Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

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Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by mikeslr »

I am by no means an expert. If I've got it wrong please correct this. If you have any other useful information to provide please do that.

Some newer Puppys are being woofed to provide Pulse-Audio which, itself, is a front-end to Alsa. But these newer Puppys do not have the GUIs you may be accustomed for configuring sound on your system. Particularly absent is an application such as Multi-Soundcard-wizard.

In developing F-96, radky has taken us a long way toward taming the confusion which results. For instructions see his post here, https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 490#p80490

As far as I can tell, this will work for all applications which are supposed to produce sound except two web-browsers: Slimjet and Iron. I tested a lot of web-browsers, but perhaps not your favorite. I only tested a couple of other applications other than web-browsers. See, https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 211#p82211

The following applications generated sound: DeaDBeef, mpv, avidemux 2.8.1.AppImage and MikeWalsh's Openshot-qt portable.

If you know of applications which work, mention them on this thread. If you encounter one which doesn't, open a discussion in the User's Section. This Section is for Tips and Tricks.

Edit: It's late here. But further exploration has indicated that selections via the Configuration Tab is preferable and, more importantly, safer. I'll pick this up tomorrow. For now, just take seriously the following precautions.

As far as I can tell. Pulse-Audio looks for LADPSA Streams. Running an application which can generate sound, the Playback Tab will look something like this:

LADSPA Stream.png
LADSPA Stream.png (39.76 KiB) Viewed 4202 times

Right-Click the Sound Launcher on the Taskbar; Select Preferences. The Playback tab will be the last at the Top-Left.

If the Section labeled LADSPA stream is missing AFAIK Pulse-Audio will not be able to generate sound. If it is present but sound is not being generated, you can Left Click the Grey Box. Its text indicates which device is being used. A Drop-down may offer choices of other devices. Do Not Right-Click it. Right-Click offers to terminate and you may do that accidentally. If you do, a restart-x will be necessary.

If none of the devices offered LADSPA stream generate sound, then before you do anything else (1) Backup your SaveFile/Folder and/or (2) configure your Puppy to operate under PupMode 13 – that is without executing a Save except when a manual order to Save is executed.

Any change you make takes place immediately and globally. If your new setting is wrong, Pulse-Audio will not generate sound for applications which previously had sound under the right setting. To recover, a reboot will be necessary and even that won’t work if the wrong setting was written to your SaveFile/Folder.

I’m not suggesting not to experiment. Just use precautions; and post any useful information. For myself, I’ve had to abandon my favorite Web-browser, Iron, in favor of one which worked OOTB, Brave.

Last edited by mikeslr on Thu Feb 23, 2023 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by redquine »

Thanks for starting a discussion about this, Mike. I've been having trouble getting to grips with PulseAudio and wasn't sure if it was a common issue or just my peculiar laptop (Toshiba Satellite P200; ALSA only recognises my speakers if they're plugged into the headphone socket).

After tweaking /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf as usual, I could get sound from DeaDBeef but neither Firefox nor Iron, both "portables". I eventually resolved the Firefox issue by moving the extralibs folder elsewhere (not removing it altogether as some of my distros still need it).

Ungoogled Chromium plays perfectly via the LADSPA stream, as shown in your screenshot, but not so much as a squeak from Iron. I tried launching each from the terminal then visiting https://www.onlinemictest.com/sound-test/


Code: Select all

# /mnt/home/Ungoogled_Chromium-portable64/LAUNCH
# [15996:15996:0218/090944.644701:ERROR:gpu_memory_buffer_support_x11.cc(44)] dri3 extension not supported.
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `44'
# [15940:15986:0218/091001.368643:ERROR:ev_root_ca_metadata.cc(290)] Failed to register OID: 0
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `290'
# [15940:15940:0218/091001.508355:ERROR:interface_endpoint_client.cc(665)] Message 1 rejected by interface blink.mojom.WidgetHost


Code: Select all

# /mnt/home/Iron-portable64/LAUNCH
# [17272:17272:0218/091057.153894:ERROR:gl_angle_util_vulkan.cc(189)] Failed to retrieve vkGetInstanceProcAddr
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `189'
# [17272:17272:0218/091057.154108:ERROR:vulkan_instance.cc(91)] Failed to get vkGetInstanceProcAddr pointer from ANGLE.
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `91'
# [17239:17315:0218/091057.160276:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(623)] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get: object_path= /org/freedesktop/UPower: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `623'
# [17239:17315:0218/091057.162082:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(623)] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.UPower.GetDisplayDevice: object_path= /org/freedesktop/UPower: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `623'
# [17239:17315:0218/091057.162503:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(623)] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.UPower.EnumerateDevices: object_path= /org/freedesktop/UPower: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.UPower was not provided by any .service files
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `623'
# [17272:17272:0218/091057.216230:ERROR:gpu_memory_buffer_support_x11.cc(44)] dri3 extension not supported.
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `44'
# [17239:17257:0218/091101.070789:ERROR:checkin_request.cc(240)] Check-in request got net error: -105
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `240'
# ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
# [17898:17898:0218/091107.128422:ERROR:alsa_util.cc(204)] PcmOpen: default,Connection refused
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `204'
# ALSA lib pulse.c:242:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('
# [17898:17898:0218/091107.131734:ERROR:alsa_util.cc(204)] PcmOpen: plug:default,Connection refused
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `204'
# [17239:17257:0218/091128.285963:ERROR:checkin_request.cc(240)] Check-in request got net error: -105
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `240'
# [17239:17257:0218/091224.298541:ERROR:checkin_request.cc(240)] Check-in request got net error: -105
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `240'
# [17239:17257:0218/091352.565508:ERROR:checkin_request.cc(240)] Check-in request got net error: -105
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `240'
# [17239:17257:0218/091738.647823:ERROR:checkin_request.cc(240)] Check-in request got net error: -105

I know Iron always burbles the first few error messages but thought I'd copy the whole lot in so you can see where the ALSA stuff pops up. (That was the moment I tried to play the sound test.)

Any thoughts about this? Or would t'other Mike care to chip in?

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by mikeslr »

@ redquine. It's rare that I can make any sense out of code. This isn't one of those instances. I've identified my capabilities as those of a precocious 3rd grader playing with blocks.

On my desktop, after figuring out that playback requires the selection of 'Builtin Audio Analog Stereo' for LAPDSPA stream firefox portable worked as packaged. So did firefoxESR and a firefox-development version I hobbled-together employing MikeWalsh's firefox-portable's structure, scripts and extralib folder. As did Waterfox, Waterfox-Classic and an old version of Librewolf. And I just tried a Librewolf-108.appimage with similar success.

The main reason for my post was really to convey its warnings. I had spent a great deal of time getting pulse-audio to generate sound with one application, tried Iron again and lost everything without knowing why.

AFAICT, at least under Puppy's GUI for pulse-audio, its configuration file --which I think is in part echoed by the playback GUI-- is not as robust as Puppys 'old' Multi-SoundCard-Wizard.

Hopefully, those who understand code will resolve that. Alternatively --as with the change from Puppy's old Internet Connection menagerie to conman-- someone will develop a 'switcher' enabling Pulse-Audio's GUI to be circumvented in favor of Puppys older-but-more-versatile system.

Note to those who think modernization is necessary at whatever inconvenience it brings to users: Today's US Army has many modern means of transporting men and supplies. But the Marines still train mules and men how to use mules; and "Special Forces annually send teams to their school to learn the use of pack animals." https://transportation.army.mil/history/pack_mules.html
"Survival of the fittest" means that which can make best use of the resources of its environment. Puppy's environment is 'old computers'.

My best guess is that those writing the code for the LAPDSPA plugins do so working with state-of-the-art computers and never encounter hardware issues.

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by BarryK »

In easyOS, I extensively modified MSCW (Multiple Sound Card Wizard) to work with pulseaudio. The code is here:

https://github.com/bkauler/woofq/blob/m ... /sbin/mscw

However, just plugging it into a pup might not work, as there may be infrastructure differences in how I have implemented support for pulseaudio. It would need an expert developer to adapt it to another pup.

I also have a custom audio volume tray applet (pa-applet), that has a menu to launch MSCW or pavucontrol.
It is based upon dimkr's pa-applet, my source here:

https://distro.ibiblio.org/easyos/sourc ... betical/p/

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by mow9902 »

As far as I can tell, this will work for all applications which are supposed to produce sound except two web-browsers: Slimjet and Iron. I tested a lot of web-browsers, but perhaps not your favorite. I only tested a couple of other applications other than web-browsers.

Interesting that no sound is produced using iron or vivaldi ...but everything works well in peebee's chromium latest version.

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by thinkpadfreak »

mikeslr wrote: Wed Feb 22, 2023 5:50 pm

As far as I can tell. Pulse-Audio looks for LADPSA Streams. Running an application which can generate sound, the Playback Tab will look something like this:

On Jammypup64 9.8 by Grey, the Output Devices Tab looks like the attached picture:

There is no such thing as LADSPA plugin.

The volume of sound is not saved on F96-CE running on my machine. I think the issue is different from the issue discussed here.
Anyway, I think the volume level set up in the Output Devices Tab is conveyed to alsa, and it should be saved in /etc/asound.state.

Screenshot.png (34.1 KiB) Viewed 4048 times
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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by mikewalsh »

@mikeslr :-

AFAICT, the choices for ConnMan and PulseAudio come from our last remaining "full-time" Puppy developer. That's dimkr. Since there are no other devs contributing to Woof-CE, that would mean no need to have to discuss choices with anyone.......so, what you see is what you get. Reading Dima's posts over the last couple of years, the stated alternative is quite simple from his viewpoint. You want alternatives? Contribute to Woof-CE, in the form of 'pull' requests (or whatever it takes).

Sign o' the times, I think. Going forward, we'll HAVE to get used to these, because I think it's all we're going to get.....dragging Puppy one step closer to mainstream 'clone' status. Nobody wants to 'help out' at Woof-CE/Github.....so we're in no position to complain. The days of choice in Puppyland are slowly getting less & less, the community is becoming smaller, and the regulars are all getting older.

If I were in Dima's shoes, I think I'd be feeling rather "put-upon" at this point in time.



The above is no criticism of anyone. It's a statement of the present facts, insofar as I can tell.


As far as PulseAudio is concerned, whenever I use a Puppy with it installed, I remove it and install Retrovol in its place. I find it works better.....but, that's just ME. Many others may like PA; the solution, as always, is to use what works for YOU.

I don't like PA. Never have, never will. It seems to takes a TON of clicks to achieve anything. I can achieve this with Retrovol in just one or two. And it doesn't work with my own custom audio-device switchers, which I prefer to use.

Don't let MY choices put you off, though. The rationale behind the inclusion of PA is, I guess, quite simple. It's a long-established standard, and has been the control of choice for most distros for several years OOTB. As for ConnMan, I don't feel qualified to comment. I don't know enough about it.

T'other Mike. :|

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by amethyst »

mikewalsh wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:32 am

@mikeslr :-

AFAICT, the choices for conman and PulseAudio come from our last remaining "full-time" Puppy developer. That's dimkr. Since there are no other devs contributing to Woof-CE, that would mean no need to have to discuss choices with anyone.......so, what you see is what you get. Reading Dima's posts over the last couple of years, the stated alternative is quite simple from his viewpoint. You want alternatives? Contribute to Woof-CE, in the form of 'pull' requests (or whatever it takes).

Sign o' the times, I think. Going forward, we'll HAVE to get used to these, because I think it's all we're going to get.....dragging Puppy one step closer to mainstream 'clone' status. Nobody wants to 'help out' at Woof-CE/Github.....so we're in no position to complain. The days of choice in Puppyland are slowly getting less & less, the community is becoming smaller, and the regulars are all getting older.

If I were in Dima's shoes, I'd be feeling rather "put-upon" at this point in time.



The above is no criticism of anyone. It's a statement of the present facts, insofar as I can tell.


As far as PulseAudio is concerned, whenever I use a Puppy with it installed, I remove it and install Retrovol in its place. I find it works better.....but, that's just ME. Many others may like PA; the solution, as always, is to use what works for YOU.

I don't like PA. Never have, never will. It seems to takes a TON of clicks to achieve anything. I can achieve this with Retrovol in just one or two. And it doesn't work with my own custom audio-device switchers, which I prefer to use.

Don't let MY choices put you off, though. The rationale behind the inclusion of PA is, I guess, quite simple. It's a long-established standard, and has been the control of choice for most distros for several years OOTB. As for ConnMan, I don't feel qualified to comment. I don't know enough about it.

Mike. :|

dimkr is doing a great job obviously but maybe it's time to also use other building methods to produce customized Puppy's, eg. remasters (or rebuilds). A basic barebones woof-ce build can still be used and then some resourceful users can make changes like they want that may appeal to some old timers (more working like the traditional Puppys for example). We could see a derivative boom. Are there any barebones builds available? Just thinking aloud...I'm still a modest Bionic 32-bit user and haven't tried anything newer.

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by mikewalsh »

@amethyst :-

Yes, I have to agree with you, Nic. Dima IS doing a fantastic job under quite trying circumstances. I'm certainly not complaining, more just wistfully commenting on the differences between when I first joined the community and the situation as it is now.

If I was more into OS development, I'd willingly help-out & contribute at Woof-CE. But that side of things has never held any appeal for me; I've always been more interested in what you can run on top of the OS, rather than the OS itself.

Which is why I don't often get involved in any of the development threads.....for the simple reason I have nothing TO contribute. And it's pretty pointless commenting on what I don't understand.

Mike. ;)

(PS:- I've edited the quote in your post to reflect the fact I've added more stuff since you posted it! :D)

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by rockedge »

mikewalsh wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:14 am

I've always been more interested in what you can run on top of the OS, rather than the OS itself

Exactly why you are a very important contributor/developer to this community.

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by thinkpadfreak »

thinkpadfreak wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:35 am

On Jammypup64 9.8 by Grey, the Output Devices Tab looks like the attached picture:

There is no such thing as LADSPA plugin.

It seems that Vanilla Dpup 9.2.x had no LADSPA plugin, either.

I was a little bit surprised to see "LADSPA" on F96-CE. I wonder if it is indispensable. If we can do without it, Not having it will be simpler.

I am not uncomfortable with pulseaudio, because apulse will not be necessary to run Firefox if pulseaudio is included in the system.

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by dimkr »

mikewalsh wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:32 am

You want alternatives? Contribute to Woof-CE, in the form of 'pull' requests (or whatever it takes).

Yes, Puppy is a do-ocracy.

If you want SNS back, or anything other than connman, make it happen. For now, I changed the default in focal64 and jammy64 to connman, which IMO is the best network connection management solution we have at the moment. SNS and the old stuff are almost unmaintained and nobody solves the the big problems, while NetworkManager is too big and heavy for Puppy.

(Originally, I added connman support to woof-CE for use in my dpup builds, but I follow the forum and see common complaints. I'm trying to address common pain points in Puppy - that's why I applied the PulseAudio/PipeWire and Blueman support in dpup to focal64 and jammy64 too.)

woof-CE still allows you to build a Puppy with SNS: nothing stops you from doing that, and that is the default for any Puppy except those where I changed the default.

mikewalsh wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:32 am

dragging Puppy one step closer to mainstream 'clone' status.

I don't understand this argument. Do you prefer a buggy and unreliable network management solution with many downsides (bad handling of suspend+resume and lack of IPv6 support, among other things) to something that solves these problems, just because that other solution is not an in-house Puppy thing? This it the same argument I see in the keep PPM vs. drop PPM arguments: people want the bad but "traditional" thing and refuse to admit it has problems, or admit it's imperfect but point at somebody else when asked to help fix it.

How can Puppy become a better distro, when the old solution is always a "sacred cow" that must not be replaced, yet has many issues and nobody volunteers to help fix them?

(And, in the case of PulseAudio/PipeWire - the lack of Bluetooth support is a great reason not to use Puppy. Good luck getting Bluetooth working with ALSA with user-friendly GUI. IMO, switching to a modern audio setup that works out-of-the-box with modern browsers and multimedia applications like OBS is just too darn important, and only a small minority of users has an exotic setup with multiple sound cards to choose from.)

mikewalsh wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:32 am

The days of choice in Puppyland are slowly getting less & less

First of all, as I said, the old Puppy stuff are still there. AFAIK, nowadays @peebee builds his releases with woof-CE as-is. GTK+ 2, X.Org, aufs, SNS, PPM - you name it. The old stuff is there, untouched (because nobody contributes to it).

The "new stuff", like overlay, GTK+ 3, Wayland, connman, Blueman, apt, etc', is all optional. It's super easy to build a jammy64 Puppy without any of these.

If you're truly worried about "choice" and want to introduce more options (i.e. not just SNS or connman, ALSA or PulseAudio/PipeWire, etc'), It's much easier to contribute to Puppy development today. You don't need a fast computer and don't need to install anything if you have a modern browser.

https://github.com/puppylinux-woof-CE/w ... ibutor-101
https://github.com/puppylinux-woof-CE/w ... -on-GitHub

(IMO, what the Puppy community lacks is the willingness to do. You don't have to 'adjust' to 'changes' made by 'developers'. You can change Puppy's future or build your own variant of Puppy.)

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by amethyst »

I'm probably still going to use Bionic 32 as base for a very long time. May have to update some libraries later on to get some things working but at the moment everything that I use works for me. The base sfs is 255MB, gzip compressed (doesn't include a browser). That's small for a relatively modern distribution (but still 2,5 times bigger than Precise which to be fair is getting old in the tooth and less functional). I'm also not in the "it must be the latest" paranoia lane where everything needs to be spanking new. For instance, I do not update my browsers all that often (maybe once every year or two at best). I've had a look at Firefox's minimum system requirements the other day and were surprised how relatively "low" it is. One will be able to use it with Bionic for instance for a looong time.

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by mikewalsh »

@dimkr :-

I'm probably not a very good example of a typical Puppian, Dima. My main rig uses an Ethernet chip that's had kernel support for quite some time. I use a single wireless connection - only occasionally - again with a module that's been in the kernel since forever (ath5k). I don't have anything with Bluetooth, nor am I interested in using it.

However, most other people probably have newish lappies with all this stuff built-in, and naturally they want to use it. Quite possible multiple devices wanting a wireless connection, if the truth be known! My own single lappie - an elderly Dell Latitude - never goes anywhere, sits in one place all the time, and has a ton of stuff hooked up to it. It's treated like a second desktop, so.....again, I'm far from typical.

And er, yeah; my comment about 'dragging Puppy into the mainstream' wasn't the best choice of words..! I tend to overlook the fact that because I have no connection issues myself, many others definitely do. I can't automatically assume the same applies to others. It's rather telling that despite the number of networking tools Puppy has available, some folks still can't connect with any of them. What does that say about past choices?


I know this much. What few of the very recent Woof-CE based builds I have tried have ALL auto-connected without any fuss. A situation for which I'm very grateful..! So if you had anything to do with that state of affairs, it's appreciated, trust me.

As for 'worried about change'? Nah. I'm comfortable with using technology, though I DO like to let it prove itself before investing. I've never been keen on jumping into brand-new stuff feet-first. Like most older people, I will admit to getting comfortable with doing things in certain ways, and perhaps being reluctant to change (even when it becomes obvious that to do so would be the best all-round solution). That's human nature, of course; we are, most of us, creatures of habit.

I wouldn't take TOO much notice of my 'burblings'..! :D

Mike. ;)

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by mikewalsh »

rockedge wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:57 am
mikewalsh wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:14 am

I've always been more interested in what you can run on top of the OS, rather than the OS itself

Exactly why you are a very important contributor/developer to this community.

@rockedge :-

Heh. The sentiment is appreciated, Erik, but I think you've got more faith in me than I have in myself..! :shock: :o :lol: :lol:

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by fredx181 »

mikewalsh wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:39 pm
rockedge wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:57 am
mikewalsh wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:14 am

I've always been more interested in what you can run on top of the OS, rather than the OS itself

Exactly why you are a very important contributor/developer to this community.

@rockedge :-

Heh. The sentiment is appreciated, Erik, but I think you've got more faith in me than I have in myself..! :shock: :o :lol: :lol:

Wasn't it you (and probably still) sharing and updating all the useful portable browser setups (and more other stuff) ? :thumbup2:

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by mikewalsh »

@fredx181 :-

Uh-huh. I do try to keep most of the 'portable-apps' up-to-date where I can, though I concentrate more on the browsers, since for most of us they're the single most important major piece of software that we run.

A lot of the other 'portable-apps' don't update anything like as often. For which I'm eternally grateful! :D

Mike. ;)

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by mikeslr »

Just got back and haven't yet had the time to check developments since I posted an edit to the OP. But I wanted to report that unlike my Desktop, my laptop's display under Configuration showed more than one 'available' choice.

PulseAudio-Config.png (48.09 KiB) Viewed 3959 times

Like redquine, without regard for what setting I chose, I could not obtain sound on my Laptop with firefox or any derivative except the 'old' Waterfox-Classic. I didn't test palemoon. firefox requires 'extra-libs' --i.e. pulse-audio-- and I haven't yet tried obtaining sound by moving the portable's extralib folder. IIRC, earlier today I noted on jrb's Jammy thread mention (I think by dimkr) something about a woof-pet for Vanillla-upup which would provide a 'false apulse' satisfying the need, or something to that effect. Maybe it could be made more generally available.

And as to whether Pulse-Audio can function without LADPSA plugins. That may be the case. Again relying on my flaky memory, I think on my laptop I was surprised that google-chrome generated sound even before I made any choice setting and despite that the playback tab did NOT show the existence of anything other than System Sounds.

That the same application presents different GUIs on different computers adds to the confusion. To be noted is Barry K's recent post somewhere that in developing EasyOS so that it could use pulse-audio he created a modified version of Multiple-Sound-Card Wizard. I think something like it would really be helpful. I have more hope than he that application, albeit created for EasyOS, could be used either OOTB or with slight modification under Puppies.

AFAICT, the tray launcher only shows those choices which are actually available. It likely can be used to make choices. For testing purposes, however, the Configuration Tab may have some advantage (other than providing a hint as to what is missing) and is certainly safer than making immediate and global changes on the playback tab.

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by dimkr »

mikeslr wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:05 pm

something about a woof-pet for Vanillla-upup which would provide a 'false apulse' satisfying the need, or something to that effect. Maybe it could be made more generally available.

Any Puppy built with wood-CE that has PulseAudio or PipeWire includes this. F96 was probably built using manual editing of a woof-CE build from before last December, when this was introduced. Therefore, jammy64 should have this.

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by thinkpadfreak »

I wrote about the issue that the volume of sound is not saved on F96-CE. The issue remains on F96-CE_1, at least on my machine. I suspect that /etc/asound.state is not updated at shutdown and is not read at boot.

To save the setting, execute the following command:
# alsactl -f /etc/asound.state store
To restore the setting at boot, execute the following command:
# alsactl -f /etc/asound.state restore

I execute the above commands, using /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown and a startup script in /root/Startup.

If pulseaudio is a frontend of alsa, the setting of alsa will have to be saved.

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by thinkpadfreak »

thinkpadfreak wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2023 8:18 am

I suspect that /etc/asound.state is not updated at shutdown and is not read at boot.

A further test indicated that saving is OK, and that restoring the setting at boot does not function.

I suspect that some of the strange behaviors reported here and there which are related to pulseaudio are due to the failure to restore the setting of alsa.

I suggest that the manual execution of the alsactl command should be tried just after booting.

Code: Select all

# alsactl -f /etc/asound.state restore
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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by fredx181 »

thinkpadfreak wrote: Sat Feb 25, 2023 2:20 am
thinkpadfreak wrote: Fri Feb 24, 2023 8:18 am

I suspect that /etc/asound.state is not updated at shutdown and is not read at boot.

A further test indicated that saving is OK, and that restoring the setting at boot does not function.

I suspect that some of the strange behaviors reported here and there which are related to pulseaudio are due to the failure to restore the setting of alsa.

I suggest that the manual execution of the alsactl command should be tried just after booting.

Code: Select all

# alsactl -f /etc/asound.state restore

The thing may be that alsactl restore should run after pulseaudio has started (at least for me it happened that restore (sometimes ?) doesn't work if it's done before pulseaudio start) .

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by dimkr »

@fredx181 Yes, and /etc/init.d/10alsa, which does that save, runs before PulseAudio or PipeWire are started. That if in this script probably never worked, because it runs too early, even before the D-Bus session bus needed to run either.

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by Sofiya »

LADSPA - This is an equalizer plugin and it only works when the equalizer is running.
if you do not run the equalizer, then "LADSPA" will not be displayed in Pavucontrol.
so I guess, the absence of sound for another reason occurs.

Equalizer included.png
Equalizer included.png (101.16 KiB) Viewed 3778 times
Equalizer off.png
Equalizer off.png (109.81 KiB) Viewed 3778 times

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by geo_c »

@Sofiya , since you are skilled with the ladpa equalizer, I have a question.

I'm running a Digital Audio Workstation (Ardour) on KLV-airedale, and I have a small collection of ladspa plugins, but Ardour says they are not working, which makes sense, because when I search for ladspa packages in Xbps, I don't have any installed.

Void repository has ladspa-sdk which is described as the Plugin API.

Is that all I need to be able to use LADSPA plugins?

Last edited by geo_c on Wed Jul 26, 2023 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pulse-Audio : Adjusting to it

Post by Sofiya »

geo_c wrote: Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:28 pm

@Sofiya , since you are skilled with the ladpa equalizer, I have a question.

I'm running a Digital Audio Workstation (Ardour) on KLV-airedale, and I have a small collection of ladspa plugins, but Ardor says they are not working, which makes sense, because when I search for ladspa packages in Xbps, I don't have any installed.

Void repository has ladspa-sdk which is described as the Plugin API.

Is that all I need to be able to use LADSPA plugins?

ladspa-sdk --- it's a completely different application. for other use. https://www.ladspa.org/ladspa_sdk/overview.html

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