I have changed the structure of @peebees LxPupSc64 6.1.10 kernel and run it in a USR_SYMLINKS=yes
dpup. The changed zdrv is to big to attach but basically I just unsquashed it, moved the contents of /etc, /lib, and /sbin into /usr/ etc, lib, and sbin. Rude but it booted and ran fine. The symlinks required already exist in the main SFS. An analogous process would have to be done on the fdrv if used (I don't). Also, when @OscarTalks was still making kernels he would produce both flavors. I have been wondering how badly the primary build would break making the change: USR_SYMLINKS=yes
Yep "kicking and screaming, into the future. "
When I was playing with one of the dpups of that flavor, I did manage to break the install with a 'traditional' pet but I knew what to expect wrt that. Could certainly upset the unwary user. We're really caught between worlds at this time. Support the tons of good pets out there or the ubuntu repos.
I've been using the 'traditional' upup A3 as my daily with no tears at all. I had a simple CLI theme switcher for my LXDE pups and updated it to handle the JWM based ones and switch both the gtk-3.0 and gtk-2.0 themes. Haven't put xfce in it as yet because I don't run any xfce pups but it makes playing with themes much easier.