I had booted successfully from my puppy thumb drive and it was running for two days.
I was trying the rtcwake-FULL command
Code: Select all
root# rtcwake-FULL -m mem -s 60
Unfortunately, the .sh file I made is now gone because it was on a virtual location created by the OS and that virtual location is now gone.
If I remember correctly, I tried:
Code: Select all
root# rtcwake-FULL -m disk -s 60
The screen went black. So far so good. Then the screen went strange with garbled colors with no distinct pattern, and then black again. I tried Ctrl+C which had no visible effect.
I opened my laptop and saw that the computer had re-booted itself and tried to boot my thumb drive, but failed.
I tried booting from the thumb drive again, but it still failed. So, I tried booting from my NVME drive and surprisingly, it booted! The last time I tried, it had failed. I made a pupsave folder previously on the NVME drive and I was able to choose that folder on my current boot, but not a single setting returned. Someone pointed out that puppy cannot always tell the difference between a savefolder and a savefile, so maybe that is what happened. So, how do people get puppy to recognize the savefolder as a savefolder?
I opened Firefox from a location on my NVME drive, but the extensions were missing. Then, I ran Firefox from my thumb drive where I successfully booted from the last time and luckily FF worked fine except for no sound. I believe the sdb1 drive is locked in pmount because I am running Firefox on that drive.
For my current boot, I chose the NVME drive to boot in my BIOS, but in pmount there is no puppy symbol on any of the drives. I wonder why? I refreshed pmount 3 times and still no puppy symbol.
PS. I am planning to change my puppy partition to ext4 based on the advice I received in this forum. I was going to do that today while running puppy from my thumb drive. I can still do it if I am able to boot from my puppy CD. No, I will try first to do it from my EasyOS thumb drive: that is one drive that has never failed to boot (fingers crossed). A problem for me is I never know beforehand if puppy will boot successfully.