I downloaded the test ISO from https://forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic.php?t=5069.
Put into ventoy usb and launched and played around. As it seemed to have a working suspend/laptop lid resume, I thought I'd do a frugal install on my trusty sdcard, alongside other frugals.
The built in installer seemed to copy over the live folder but gave an error message 'copy failed' at the end. Didn't boot so did manual install, copying live folder contents to folder on sdcard.
Tried the various boot stanzas in menu.lst on sdcard but got error, generally file not found and something like file system ext2fs, even though it is ext3 partition. Tried various options but no joy.
Found this thread and copied a couple of your examples for grub2, which exists on my SSD (sda) from which I sometimes boot frugals on sda and sdb. I think grub2 is supposed to be faster. Never have problems.
Below are my edited stanzas. Folder is bdog. Confirmed copied live folder contents from iso in Ventoy with sync:sync.
menuentry "BookwormDog" {
insmod ntfs
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 81c56d04-e8bc-4d3c-9aa6-a8d1bce29dcb
linux /bdog/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/bdog/ changes=/bdog/changes.dat
initrd /bdog/initrd1.xz
menuentry "Bookwormdog - savefolder" {
insmod ext2
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 81c56d04-e8bc-4d3c-9aa6-a8d1bce29dcb
linux /bdog/vmlinuz1 noauto from=/bdog changes=EXIT:/bdog/
initrd /bdog/initrd1.xz
Neither boot,or rather it starts but then boot screen static. Waited several minutes. All other frugals boot within 60 seconds.
Any help welcome, for menu.lst or grub2.