chiefengineer wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 9:14 pm
Does any one have these issues BUT me:
1)About 30% of the time I cntrl-C something on the clipboard then try to paste it
via cntrl-V or shift-insert, something "else" some old clipboard content.
Occasionally, I have similar issues. In my case they are due to my dragging the mouse and at the same time pressing the primary button without realizing that I'm being sloppy and that this move is copying text parts under the mouse. A similar thing can happen to me when my palms inadvertently affect the touchpad while I'm typing something.
2)When I go to the clipboard manager the "bolded" content I had hoped for is not fact
something else IS (down the list), and that's what I got.
You probably know that X11 has more than one clipboard, and that glipper-lite can manage two separate clipboards in a single history list. The two clipboards are affected differently, one with C-c / C-v, the other one with S-select / S-insert. If glipper-lite shows a bold entry, that entry can be pasted with C-v. In a urxvt terminal you can only paste with S-insert. In GUI apps I tend to use C-c / C-v exclusively, and S-sel / S-ins in terminals. The top entry can be pasted with S-ins in a terminal. The bold entry can be pasted with C-V in a GUI app. You can move an entry to the top by clicking it then reopening the menu (C-A-c by default). The entry will be at the top and bolded, therefore it can be pasted with S-ins (terminal) and C-v (GUI).
3)I suspect something is amiss between copying things out of the "X Universe" and back and forth
between Geany and is like I have lost my mind and need to check the clipboard every single
time I do something as an interim step before pasting.
Generally I only use C-c / C-v in GUI apps. I may have to check glipper-lite's history before pasting if I'm unsure whether I selected text from the terminal for copying to the GUI app. In that case I click the entry to make it bold, reopen glipper-lite's menu and paste with C-v.
4)Occasionally, I inexplicably get something having to do with permissions pasted, like "root: x x".
I just wonder if something like Clipman exists for Fatdog? I never have had an issue with Clipman.
No clipman for Fatdog. I think clipman is for Wayland.
5)I am also curious if anyone has been capable of expanding the memory for to a few hundred
entries...I seem unable...there must be a prefs file lurking somewhere.
Right-click glipper-lite's icon in the panel and select "preferences".
That aside, this configuration helps me to curb the number of non-interesting entries is glipper-lite's history:
Code: Select all
# Prevent text entry widget select-on-focus, which overwrites X selection clipboard.
gtk-entry-select-on-focus = 0
Add that entry to /root/.gtkrc.mine and restart X. Have you noticed that in many GUI applications some things get selected by default? With the configuration above they won't, therefore they will not be added to glipper-lite's history.
6)Is this because I use the default RXVT-Unicode terminal and things just don't translate? What terminal
cures my disease?
I tried to explain the differences between the two clipboard systems that X11 provides, and glipper-lite exposes. Urxvt can't use the C-v / C-c clipboard - only the "other one". There's lxterminal in Fatdog's repository but I don't know if lxterminal provides C-v / C-c support.