Ownership of files downloaded not understood by me.

Moderator: BarryK

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Ownership of files downloaded not understood by me.

Post by April »

Barry's EasyOS 64 is the only operable system I have atm and its a bit strange to me as when I download stuff it puts the download into root owner and filesgrp as the group. If I download through Firefox it claims ownership so properties comes up as rw-.r--x,r-x firefox,firefox. Ventoy came up as rwx,r-x,r-x/--- ?

Now that seems to be causing problems and the below screenshot shows the error message I get when I copy the isos to USB sticks.
It writes the iso to the stick but then says it didn't ?

Also with Ventoy installed to the usb stick and appropriately set up , EasyOS64 is the only image or iso that will load properly

CopyFileScreenshot.jpg (149.99 KiB) Viewed 598 times

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Re: Ownership of files downloaded not understood by me.

Post by BarryK »

It doesn't matter. You are running as root, and file owner:group values are ignored.

The error message is because you are copying to a vfat filesystem (I presume), that does not support file owner:group.

Actually, that error message is supposed to be suppressed. What version of EasyOS are you using?

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Re: Ownership of files downloaded not understood by me.

Post by April »

Thanks . I'm using the latest EasyOS 4.5.3 on a USB stick and also on my hard drive.

I did the right thing and had a read through your instruction manual and I saw that I can download Xenialpup64-7.5 in a container ,so I took that option but it would not load on the desktop ,just a dark dead screen for a few seconds then back to the normal desktop. Also got Buster and fossapup and both of those appear to work but not Xenialpup..

What I am also looking for is a way to sync my HD save with my USB save so I have a backup with all my changes in case one is lost or damaged.

Working on understanding it all thanks Barry.

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Re: Ownership of files downloaded not understood by me.

Post by BarryK »

Thanks for reporting. I will have to check xenial sfs.

There have been some changes to structure of sfs files since the early ones were created, so maybe one or more of them got broken.

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