Slackware Live Chinese language packages

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Slackware Live Chinese language packages

Post by icake »

Slackware Live Edition is a version of Slackware 14.2 (or above) that can be run from a DVD or a USB stick. It comes with all the power of Slackware and includes the default install, but no custom packages or kernel. The ISO is created by the "liveslak" scripts from scratch using a Slackware package mirror.

more information and download:

I have created 18 icake Chinese txzes to provide Chinese language support to the current version (created on 2021-10-23) of Slackware Live with xfce desktop.

1. The half-Chinese txzes will enable you to display and input Chinese in Slackware-Live system (current version created on 2021-10-23).

2. The Chinese txzes will enable you to display and input Chinese in Slackware-Live system (current version created on 2021-10-23); plus the user

interfaces including destop icons, menus, sub-menus and move-over pop-up tooltips are all shown in Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese.

To use:
i. To get Chinese fonts and Input method platform, install one of the 6 half-Chinese txzes to the applicable Slackware Live system.
Available selection: (fcitx/scim/yong input method platforms) and (64/32 bit).

ii. To get Chinese fonts, Input method platform and Chinese desktop, install one of the 12 Chinese txzed to the applicable Slackware Live system.
Available selection: (Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese); (fcitx/scim/yong input method platforms) and (64/32 bit).

More detail information about these Chinese txzes can be found in a pdf user's guide written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

To download these icake Chinese txzes, user's guide and the 2021-10-23 current version of Slackware-Live system isoes, please see: ... re%20Live/

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Slackware Live 15.0rc2 Chinese language packages

Post by icake »

Further to my released of Chinese language txzes for Slackware Live 15.0rc1 on Nov 10, 2021, version 15.0rc2 has been released.

more information and download:

Based on the 2 current Slackware Live isoes with xfce desktop (isoes also uploaded to my folder):
slackware64-live-xfce-current.iso (released on Dec 19, 2021)
slackware-live-xfce-current.iso (released on Dec 20, 2021)

I have created 18 txzes to provide Chinese language support to them (separately for 32 and 64 bit)

A. half-Chinese txzes: (only Chinese fonts and Chinese input method platform):
a. fcitx input method platform
1. 64 bit: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-321.5.0.txz
2. 32 bit: fcitx32_4.2.0-en-zh-bionic-320.5.0.txz

b. scim input method platform
3. 64 bit: scim64_1.4.18-en-zh-bionic-321.5.0.txz
4. 32 bit: scim32_1.4.18-en-zh-bionic-320.5.0.txz

c. yong input method platform
5. 64 bit: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-321.5.0.txz
6. 32 bit: yong32_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-320.5.0.txz

B. Chinese language txz plus input platforms:
d. Chinese language txz plus fcitx input method platform
7. 64 bit, Simplified Chinese desktop plus fcitx input platform: slackware64_live-xfce.15.0rc2.20211219-fcitx-zhcn-321.5.0.txz
8. 64 bit, Traditional Chinese desktop plus fcitx input platform: slackware64_live-xfce.15.0rc2.20211219-fcitx-zhhk-321.5.0.txz
9. 32 bit, Simplified Chinese desktop plus fcitx input platform: slackware32_live-xfce.15.0rc2.20211220-fcitx-zhcn-320.5.0.txz
10. 32 bit, Traditional Chinese desktop plus fcitx input platform: slackware32_live-xfce.15.0rc2.20211220-fcitx-zhhk-320.5.0.txz

e. scim input method platform
11. 64 bit, Simplified Chinese desktop plus scim input method platform: slackware64_live-xfce.15.0rc2.20211219-scim-zhcn-321.5.0.txz
12. 64 bit, Traditional Chinese desktop plus scim input method platform: slackware64_live-xfce.15.0rc2.20211219-scim-zhhk-321.5.0.txz
13. 32 bit, Simplified Chinese desktop plus scim input method platform: slackware32_live-xfce.15.0rc2.20211220-scim-zhcn-320.5.0.txz
14. 32 bit, Traditional Chinese desktop plus scim input method platform: slackware32_live-xfce.15.0rc2.20211220-scim-zhhk-320.5.0.txz

f. yong input method platform
15. 64 bit, Simplified Chinese desktop plus yong input method platform: slackware64_live-xfce.15.0rc2.20211219-yong-zhcn-321.5.0.txz
16. 64 bit, Traditional Chinese desktop plus yong input method platform: slackware64_live-xfce.15.0rc2.20211219-yong-zhhk-321.5.0.txz
17. 32 bit, Simplified Chinese desktop plus yong input method platform: slackware32_live-xfce.15.0rc2.20211220-yong-zhcn-320.5.0.txz
18. 32 bit, Traditional Chinese desktop plus yong input method platform: slackware32_live-xfce.15.0rc2.20211220-yong-zhhk-320.5.0.txz

i. To get Chinese fonts and Input method platform, install one of the half-Chinese txzes in (A).
Available selection: (fcitx/scim/yong input method platforms) and (64/32 bit).

ii. To get Chinese fonts, Input method platform and Chinese desktop, install one of the Chinese txzed in (B). Available selection:
(Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese); (fcitx/scim/yong input method platforms) and (64/32 bit).

More details about these half-Chinese and Chinese debs can be found in a pdf file: "icake_slackwarelive_chinese_txzes_user_guide" written in English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.

These debs and user guide can be downloaded from the public sharing folders here: ... re%20Live/

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Slackware Live 15.0 current 20220815 Chinese language packages

Post by icake »

Version 15.0 Final of Slackware Live was released Feb 2, 2022. Besides, every 1 or 2 weeks, a current version with the latest updates will also be released.

more information and download:

I have created 16 txzes to provide Chinese language support to Slackware Live (32 and 64 bit) xfce desktop current (released 15 Aug 2022) isoes.

Slackware Live current isoes used (version created on 2022-08-15 and these were uploaded to my sharing folder):

A. half-Chinese txzes: (provide Chinese fonts and Chinese input method platform):
a. combo with 5 input method platforms (a choice of fcitx, gcin, hime, scim or yong)
1. 64 bit: icake64-slackware-live-xfce-current-20220815-est-fghsy.txz
2. 32 bit: icake32-slackware-live-xfce-current-20220815-est-fghsy.txz

b. fcitx input method platform
3. 64 bit: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-321.5.5.txz
4. 32 bit: fcitx32_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-320.5.5.txz

c. gcin input method platform
5. 64 bit: gcin64_2.9.0-en-zh-bionic-321.5.5.txz
6. 32 bit: gcin32_2.9.0-en-zh-bionic-320.5.5.txz

d. hime input method platform
7. 64 bit: gcin64_0.9.11-en-zh-bionic-321.5.5.txz
8. 32 bit: gcin32_0.9.11-en-zh-bionic-320.5.5.txz

e. scim input method platform
9. 64 bit: scim64_1.4.18-en-zh-bionic-321.5.5.txz
10. 32 bit: scim32_1.4.18-en-zh-bionic-320.5.5.txz

f. yong input method platform
11. 64 bit: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-321.5.5.txz
12. 32 bit: yong32_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-320.5.5.txz

B. Chinese language txz (no Chinese input platform):
g. Simplified Chinese
13. 64 bit: sl64_live.xfce.15.0.20220815-zhcn-321.5.5.txz
14. 32 bit: sl32_live.xfce.15.0.20220815-zhcn-320.5.5.txz

h. Traditional Chinese
15. 64 bit: sl64_live.xfce.15.0.20220815-zhhk-321.5.5.txz
16. 32 bit: sl32_live.xfce.15.0.20220815-zhhk-320.5.5.txz

To use:
i. To get Chinese fonts and Input method platform, install one of the applicable half-Chinese txzes to the Slackware Live system (under b to e).
Available selection: (fcitx/gcin/hime/scim/yong input method platforms) and (64/32 bit).

ii. To get Chinese fonts, Input method platform and Chinese desktop, install one of the combo Chinese txzes under (a) to the applicable Slackware Live system. Available selection: (Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese); (fcitx, gcin, hime, scim or yong) separately for 64 and 32 bit.

Note: after installing one of the half-Chinese modes under (b to f), there are issues that I still cannot resolve to prevent the system to install one of the Chinese language modes under (g or h). Therefore to have both Chinese input and Chinese desktop, please use the combo modes under (a). Otherwise, you can only have the Chinese input method with English desktop (with any modes under b to f), or Chinese desktop without any Chinese input methods (with any modes under g to h).

For more information about these modes, please see the user guide written in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese here: ... and-Tools/

Download address for these half-Chinese, Chinese and combo Chinese modes: ... 5.0.Final/

Oct 2, 2022

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Slackware Live Chinese language packages - version 1.6.0 - Dec 23, 2022

Post by icake »

Version 15.0-1.6.0 of 64 bit Slackware Live was released Dec 23, 2022. Besides, every 1 or 2 weeks, a current version with the latest updates will also be released.

more information and download:

I have created several txzes to provide Chinese language support to Slackware Live 64 bit xfce desktop 1.6.0 current (released 23 Dec 2022) iso:
slackware64-live-xfce-current_1.6.0_20221223.iso (uploaded to my sharing folder)

A. half-Chinese txzes: (provide Chinese fonts and Chinese input method platform):

a. fcitx input method platform: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-321.5.7.txz
b. gcin input method platform: gcin64_2.9.0-en-zh-bionic-321.5.7.txz
c. hime input method platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bionic-321.5.7.txz
d. ibus input method platform: ibus64_1.5.25-en-zh-bionic-321.5.7.txz
e. scim input method platform: scim64_1.4.18-en-zh-bionic-321.5.7.txz
f. yong input method platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-321.5.7.txz

B. Chinese language txz (no Chinese input platform):

g. Simplified Chinese: sl64_live.xfce.
h. Traditional Chinese: sl64_live.xfce.15.0.20220815-zhhk-321.5.7.txz

To use:
i. To get Chinese fonts and Input method platform, install one of the applicable half-Chinese txzes to the Slackware Live system (under a to f).
Available selection: (fcitx/gcin/hime/ibus/scim/yong input method platforms)

ii. To get Chinese fonts, Input method platform and Chinese desktop, install one of the Chinese txzes under (B) first, then install one of the half-Chinese txzes under (A). Available selection: (Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese); (fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim or yong)

Important note:
For Chinese desktop with Chinese input method: first install a txz under A, then install any one txz under B.
(( this installation order is different from the language packs for other Linux/Puppy systems ))
For English desktop with Chinese input method: install txzes under B only.

For more information about these modes, please see the user guide written in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese here: ... and-Tools/

Download address for these half-Chinese, Chinese and combo Chinese modes: ... 6.0-64bit/

Jan 20, 2022

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Re: Slackware Live Chinese language packages

Post by stemsee »

Ha! I downloaded that live yesterday, and DDed to sd card and booted, but X doesn'T start or it starts with a blackened display!! No further testing possible.....maybe i could specify framebuffer as a kernel argument.

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booting Slackware live cd

Post by icake »

I do not have enough information to figure out why your attempt did not work. This is what I did to boot the slackware64-live-xfce-current.iso:

1. download slackware64-live-xfce-current.iso from

2. under a linux system, use dd to write the iso image to an usb inserted on device /dev/sdx
dd bs=4M if=/path/to/slackware64-live-xfce-current.iso of=/dev/sdx && sync

Hope that helps.

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Re: Slackware Live Chinese language packages

Post by oxsard »

stemsee wrote: Sat Jan 21, 2023 1:50 pm

Ha! I downloaded that live yesterday, and DDed to sd card and booted, but X doesn'T start or it starts with a blackened display!! No further testing possible.....maybe i could specify framebuffer as a kernel argument.

You can use “ventoy ” to manage your boot livers isos in one usb disk.

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Slackware Live Chinese language packages 15.0-1.7.0

Post by icake »

Version 15.0-1.7.0 of 64 bit Slackware Live was released on Jun 4, 2023. Besides, every 1 or 2 weeks, a current version with the latest updates will also be released.

more information and download

I. Chinese language txzes:
I have created several txzes to provide Chinese language support to slackware64-live-xfce-current_1.7.0_20230604.iso (1 Gb)

A. half-Chinese txzes: (provide Chinese fonts and Chinese input method platform):
a. fcitx input method platform: fcitx64_4.2.9-en-zh-bionic-321.5.8.txz (22mb)
b. gcin input method platform: gcin64_2.9.0-en-zh-bionic-321.5.8.txz (6 mb)
c. hime input method platform: hime64_0.9.11-en-zh-bionic-321.5.8.txz (5 mb)
d. ibus input method platform: ibus64_1.5.25-en-zh-bionic-321.5.8.txz (52 mb)
e. scim input method platform: scim64_1.4.18-en-zh-bionic-321.5.8.txz (14 mb)
f. yong input method platform: yong64_2.5.0-en-zh-bionic-321.5.8.txz (14 mb)

B. Chinese language txzes (no Chinese input platform):
g. Simplified Chinese: sl64_live.xfce. (6 mb)
h. Traditional Chinese: sl64_live.xfce. (5 mb)

To use:
1. To get Chinese fonts and Input method platform, install one of the applicable half-Chinese txzes to the Slackware Live system under (A - a to f).
Available selection: (fcitx/gcin/hime/ibus/scim/yong input method platforms)

2. To get Chinese fonts, Input method platform and Chinese desktop, install one of the Chinese txzes under (B - g to h) first, then install one of the half-Chinese txzes under (A - a to f). Available selection: (Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese); (fcitx, gcin, hime, ibus, scim or yong)

Important note:
3. For Chinese desktop with Chinese input method: first install 1 txz under (B - g to h), then install any one txz under (A - a to f).
(( this installation order is different from the language packs for other Linux/Puppy systems - first A then B ))

4. For English desktop with Chinese input method: install any 1 txz under (A - a to f).

II. icake combo package
I have also created an icake combo Chinese package for Slackware Live 64 bit xfce desktop 1.7.0 (released 20230604):
icake64-slackware-live-xfce-current-20230604.txz (177 mb)

This combo Chinese package allows the user to select:
a. user language interface from: [English/Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese]

b. Chinese input platform from: [fcitx/gcin/hime/ibus/scim/yong] input method platforms

so the total available choices for [language interface/Chinese input platform] is 18:
3 language interfaces X 6 Chinese language input platform = 18

For more information about these txzes, please see the user guide written in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese here:
20211229_icake_slackwarelive_chinese_txzes_user_guide.pdf (0.3 mb)

revised Jul 9, 2023

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Re: Slackware Live Chinese language packages

Post by icake »

Version 15.0-1.8.0 of 64 bit Slackware Live was released on Sep 17, 2023. Besides, every 1 or 2 weeks, a current version with the latest updates will also be released.

for more information and download

I. Chinese language txzes:
I have created several icake Chinese txzes to provide Chinese language support to Slackware Live 64 bit xfce desktop 1.8.0 current (released Sep 17 2023) iso: slackware64-live-xfce-current_1.8.0_20230917.iso (uploaded to my sharing folder)

a. fcitx input method platform: slackware64-live-xfce-current-
b. gcin input method platform: slackware64-live-xfce-current-
c. hime input method platform: slackware64-live-xfce-current-
d. ibus input method platform: slackware64-live-xfce-current-
e. scim input method platform: slackware64-live-xfce-current-
f. yong input method platform: slackware64-live-xfce-current-

To use:
1. Each of these icake Chinese txzes contains a Chinese input platofrm to input Chinese in the Slackware Live system.
Available selection: (fcitx/gcin/hime/ibus/scim/yong input method platforms)

2. Each icake Chinese txz allows you to select (English/Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese) as user interface in the Slackware Live system.

For more information about these txzes, please see the user guide written in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese here: ... and-Tools/

Download these icake Chinese txzes

Oct 3, 2023

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Slackware Live version 1.8 released 20240107 Chinese language packages

Post by icake »

Version 15.0-1.8.0 of 64 bit Slackware Live was released on Sep 17, 2023. Besides, every 1 or 2 weeks, a current version with the latest updates will also be released.

for more information and download

I. Chinese language txzes:
I have created several icake Chinese txzes to provide Chinese language support to Slackware Live 64 bit xfce desktop 1.8.0 current (released Jan 7, 2024)

a. fcitx input method platform: slackware64-live-xfce-current-1.8.0-20240107-fcitx-est.txz (30 mb)
b. gcin input method platform: slackware64-live-xfce-current-1.8.0-20240107-gcin-est.txz (16 mb)
c. hime input method platform: slackware64-live-xfce-current-1.8.0-20240107-hime-est.txz (16 mb)
d. ibus input method platform: slackware64-live-xfce-current-1.8.0-20240107-ibus-est.txz (65 mb)
e. scim input method platform: slackware64-live-xfce-current-1.8.0-20240107-scim-est.txz (21 mb)
f. yong input method platform: slackware64-live-xfce-current-1.8.0-20240107-yong-est.txz (20 mb)

To use:
1. Each of these icake Chinese txzes contains a Chinese input platofrm to input Chinese in the Slackware Live system.
Available selection: (fcitx/gcin/hime/ibus/scim/yong input method platforms)

2. Each icake Chinese txz allows you to select (English/Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese) as user interface in the Slackware Live system.

For more information about these txzes, please see the user guide written in English, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese here: ... and-Tools/

Download these icake Chinese txzes

Sep 1, 2024

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