CMake and Ninja

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CMake and Ninja

Post by stemsee »

I'm trying to compile webkit, version 2.34 (highest version compatible with GCC 7.3 ... latest webkit requires GCC 9.3 or higher ... latest GCC is 12 or 13), but I get the error '' : no such file or directory. Some report it as ... So I cannot build it. I'm just trying to build yad with webkit so i can use yad --html .... does anyone have the binary? Or can webkit be replaced with qtwebkit in the compile?

EDIT: clang is part of llvm .... but I have not been able to invoke it. So I'm attempting to build llvm from source along with ninja, try to see what's really going on!

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Re: CMake and Ninja

Post by Jasper »


There is a Ninja binary in the FossaPup64-95 DevX

I do not know if it is of any use to you, however I have attached it to this message.

It resides in

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