Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase-rc4 (681MiB) release announcement

Post by pp4mnklinux »

It's possible my problem, but download link doesn't work, it redirect to the same page again and again.


wiak wrote: Fri Feb 10, 2023 10:34 am

For some media, such as Ventoy, QEMU, and SG2D, you can also use savefolder, but you need to label partitions appropriately sometimes. For details about boot media label requirements for iso booting, see this recent post: viewtopic.php?p=79395#p79395


Smaller base version, which doesn't include internet browser - so you can add your own to save persistence without update bloat:

681 MiB download size

Using this base version has the advantage that after installing the likes of Firefox or Chromium upgrades to the browser will overwrite the previous installation in upper_changes rather than use addional space to that of any iso-internal version.

1. Default timezone UTC. For simple timezone setting use StartMenu -> Settings -> Timezone. NOTE: For fast scrolling down the list provided use PgDn!!!
2. Includes latest FR initrd to show bootfrom partition in Thunar side panel.
3. Autologin as root to XFCE desktop.
4. Save on demand icon and top panel, and available in System Menu, and also asks on Logout if you want to save session.
5. Uses xfce4 whisker menu, power-manager, which allows brightness adjustment by scrolling on battery icon.
6. Ability to run as normal user instead. For example, to make an autologin as spot to desktop:

First prepare the user switch via: Start Menu -> System -> User Switch
Choose who you want to next autologin as - root, spot, or firstrib (password is irrelevant).
Finally, logout with:
Start Menu -> Log out (and choose Log out option from the pop-up)

Note that you have the chance to save on demand between logouts, but you can Cancel doing that if you don't want to save session at that stage (session all still safe in RAM).

Reboots will thereafter continue autologging in as the last user you selected. You can repeat the process at any time to, say, go back to autologin as user root.

NOTE 1: Normal users spot and firstrib are in sudo group with special configuration so they do not normally require password for sudo use. If you ever need passwords, by default user:password is root:root, spot:spot and firstrib:firstrib.

NOTE 2: This distro is designed, thanks to Arch Linux and its full multi-user pacman capability, to be almost maintenance free for some years apart from occasional pacman -Sy update/upgrades to savefolder... No constant and continuous weekly auto-builds intended or needed therefore. Just use it and be at peace.

A working, pretty-close to complete, f_<buildplug> is included, but with pacman package manager you can make it what you like anyway. Note that if you make a new plugin build it won't include some final XFCE-related configs because they were too difficult to script and are easier to do from the GUI (for example, the tiling effects).

Includes save on demand (FirstRib initrd RAM2) capability.

Should work fine with all of Normal frugal install, QEMU, Ventoy, and SG2D including persistence modes, without user boot-time intervention.

Thanks rockedge for iso/boot/grub general arrangement, and fredx181 for save2flash user-script, Puppy Linux dimkr kernel-kit build: currently using huge kernel/modules/firmware from recent Puppy Upup jammy, though you can easily change that to some other Puppy kernel/module combination or use an official Arch kernel/modules (though non-huge Arch kernel requires build of compatible FR initrd containing sufficient boot modules - included FRmake_initrd utility can do that for you though)

KLA-XFCEbase can also be used and provide persistence on NTFS or FAT32 partitions (by using a <savefilename>.ucimg w_changes savefile; refer to KLV-Airedale for many a FirstRib-related howto). For savefolder use, w_changes boot parameter should however point to a Linux formatted partition.

BASE VERSION purposively Does Not Currently Include:

An Internet browser.

I see no point in bloating a base iso with any browser users may well not want. Also browsers tend to need upgraded frequently so any supplied in iso become old too quickly and thus result in unnecessary iso bloat.
Since fully-Arch-compatible KLA-XFCEbase comes with official and complete pacman package manager (think of it like Quickpet...) it is better just to install what you want after first boot and save it to savefolder. Later upgrades will overwrite the old install and thus avoid that upgrade bloat.
To install Firefox, you simply need to open a terminal and (assuming you logged in as user root) enter command:

Code: Select all

pacman -Sy firefox

though, personally, I prefer:

Code: Select all

pacman -Sy chromium

and run that with --no-sandbox (or I suppose, using run-as-spot script; Actually now includes Start Menu -> Chromium-spot desktop item that works well once chromium installed via pacman, but would need to specially configure pulseaudio unix or tcp socket to get audio with that being run from root desktop (isn't done). Firefox works fine anyway once installed). Of course you can also or alternatively use portable apps/sfs addons.

Currently Includes:

1. Cherrytree hierarchical notebook (a fantastic, slim, but powerful, multipurpose application).
I use this for all my own documentation rather than any html or markup based editor. Main reason is I don't like typing too much and you can simply copy and paste from web pages directly into cherrytree (rich text, tables, syntax-highlighted code, and images-support included).
2. Since KLA-XFCEbase is XFCE4-based, it contains many expected utility apps from that, including file manager Thunar, xfce4-terminal, xfce4-clipboard-plugin, Power-manager/battery/backlight-brightness.
Package xfce4-goodies contains more. See also installable 'goodies' package list: viewtopic.php?p=79669#p79669
3. Mtpaint (also scrot/scrox and xfce4-screenshooter for screenshots)
4. Pulseaudio and pavucontrol
5. Wex for audio, video, webcam, screencasts and video recording. Just use pavcontrol to set the Input and Output levels and expect wex to work straight out of the box!
Uses ffmpeg backend along with the installed pulseaudio system.
6. Gifenc-sel (by fredx181) for making gifs out of videos (integrated to work via button in Wex).
7. Precord for simple audio recording
8. Geany (for text/code editing); also simple L3eafpad notebook; all such apps included are GTK3-based (official Arch repos discontinuing old GTK2 app support, though you can still find some in the unofficial Arch User Repository/AUR).
9. Git (useful for online archiving). AUR helper/package manager/installer Trizen (which should be run as normal user; for example: trizen -S <package_name>). For some AUR apps you will need to install build-dev package (includes gcc compiler) first though (pacman -Sy build-dev).
10. NetworkManager with nm panel applet
11. Gtkdialog, yad, gxmessage, for simple GUI scripts and scripting.
12. Gdmap and UExtract as right-click Thunar actions. The gtk3 version of Gdmap was specially compiled from Arch AUR.
13. rsync, nano, alsautils, lame, pciutils, usbutils, xdg-utils, filemnt
14. mpv (AV player)
15. Window 'tiling' should work too:
Tile top > WindowsSuperKey-UParrow etc...

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase-rc4 (681MiB) release announcement

Post by fredx181 »

@pp4mnklinux Yes, download link is wrong at first post, but it's available on ally's archive: ... se-rc4.iso

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase-rc4 (681MiB) release announcement

Post by pp4mnklinux »

Thanks , this link looks working.

Fantastic page


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Re: KLA-XFCEbase-rc4 (681MiB) release announcement

Post by wiak »

Download link no longer available from me on this forum since rc5 iso near completion and intended release. I already indicated in my post just slightly above this one, final release of rc5 is however delayed because of external copy of rc4 being archived offsite as some kind of Puppy Linux fork name (Puppy_Linux_KLA). If some forum member or members wishes to advertise download for KLA as some kind of version or derivative of Puppy that is up to themselves, but as I already said, albeit being ignored, I don't agree with them referring to it in that manner and would not contribute to a Puppy_Linux_KLA named fork, despite my forum name being assigned to it. No wish to comment about the matter further, so thanks from me - I am going out now for my morning coffee, which I am looking forward to as always! ;-)

wiak wrote: Sat Feb 25, 2023 2:43 pm
Phil_54 wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 4:51 pm

Unless I'm missing something, the first post link to the iso is just a link to the first post.

I took the old link down because I was close to uploading a new rc5.

I was interrupted badly and so work stopped for a while.

I also became side-tracked working on many new utility apps (commandline) and one gui frontend based.

Tonight I pretty much finished that work and just have to finally make the rc5 iso, but despite my making it clear that my submitted work is a FirstRib-based distro (rebranded Kennel Linux for others here to build upon) and not at all a Puppy Linux derivative or type, earlier rc versions continue to be published elsewhere named Puppy_Linux_KLA, which is not acceptable to me (and not only that). I had already made my feelings about that clear I believe. I can't stop those who choose to insult or ignore my wishes about my own work, but result does effect others sorry.

I'm still thinking about the future regarding what happened and was 'said' to me recently (or 'liked'), so I may simply store future versions I make (including this almost completed KLA-XFCE rc5) as FR-named versions on my own FirstRib cloud storage site. I'm not against sharing at all (or wouldn't have), so I didn't/don't really want to do that, but may be the only way to end the wrong/unwanted Puppy_Linux name categorisation and storage elsewhere.

Rockedge's store of some KL releases of mine (KLU-jam) under isos/Kennel Linux is correctly categorised and thus fine however.

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase-rc4 (681MiB) release announcement

Post by rockedge »

@wiak Soon as the rc5 is out I can remove the rc1. I had for myself to jump between computers, download and install it for testing and installation optimization. Unless we want to archive a early version copy.

Arch Linux has been looking for the right flavor. A few meet those requirements like Zorin, but none that I can find , that do what KLA does using the FirstRib initrd.gz and Kennel Linux construction. I fully believe this one should go sooner than later on Distrowatch and share what I think will be a powerful upstream Arch fully compatible distro.

KLA I can see as becoming a popular access point to Arch Linux repos.

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.0 final (722MiB) release announcement

Post by wiak »

Now at sourceforge as will likely be some of my future FirstRib-based releases.

Has over forty (!) new commandline-based utility apps (plus a few with very simple yad frontends), so size jumped a bit by around 40MiB. Worth it I think though.

There is a cherrytree README notes file on the Desktop that contains lots of details and tips regarding these additions, including a couple of simple yad GUI frontend templates in code form to help others develop their own.
I am no longer using gtkdialog for new app/utils in FirstRib when possible. Many upstream distros no longer have gtkdialog in their repos at all whereas yad is well supported and good enough for most simple frontends.

722 MiB download size
Download from sourceforge here:
9016aff972e3483ba75eb5206dad8048 KLA-XFCEbase-1.0.iso

EDIT: re-uploaded to fix forgotten xcalc.desktop. Check md5sum if you want the fixed one (that was only change so kept same 1.0 version number)

INCLUDES small but effective 'eolie' Internet browser; give it a try, you might be surprised
NOTE: I was really only including a browser to help with any html-based documentation reading, but it has proved to be much better than I intended/expected. In my tests, the selected small browser worked well and solidly with all of Youtube, Gmail, Gdrive, BBC news (but bbc video issues), and Facebook. For many, maybe all you need... Also works great for cut'n'paste page contents to cherrytree notes!!! Bound to be some sites it won't work with though, but you can still add your own later via package manager or portable. Note that opened browser Tabs show on left side of window.

Per usual, further details can be found at first post of this thread.
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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.0 final (722MiB) release announcement

Post by wiak »

Current main home and downloads page.

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.0 final (722MiB) release announcement

Post by gabtech »

@wiak Thanks for these great distros.

gabtech :thumbup2:

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by wiak »

For some media, such as Ventoy, QEMU, and SG2D, you can also use savefolder, but you need to label partitions appropriately sometimes. For details about boot media label requirements for iso booting, see this recent post: viewtopic.php?p=79395#p79395

NEW: Has new FR initrd.gz ver 7.0.1 rc1 released 09Mar2023; includes /mnt/home symlink to bootfrom partition. Fixes major umount bug. Includes Arch Linux packages 09Mar2023 rolling release update.
Has over forty (!) new commandline-based utility apps (a few with very simple yad frontends), so size jumped a bit by around 40MiB. Worth it I think though.

There is a cherrytree README notes file on the Desktop that contains lots of details and tips regarding these additions, including a couple of simple yad GUI frontend templates in code form to help others develop their own.
I am no longer using gtkdialog for new app/utils in FirstRib when possible. Many upstream distros no longer have gtkdialog in their repos at all whereas yad is well supported and good enough for most simple frontends.

716 MiB download size
Download from sourceforge here:
md5sum: 9b92301c515a42bc03a4d14235f5f9de KLA-XFCEbase-1.1.iso

INSTALLATION (Alternative methods):

1. On a Ventoy usbstick with ext4 data partition labelled as 'Ventoy', create a folder named /BOOTISOS and simply put the KLA-XFCEbase-1.1.iso in there and boot your Ventoy usb stick to use KLA-XFCEbase.
NOTE: With Ventoy, you can save on demand (called RAM2 mode) back to the 'Ventoy' labelled disk partition into auto-created Sessions folder.
Alternatively, if you have a partition on your system somewhere labelled 'Persistence' you can use save on demand persistence to Sessions folder there.
You can also choose from provided grub menu to do 'direct' writes back to same save persistence (either to 'Ventoy' usbstick labelled partition or to external 'Persistence' labelled partition).
2. Boot via QEMU using, for simple example, commandline:
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2G -vga cirrus -smp 2 -device AC97 -cdrom KLA-XFCEbase-X.X.iso -boot once=d
If you attach a qcow2 additional -hda disk, and partition it wish one of the partitions labelled 'Persistence', you can use save on demand into the auto-created 'Sessions' folder there too.
3. Create a normal frugal install. For example:
a. mkdir -p </mnt/partition>/KLA-XFCEbase
b. mount the iso somewhere and copy all of its contents out and into that KLA-XFCEbase frugal install directory.
c. Open a terminal at that directory and enter command: ./wd_grubconfig
That should give you suitable grub2 or grub4dos accurate (correct UUID or LABEL provided) stanzas to use (assuming you have a working grub bootloader already installed on your computer).
Once again you can choose to use w_changes=RAM2 save on demand mode, or w_changes="" (default) direct save persistence mode.
4. For more usage modes refer to blog articles at

Also read the following for additional useful installation-related information:

trizen (for AUR) and pacman info:

Using this base version has the advantage that after installing the likes of Firefox or Chromium upgrades to the browser will overwrite the previous installation in upper_changes rather than use addional space to that of any iso-internal version.

INCLUDES small but effective 'eolie' Internet browser; give it a try, you might be surprised
NOTE: I was really only including a browser to help with any html-based documentation reading, but it has proved to be much better than I intended/expected. In my tests, the selected small browser worked well and solidly with all of Youtube, Gmail, Gdrive, BBC news (but bbc video issues), and Facebook. For many, maybe all you need... Also works great for cut'n'paste page contents to cherrytree notes!!! Bound to be some sites it won't work with though, but you can still add your own later via package manager or portable. Note that opened browserTabs show on left side of window.

NOTE: You will probably have to replace the mnthome symlinks on Desktop and Thunar bookmarks to suit your own system. Easily done: just copy /mnt/home symlink and drop on your Desktop and in Thunar bookmarks and rename to mnthome or whatever you prefer.

Per usual, further details can be found at first post of this thread.

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by geo_c »

I'm running a little KLA-XFCE 1.1 tonight.

Also booted KLA-OT2 1.0 but mine doesn't look anywhere near as cool as @Sofiya's

Where are all Sofiya's desktop theme tricks located? Oh yeah, he's running RC-5 I guess...

@wiak here ya go mister coffee man:

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by geo_c »

Tried to run @mikewalsh's portable Thunderbird and it looks like the glib isn't backward compatible or something to that effect. Thunderbird portable runs well in KLV-airedale though. KLA-xfce gives me this output:

Code: Select all

├── /mnt/home/portableAPP/Thunderbird-portable64
└># ./LAUNCH
XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /mnt/sdb2/portableAPP/Thunderbird-portable64/thunderbird64/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Couldn't load XPCOM.

Is this an easy fix, like installing something from the Arch repos? Or is it too much of a headache to bother with?

LibreWolf appimage runs fine, I'm posting from KLA-xfce now. I'll keep testing applications this week. Also I've got all my tbox themes linked and this is a snappy OS. I like it.

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by mikewalsh »

@geo_c :-

Probably the easiest way to check what's going on is by doing an "ldd" on T-Bird. Go into the portable's directory, then into the thunderbird64 directory. Open a terminal in that directory, then

Code: Select all

ldd ./thunderbird

.....and hit 'Enter'. What does it say? is fairly standard across most distros of the last decade. Could be you specifically need the Arch-compiled version, although it looks like it's simply not present on the system. Either that, or there's a missing sym-link, or something like that....


Mike. :?

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by wiak »



Code: Select all

pacman -S dbus-glib

If that fixes what you want (probably tiny install) I'll include it in next update.

Easy way to find missing libs like that from Arch repos is just to google similar to: Arch linux libdbus-glib

and look for related Arch Linux packages link. Don't use libs from other distros if you want a stable Arch system; Arch provides pretty much everything (and good new variants) - or AUR for some older packages sometimes.

Probably better ways, but whatever finds what you need... it is out there almost certainly; the distro is full Arch Linux under the hood so excellent/reliable up-to-date package management.
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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by wiak »

Note though (in terms of future apps and so on):

Pointers will be given for implementing APIs using common D-Bus libraries like GDBus, but detailed implementation instructions are left to the libraries’ documentation. Note that you should not use dbus-glib to implement D-Bus services as it is deprecated and unmaintained. Most services should also avoid libdbus (dbus-1)
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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by geo_c »

mikewalsh wrote: Sat Mar 11, 2023 10:35 am

@geo_c :-

Probably the easiest way to check what's going on is by doing an "ldd" on T-Bird. Go into the portable's directory, then into the thunderbird64 directory. Open a terminal in that directory, then

Code: Select all

ldd ./thunderbird

.....and hit 'Enter'. What does it say? is fairly standard across most distros of the last decade. Could be you specifically need the Arch-compiled version, although it looks like it's simply not present on the system. Either that, or there's a missing sym-link, or something like that....


Mike. :?

I just ran ldd from KLV-airedale on the portable directory and got this output, but I probably need to do it from KLA-xfce, but it's not showing from KLV-airedale either. That's interesting.

Code: Select all

root# ldd ./thunderbird (0x00007ffe80437000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f7817a9c000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f7817a97000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f78177e5000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f7817703000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f78176e3000) => /usr/lib/ (0x00007f78174fa000)
	/lib64/ => /usr/lib64/ (0x00007f7817aad000)

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by fredx181 »

geo_c wrote:

I just ran ldd from KLV-airedale on the portable directory and got this output, but I probably need to do it from KLA-xfce, but it's not showing from KLV-airedale either. That's interesting.

Probably you'll see libdbus-glib dependency when you run ldd on ldd ./
If you look closely at what's the exact error (for file ...):

XPCOMGlueLoad error for file /mnt/sdb2/portableAPP/Thunderbird-portable64/thunderbird64/

Thunderbird depends on the libs inside the thunderbird64 directory, but those libs on itself have dependencies too.

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by wiak »

Though I was in a hurry so used xz compression to keep iso size small, I know that is not the best. Better to use less compression or different compression algorithm such that decompression and responsiveness is much much better.

Back in mid-2016 I was in the habit of recompressing all sfs files (in DebianDog at that time) with lz4 following various experiments and reports by ex-forum-member ruf_user1111 who said:

Either high speed decompression (lzo/lz4) or no decompression obviously alleviate the processor. If you do boot frugally from HDD i.e. have a grub4dos or similar boot-loader that is installed on HDD and that reads the main files (/live or whatever directory) from HDD, then no compression and no-copy is a great choice.

Currently, during the little computing I'm doing for now, I'm back experimenting with such compression and of course with alternative zstd that is now readily available and supported in modern kernels.

So next time I update any KL release of my own (whenever that is going to be) I'll likely not be using xz compression and probably going for bigger iso download size that instead provides more responsive (faster app loading and so on) behaviour. On purpose I'm back doing these tests on my 'old' (2008) core2duo HP Elitebook 12.1" SL9400 low-wattage CPU that was upgraded to 4GB long time back. Actually, both KLA-XFCEbase and KLU-jam-XFCEbase work perfectly fine on it with xz compression, but I'm pretty sure they'll fly using the likes of lz4 or zstd sfs compression instead.

Of course, with KL distros you can also simply uncompress the sfs files and run them as numbered uncompressed directories. I'll include that in my experiments.
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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by wiak »

Now that I'm experimenting again with my old relatively low RAM core2duo machine, I'm also remembering the other thing we used to often arrange 5 or 6 years ago when using DebianDogs: zram

I know @backi was an early enthusiast of that, as was @dancytron and I was also drawn in by it and even wrote a big howto (mainly for systemd I think - but the other links were for non-systemd arrangements): ... 02#p981202

On my usual machine nowadays, I doubt I'd ever bother with zram (though never say never) but for that old machine, probably remains a good idea so I may add some of these old scripts for optional zram in future releases. However, there were some reports way back of some users experiencing slow-downs when using zram, though I never noticed any such problam on my own machines. I think it was something to do with some old CPUs having low L2 cache, though I don't know the implications of that anyway.
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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by dancytron »

I think it was before I started using systemd. It works the same on either system as far as I can tell.

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by wiak »

So, I don't think I personally have any actual need for "containers", except... I like being able to run separate distros at same time so been using qemu for that. I've therefore wondered if it would be more efficient to run separate distros in containers instead.

So I'm experimenting. First I had to decide what to use to implement containers on my system. I read a bit, didn't understand too much, but recognized that current techniques tend to use something called runc to make the containers, but that's very low level so traditionally people used docker to manage the overall container use. Kubernetes no longer needs docker at all, apparently, but is a big system to do with maintaining a cluster of containers - doesn't seem like what I want. But then, there is Podman, which is similar to docker but doesn't run a daemon in the background - that sounded good to me, and what's more - installing Podman was a much smaller download than docker on my KLA-XFCEbase system. To cut a long story short, I thereafter managed to run a 7MB alpine container - not GUI, just a busybox shell, but interesting anyway - let me play with its package manager apk. I similarly managed to run ubuntu container with entry into a bash shell. Big deal - wanted GUI, so right now I'm posting from an alpine (uses musl) XFCE container - accessing its X11vncserver via vncviewer on my host system.

I really know nothing about this, but main thing was I decided if I wanted to learn a bit about containers I wanted to use current preferred technologies that implement that - hence my immediately going for podman rather than any slim/experimental container approach. Having said that, podman turns out not too heavy really and once it is installed and working - it's installed and working.

I may end up publishing a special KLA-XFCEpodman iso - should be no more than 100 MiB - 200 MiB bigger than the base release. If someone tells me how to configure samba (client enough hopefully) I might even do that - but only if exact step by step howto is posted here for me to implement it (I will not have time to test samba at all sorry). Anyway, may not be released - just thinking about it - I should stay away from computers.

EDIT: podman containers proving fascinating. Been playing with small alpine image container all night, and turned it into a small X windows base with twm window manager - just for fun. Using Xvnc directly without installing X otherwise - bit tricky and not really practical, but fun... around 79MB uncompressed image so not too big. The alpine container when used just for commandline work is only 8MB! The alpine-XFCE container is very practical though, but that's a few hundred MB in size - not crazy size though and runs well.
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Re: KLA-XFCEbase-rc4 (681MiB) release announcement

Post by geo_c »

wiak wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 1:58 am

EDIT: I found the AUR trizen-compiles xfe package here on my system:

Code: Select all


Note that Arch packages are zst compressed nowadays and end with the extension .pkg.tar.zst

I've just gotten around to booting up KLA-XFCE again, and used pacman to do a system-wide upgrade. I'm ready to try installing Xfe, and now looking back at your posts, I'm wondering if I still need to install the base-devel in order for trizen to compile, or does this command you've posted above compile on a stock KLA-XFCEbase1.1?

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase-rc4 (681MiB) release announcement

Post by wiak »

geo_c wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 3:54 am
wiak wrote: Sat Feb 11, 2023 1:58 am

EDIT: I found the AUR trizen-compiles xfe package here on my system:

Code: Select all


Note that Arch packages are zst compressed nowadays and end with the extension .pkg.tar.zst

I've just gotten around to booting up KLA-XFCE again, and used pacman to do a system-wide upgrade. I'm ready to try installing Xfe, and now looking back at your posts, I'm wondering if I still need to install the base-devel in order for trizen to compile, or does this command you've posted above compile on a stock KLA-XFCEbase1.1?

Sorry, I cant remember. often you do need base-devel, but maybe not always.
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Re: KLA-XFCEbase-rc4 (681MiB) release announcement

Post by geo_c »

wiak wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 4:07 am

Sorry, I cant remember. often you do need base-devel, but maybe not always.

No biggie, I just renamed my upper_changes to a numbered folder, and I'll install base-devel in the fresh upper_changes and give xfe a shot.

Once I get xfe going this KLA will be getting into daily driver territory for me just like KLV.

I think the only OS's I'll be needing in the forseeable future will be KLV-airedale and KLA-xfce, and of course I'll probably be using jackalpup for years to come, as I've got it loaded and fine tuned after a few years of use. Jackalpup is useful to me in terms of audio capabilities and the multitude of packages and tweaks I have installed, but the KL distros are much more current and maintainable. I've been running Ardour audio multi-tracking on KLV, and it's a more recent version than jackalpup, and receives updates, also runs smooth with pulse audio. So it's only a matter of time before KLV and KLA fill that niche too.

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by geo_c »


Xfe is all installed and running. That trizen build worked seamlessly. Very nice stuff. I have a feeling arch is going to be great to work with.

EDIT: and I installed it by the first method you suggested, installing build-devel, switching to user spot, and running trizen -Sy xfe.


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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by geo_c »

Lewis Fletcher wrote: Mon Apr 10, 2023 6:26 pm

The error message suggests that the system is missing the library "". One solution is to try installing the "dbus-glib" package from the Arch repos.

To install the package, run the following command in the terminal:

Copy code
sudo pacman -S dbus-glib
After installation, try running Thunderbird portable again and see if it works.

Yes @wiak suggested that earlier and I had to leave KLA alone over the busy spring season. But I have some time and I just installed it and Thunderbird portable is running successfully.

Now KLA is fully functioning for the basics, portable browsers, email, Xfe file manager.

I'm wondering if there are any special considerations for installing Rox file manager, or is it just:
sudo pacman -S rox

FOLLOWUP: I'm not seeing Rox in the Official Arch repositories or the AUR repository. So I'm guessing it needs to be compiled.

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by wiak »

Rox is in the AUR I believe
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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by wiak »

Using ChatGPT as I suspect has already happened:

My chat remark:

The error message suggests that the system is missing the library "" use pacman

ChatGPT answer:

This error message indicates that the required library "" is missing on your system, and you are using a system that uses the pacman package manager, such as Arch Linux or Manjaro.

To install the missing library using pacman, you can run the following command in the terminal:

Copy code
sudo pacman -S dbus-glib
This command will install the required library and any dependencies that it may have.

After the installation is complete, you may need to restart the application or program that was giving you the error for the changes to take effect.

No thank you necessary @geo_c, thanks!!! ;-) (No it was not me who posted the similar answer a few posts above under the guise of one Lewis Fletcher).
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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by Sofiya »

geo_c wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 1:15 am

I'm wondering if there are any special considerations for installing Rox file manager, or is it just:
sudo pacman -S rox

FOLLOWUP: I'm not seeing Rox in the Official Arch repositories or the AUR repository. So I'm guessing it needs to be compiled.

removed from main repository Arch

Rox installation

install :

Code: Select all

pacman -U ./rox-2.11-7-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst

Download: ... UvFz6AjZs8

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by geo_c »

wiak wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 9:10 am

Using ChatGPT as I suspect has already happened:
No thank you necessary @geo_c, thanks!!! ;-) (No it was not me who posted the similar answer a few posts above under the guise of one Lewis Fletcher).

Wow, you're right! Lewis Fletcher joined the forum yesterday and posted the "advice." I don't see the comment anymore in this thread, did you or @rockedge delete it?

So does this mean we have to be on the lookout for embedded code in AI-chat generated posts now?

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Re: KLA-XFCEbase 1.1 final (716MiB) release announcement

Post by geo_c »

Sofiya wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2023 11:42 am

removed from main repository Arch

Yeah, I thought so, and it's a pity, because Rox is unique and powerful. I'll give your instructions a go!

Old School Hipster, and Such

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