@ Geek3579, about the ydrv. Yes, you can rename it adrv. But I like reserving adrv for applications which need to be updated frequently, e.g. web-browsers*. So what I did was:
(1) mount the ydrv and copy its contents to a folder I named ydrv.
(2) Right-Clicked the folder and selected dir2pet.
(3) installed the ydrv.pet
(4) Right-Clicked the ydrv.sfs and renamed it 0ydrv.sfs -- just in case something went wrong & I had to revert.
(5) rebooted.
(6) Used nicOS-Utitlity-Suite's Remaster* Alternative, https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 983#p12983 to create a new base.sfs. [I think radky/rockedge now include the Suite. Look at the Utilities Sub-Menu].
That enables me to include applications I want to add and don't expect to change to a ydrv and those which change frequently to an adrv.
But I didn't realize initrd will now use bdrv. So rockedge's solution might be better.
* Neither PPM>Uninstall nor Menu>Setup>Remove Builtins can be used to remove applications in adrv, bdrv or ydrv. Removing, updating applications within them can be complicated. Before the remaster I removed the Builtin web-browser otherwise my system would have web-browsers in both the base and the adrv wasting space and resources. With the Suite in the base.sfs I can temporarily boot without the ydrv and use Save2SFS to update web-browsers.