intervened and I never ended up going to college instead ended up in the US Air Force learning how to fix things that blows stuff up from far away very precisely.

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Re: Windows 11 s sucks just as bad as Windows 10 s, but the laptop computer is working OK

Post by Clarity »

@rockedge said:

...I was told if one worked hard and paid the dues starting at the bottom that was how one got ahead. Turns out I never had the extra money to invest...

Yet, you've gained a richness that many will never gain! :thumbup:

YOur richness shows in the 'wealth' you share with us, here, every day.

I, THANK YOU for sharing your wealth with us: You have gifted us enormously!

P.S. Like you, many, including myself, have lived a life with barely enough wealth to cover life's expenses in family life to be unable to have knowledge/means to invest. We are with you.

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Re: Windows 11 s sucks just as bad as Windows 10 s, but the laptop computer is working OK

Post by wiak »

Clarity wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 10:07 pm

P.S. Like you, many, including myself, have lived a life with barely enough wealth to cover life's expenses in family life to be unable to have knowledge/means to invest. We are with you.

Yes, well... I find that life tends to provide "opportunities", just all of a sudden sometimes, and more often than not I have failed to even notice the opportunity staring me in the face until too late when I look back and curse myself for not noticing. Sometimes I notice and I become 'richer' for a while, only to blow it it later, or some disaster happens and all gets lost again... Of course this pattern of 'swings and roundabouts' has proved to be particularly prevalent in personal relations - in my case that having been particularly noticeable to me in terms of my relationships with members of the opposite sex. The biggest pains are the times opportunities were there but my eyes and brain was elsewhere on wrong target - a kind of stupid blindness ... such is life, but sometimes I've been lucky and then blown my good luck eventually anyway. However, as I have become older, at least one piece of wisdom that has grown is that I can generally now recognise good fortune when I have it and 'hold my tongue' and not 'blow it' most of the time when I so choose to be that sensible. Alas, the devil in me sometimes gives me the mood to not hold my tongue and risk the consequences anyway, knowing all too well the trouble my doing so will get me - but sometimes I get away with such badness anyway, though usually with some pain or resulting punishment in-between times...

Alas, when it comes to money, I blew it more than I made it, though there is always 'tomorrow'.
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Re: Windows 11 s sucks just as bad as Windows 10 s, but the laptop computer is working OK

Post by bigpup »

Just booted Windows 11 after not using it for about 4 weeks.

After getting to a working desktop.

Got the warning message that there are updates that need to be done. Not good to use until you update!!

So, OK let's do the updates.
After selecting to perform the updates.
1 hour and 10 minutes later, after downloading and installing 6 different updates, and doing a system restart to finish the updating, that took 15 minutes to complete.

I now am at a working desktop that is now a fully updated Windows 11.

Wow, how fast they have gotten this Windows boot operation. :roll:

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Windows 11 s sucks just as bad as Windows 10 s, but the laptop computer is working OK

Post by geo_c »

bigpup wrote: Thu Feb 16, 2023 12:27 am

1 hour and 10 minutes later, after downloading and installing 6 different updates, and doing a system restart to finish the updating, that took 15 minutes to complete.

Wow, how fast they have gotten this Windows boot operation. :roll:

First they had to upload every key-stroke you ever made, and some camera usage data, router traffic, etc. Then scan all devices that might be open on your network, take voice imprints from your microphone, run AI on every image found on the mounted partitions, then download the updates.

Actually that's pretty good time if you ask me.

Last edited by geo_c on Thu Feb 16, 2023 3:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Windows 11 s sucks just as bad as Windows 10 s, but the laptop computer is working OK

Post by wizard »

Boy am I in trouble, haven't updated since it's release, but then again looks like I'm ahead 2-3 hours. :thumbup2: :mrgreen:


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Re: Windows 11 s sucks just as bad as Windows 10 s, but the laptop computer is working OK

Post by Wiz57 »

Bit the bullet on this Dell Latitude 3190 11 inch laptop and updated from Win10 Pro Education 64 bit to Win11 Pro Education 64 bit,
longest part of the process was downloading the update. Then I followed my own advice and disconnected from all internet
connections to install, reboot etc. Total time including downloading, then apply update, then reboot was about 30 minutes...
not really bad for Microsoft Windows! Yeah, some people complain about the new menu buttons on taskbar, etc., but heck
it's still Windows and so far is behaving itself.
I must reiterate though, to ANYONE contemplating Win10 or 11, download the installer or update, BUT prior to installing
either version DISCONNECT FROM THE INTERNET, both via ethernet and/or WiFi, otherwise it is extremely difficult to set
Win10/11 up with only a "local" admin account!
Wiz ;)

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Re: Windows 11 s sucks just as bad as Windows 10 s, but the laptop computer is working OK

Post by houndstooth »

I'm on a new Windows 11 laptop more or less ambivalent about the os itself as I intend to use it little.

I still need to figure out how I want to use it, currently still booting from USBFLASH.

Namely, do I always want a USB boot, or should I put Linux on the small internal eMMC?

My UEFI tends not to save boot configuration, so I have to always tell it to boot from USB each cold boot.

Is that S Mode?

Xenial64 is incompatible. Fossapup appears to be working.

The other big issue I've only briefly looked at appears to be common: the battery drains when it's off.

There's no Ethernet and I deleted my Windows network password after Microsoft's coerced connection to get the device running, so I can rule out calling home.

another project

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