How to install Firefox with S15Pup64 22.12?

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How to install Firefox with S15Pup64 22.12?

Post by shoriishi »

hello I have installed S15Pup64 22. 12, I'm a newbie, this is the first time I use puppy, but I do not know how to change the default browser that brings puppy on slackware base and install firefox, in the Puppy packet manager I can not install firefox, I get an error, it seems that ligth browser uses the default location that should take the installation of firefox and can not continue the installation of firefox, I would like to use brave browser and librewolf, but I can't compile, I don't know if you can help me with basic linux tutorials and how to compile the programs that are not available for a slackware based system, I have installed ubuntu before, but now I see that I know nothing about linux, because I have problems for almost everything with a system like puppy base slackware that has no help like the ones based on ubuntu.

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Re: Help to install firefox with S15Pup64 22.12

Post by Wiz57 »

In the Menu, look for the category "Internet", then look for "Get browser", Firefox should be one of the options peebee offers.

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Re: Help to install firefox with S15Pup64 22.12

Post by bigpup »


How do you have S15Pup64 installed?
On what type drive?

I will assume you have a live install on a USB stick.

Have you done a shutdown and made a save?

That needs to be done before trying to install any added software.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Help to install firefox with S15Pup64 22.12

Post by shoriishi »

Wiz57 wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 9:56 pm

In the Menu, look for the category "Internet", then look for "Get browser", Firefox should be one of the options peebee offers.

yes thanks, sorry for asking obvious questions, but I was referring to firefox ESR, not the normal version, I will explain my case and why I ended up using puppy, the issue is that I have an old laptop, it is a compac f700 I think from 2008, this laptop does not have much power and I want to give it to an older person who knows absolutely nothing about it, so I want a very stable version of firefox, from the PPM I could not install this version, I also wanted to install librewolf for that person to be safe.

The normal version if you download and install from the link that brings puppy, thank you very much for the kind help.


bigpup wrote: Wed Jan 11, 2023 10:00 pm


How do you have S15Pup64 installed?
On what type drive?

I will assume you have a live install on a USB stick.

Have you done a shutdown and made a save?

That needs to be done before trying to install any added software.

I installed it on the pc hard disk, I had to watch a tutorial on how to partition the disk with gparted, assign the swap and set the partition format to ext4 and set the flag to boot on the sda2 which is where the operating system is installed.

If I have already saved the modifications and installed even libre office, changed the screen resolution and other options that after a reboot are still persistent, that means that if I saved the data, thanks for the answer.

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Re: How to install Firefox with S15Pup64 22.12?

Post by mikeslr »

You're new to Puppy. But if you're familiar with Windows you probably know what a portable application is. MikeWalsh makes portables for Puppy Linux. You can download the FirefoxESR-portable64 from the link on this post, viewtopic.php?t=4083. It will arrive packaged as a tar.gz or tar.xz. Right-Click the package and from the Pop-up menu select, UExtract or pExtract. Within the extraction folder you'll find a folder just named something like FirefoxESR-portable64. You can move that folder anywhere. The recommended location is onto the same partition where your Puppy resides*. In that folder you will find a script named LAUNCH. Left-Clicking it will open the application. Do that to make certain the application is working. You'll also see another script named Menu-Add. Left-Clicking it will write files to your system creating a menu entry.

You'll find a lot of applications in the Additional Software Section, viewforum.php?f=7. Some are pets you install; some portables handled as explained above and some are SFSes. (An SFS is a type of portable which Puppys have been using for over a dozen years). You Right-Click it and select SFS-Load from the pop-up menu. SFS-Load is a toggle, i.e. it will also unload. When unloaded it uses none of your RAM. When loaded, but not opened, very little).

You'll find both brave browser and librewolf in the Browsers and Internet Subsection of the Additional Software Section. Brave is a portable.viewtopic.php?p=59662#p59662. I know MikeWalsh also created a portable librewolf available from this post, viewtopic.php?p=34456#p34456. But it's old. There may be a newer version. I don't have the time to scan all the posts in that Section. If you read the thread you'll see that that librewolf started as an AppImage. These are also portables. You can get the latest librewolf appimage, here. Download, Right-Click, select properties and put 'x's' in each of the boxes in the Exec column. File-Browse to and Left-Click to open.

When MikeWalsh and others on this forum build portables they are structured to be self-contained; that is your configurations, bookmarks, addons and --importantly-- web-cache will be kept in their own folder. AppImages alone won't do that. They will write to /root. And under Puppy's 'merge in RAM' system files in /root are in RAM. Read, How Puppy Linux Works. viewtopic.php?t=5818.

Don't bother to try to 'uninstall' the built-in palemoon. It's located in the adrv_S15Pup64 22. 12.sfs file. The file is READ-ONLY. Once you have another working web-browser you can re-name it --e.g., 0adrv_S15Pup64 22. 12.sfs-- or delete it. It will no longer be copied into RAM on boot-up. But having already used it some parts of it, or its configuration files and web-cache may have been written into your SaveFile/Folder. These can be deleted and a SAVE executed fo preserve that change. But other than web-cache located in /root as a hidden file (Left-Click Rox's Eye to see hidden files) I'd suggest leaving it alone. Puppys handle 'RAM-Cache' and 'Working RAM' very efficiently. Someone else will have to explain how. I've got to leave now.

Deleting files which on storage are contained in a READ-ONLY SFS doesn't actually delete the files. It only writes a 'white-out' file to your SAveFile/Folder so that the file won't be used. Only a Remaster (which honors the white-out) results in removal as the deleted file won't be written to the Remaster.

Menu>Setup>Set Default Apps --or Default Application Chooser-- opens a GUI for selecting which apps are the default.

Recommended because (a) that partition is automatically mounted so anything on it is immediately available; but (b) it is neither loaded nor copied to RAM on bootup.

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Re: How to install Firefox with S15Pup64 22.12?

Post by shoriishi »

mikeslr wrote: Thu Jan 12, 2023 3:12 pm

You're new to Puppy. But if you're familiar with Windows you probably know what a portable application is. MikeWalsh makes portables for Puppy Linux. You can download the FirefoxESR-portable64 from the link on this post, viewtopic.php?t=4083. It will arrive packaged as a tar.gz or tar.xz. Right-Click the package and from the Pop-up menu select, UExtract or pExtract. Within the extraction folder you'll find a folder just named something like FirefoxESR-portable64. You can move that folder anywhere. The recommended location is onto the same partition where your Puppy resides*. In that folder you will find a script named LAUNCH. Left-Clicking it will open the application. Do that to make certain the application is working. You'll also see another script named Menu-Add. Left-Clicking it will write files to your system creating a menu entry.

You'll find a lot of applications in the Additional Software Section, viewforum.php?f=7. Some are pets you install; some portables handled as explained above and some are SFSes. (An SFS is a type of portable which Puppys have been using for over a dozen years). You Right-Click it and select SFS-Load from the pop-up menu. SFS-Load is a toggle, i.e. it will also unload. When unloaded it uses none of your RAM. When loaded, but not opened, very little).

You'll find both brave browser and librewolf in the Browsers and Internet Subsection of the Additional Software Section. Brave is a portable.viewtopic.php?p=59662#p59662. I know MikeWalsh also created a portable librewolf available from this post, viewtopic.php?p=34456#p34456. But it's old. There may be a newer version. I don't have the time to scan all the posts in that Section. If you read the thread you'll see that that librewolf started as an AppImage. These are also portables. You can get the latest librewolf appimage, here. Download, Right-Click, select properties and put 'x's' in each of the boxes in the Exec column. File-Browse to and Left-Click to open.

When MikeWalsh and others on this forum build portables they are structured to be self-contained; that is your configurations, bookmarks, addons and --importantly-- web-cache will be kept in their own folder. AppImages alone won't do that. They will write to /root. And under Puppy's 'merge in RAM' system files in /root are in RAM. Read, How Puppy Linux Works. viewtopic.php?t=5818.

Don't bother to try to 'uninstall' the built-in palemoon. It's located in the adrv_S15Pup64 22. 12.sfs file. The file is READ-ONLY. Once you have another working web-browser you can re-name it --e.g., 0adrv_S15Pup64 22. 12.sfs-- or delete it. It will no longer be copied into RAM on boot-up. But having already used it some parts of it, or its configuration files and web-cache may have been written into your SaveFile/Folder. These can be deleted and a SAVE executed fo preserve that change. But other than web-cache located in /root as a hidden file (Left-Click Rox's Eye to see hidden files) I'd suggest leaving it alone. Puppys handle 'RAM-Cache' and 'Working RAM' very efficiently. Someone else will have to explain how. I've got to leave now.

Deleting files which on storage are contained in a READ-ONLY SFS doesn't actually delete the files. It only writes a 'white-out' file to your SAveFile/Folder so that the file won't be used. Only a Remaster (which honors the white-out) results in removal as the deleted file won't be written to the Remaster.

Menu>Setup>Set Default Apps --or Default Application Chooser-- opens a GUI for selecting which apps are the default.

Recommended because (a) that partition is automatically mounted so anything on it is immediately available; but (b) it is neither loaded nor copied to RAM on bootup.

Thank you for such a detailed response, I did not know everything you are telling me, I think I must read a lot, I was used to the ease of windows and ubuntu, everything is super simple, I never had to read anything or resort to the console, I am going to try with the portable ones and then I prefer to leave the light browser, I did not know that it could not be uninstalled, I had no idea of ​​all the information you gave me, thank you very much.

I think I will read what is necessary to deliver the functional computer and perhaps give some help to the person who is going to receive it, the greatest use that the computer will have is to use the internet, watch some videos and listen to some music, just basic things.

I'm going to install puppy in virtualbox and do tests to familiarize myself a bit with basic things without fear of damaging something.

Tanks also to @Wiz57 and @bigpup

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Re: How to install Firefox with S15Pup64 22.12?

Post by OscarTalks »

This is the official version downloaded from mozilla and made into a .pet Puppy package which does seem to work in S15Pup64
Version is firefoxESR-102.6.0
If you wish to try it:-
Uninstall any other versions of firefox
Download this one and click on it to install it ...
Mike Walsh's portable should be equally as good if not better, but this is easy to install and test.

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Re: How to install Firefox with S15Pup64 22.12?

Post by bigpup »

Just like any new operating system you do need to learn about it.

Puppy Linux does do some things the Puppy way and it does take a little time to understand how it works.

This info about adding software may help you:

S15Pup64 is so new, that there has not been much done to give it a repository of software compiled for it.
Puppy Package Manager is only offering stuff from other Linux OS repositories.
Read the info provided by the above Link.
Right now the best advice is try to get stuff from the Additional Software section of this forum or from people that offer to make a pet package for what you are looking for.
Like OscarTalks :thumbup: :D

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: How to install Firefox with S15Pup64 22.12?

Post by mikeslr »

Actually, there's really not a lot you have to read. "Nobody re-invents the wheel".

Think of my original post as a User Guide. The major difference between Puppy and other operating systems is that Puppy is designed to be portable: to distinguish what you have in storage with what you have in RAM. And maintaining that difference --since on boot-up Puppy will have copied into RAM or created links in RAM to information on storage-- Puppy has developed techniques for efficiently using RAM. By way of example, on storage your Puppy, all its built-in applications, and all the other applications you've added may occupy 4 Gbs of storage. But on boot-up all but as little as 150 Mbs of RAM will remain available for doing work. [Several Puppys will use less than 100 Mbs]. Of course, as soon as you begin using applications some more RAM will become 'unavailable' for other work and the content you receive from graphic rich web-sites are RAM-hogs.

A setup exe is the one packing system Microsoft uses. a deb is the one packaging system Ubuntu used before the development of snaps and flatpaks. To make use of flatpaks, Ubuntu includes about another Gb of applications in its operating system. Snaps are almost as inefficient. Using less than 4 Gbs of Storage, Puppys can do pretty much what Ubuntu does requiring 8.6 Gbs of Storage with 20 Gbs recommended. See, viewtopic.php?p=43310&sid=18de79b795b16 ... 5df#p43310 and the earlier posts on that thread.

The "How Puppys Work", and "How Puppy's Save Works", ... 818#p63818 explains how this vehicle differs from most you are used to.

The best thing you can do is get behind the wheel and drive it. And don't hesitate to ask if you have questions.

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Re: How to install Firefox with S15Pup64 22.12?

Post by Firefly »

Down load from firefox site unpack and open folder and click on firefox file . download ... esktop-esr

Just tested works fine alongside other firefox.

Its so simple.

Folder can be on another drive or outside the save file/folder so i use the same firefox on 3 diffrent puppys and 6 save folders.

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