I use VLC to view/stream security cameras on one of my PC (BusterDog).
I browsed the net reading other people's experiences (also happy to get Fred's tip with scaling) and switches that they used and I picked/tried to adapt for my need.
And I put it in startup.
Code: Select all
QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1.6 vlc --no-audio rtsp://xxxxxx/ch01 --qt-start-minimized
On locations where the WiFi signal is low, often there's drop out. And you need to press 'play' for the stream to start again.
I found several postings on the net, and ways they resolved it to restart the stream automatically. One that I like was to use play list. So, my command line evolved to become
Code: Select all
QT_SCALE_FACTOR=1.6 vlc --loop --no-audio /root/backyard.xspf --qt-start-minimized
When VLC starts. You see VLC minimised icon.
Good...but few seconds later, when connection is made to the cameras, VLC automatically maximise.
Interrupting what I was doing, and needing to minimise VLC again.
The same issue with using playlist.
When it dropped out and automatically reconnected, it automatically maximise again.
I'd like VLC to always stays minimised in background, until I click it.
Is this possible?
Thank you.