TurtleX wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:16 pmEDIT: Wait! I see that you have something simialiar, already installed?!!
Yes, see viewtopic.php?t=6055
Moderators: dimkr, Forum moderators
TurtleX wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:16 pmEDIT: Wait! I see that you have something simialiar, already installed?!!
Yes, see viewtopic.php?t=6055
Ok, I see now. Those key bindings are already used by something else:
Code: Select all
<Key mask="CA" key="Right">rdesktop</Key>
<Key mask="CA" key="Left">ldesktop</Key>
<Key mask="CA" key="Up">udesktop</Key>
<Key mask="CA" key="Down">ddesktop</Key>
Those are used to move the contents of a window to another desktop. The last 2 lines are not needed and don't work properly in jwm so should be omitted. Also the keyboard shortcuts are in the file twice for some reason.
But they don't perform the snap function. So I guess I would change the shortcut keys for the code I used in the begining. I personally changed it to the super key + directional keys.
(EDIT: Changed to super + numpad directional keys, to not conflict with Dpup standard shortcuts)
Code: Select all
<Key mask="4" key="KP_Left">maxleft</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="KP_Right">maxright</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="KP_Up">maxtop</Key>
<Key mask="4" key="KP_Down">maxbottom</Key>
dimkr wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:32 pmTurtleX wrote: Sun Dec 04, 2022 3:16 pmEDIT: Wait! I see that you have something simialiar, already installed?!!
Yes, see viewtopic.php?t=6055
Oh, How embarassing. I guess I will read the documentation more thouroughly before pointing out any new "bright ideas". Upon further digging, I found that some more shortcuts are placed in /root/.jwmrc
Some of them are duplicated in /root/.jwm/jwmrc-personal, so I take it that jwm will just use the last shortcut from the text file, or could they possibly conflict, or activated multiple instances?
Well it's good to know anyway, I wonder if there is a way to get option to snap to 4 corners ( topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright). Like psuedo-tiling options found in icewm, openbox, xfce which I use on bigger distros.
As far as I see, JWM supports only maxtop, maxbottom, maxleft and maxright - always in halves.
Ok, good to know. Just decided to add a howto using zentile. It gives a window manager some auto-tiling functions. Some might be interested.
@TurtleX I wonder if Stickyjwm will work in this case? This script will add tiling features to the jwm desktop.
This is worth trying out in Dpup, I have gotten it to work on a KLV varitation that uses JWM +Rox as a desktop and added it to Fossapup64 and once set up works really well and gives JWM a windows tiling capability that makes me wonder how I got by with out it for so long.
I tried it in Fossapup first and it worked out of the box. When I installed it in this Vanilla Dpup, nothing seemed to happen. So I extracted the pet from https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 498#p74498 in order to find out what was under the hood. I found that it requires wmctrl to run. So a quick apt install wmctrl from the terminal got it up and running thanks!
I found however, it does overwrite some default shorcuts found in Dpup, notably the Mod4+Up and Mod4+Down keys for Maximizing and Minimizing the windows. The shorcuts can be edited though. The file for the new shorcuts is found in .jwm/stickyjwm
I only know basic bash commands, so the scripts are more advanced than my level, but with some study, I might be able to understand the logic behind the code and make shorcuts for topright, topleft, bottomright, and bottomleft.
I don't know why the jwm developer didn't add those by default since he added the other 4.
These options are already found in icewm, and xfce4. It is also found by default in openbox on some linux distros,
i.e. mabox, arcolinux. In others, you need to edit the openbox rc.xml file.
dimkr wrote: Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:10 pmThe Debian package of the driver should work just fine, but I don't have any NVIDIA GPU I can use to reproduce your problem and suggest a solution. Sorry.
Thank you for trying. Although not 100% certain, I am inclined to believe that it's a driver problem from the Debian distro repo. My hardware seems to have difficulty with certain Nvidia drivers. In some distros I have tried, using a bootable USB, the video will lock up on me if I try to boot with Proprietary Nvidia drivers, while in other distros, the latest Nvidia driver will work fine.
@TurtleX If it's a super new GPU, maybe it's unsupported by Debian 11 and will only be supported in Debian 12.
Good news I got the latest Nvidia driver working for my card. I had to jump through some hoops to get it working so here are the steps I took for those who are interested.
1) Go to the nvidia website https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us. Select the appropriate boxes for your video card and download the driver (see first image below).
--- It's a lengthy filename, so I renamed it to nvidia_525.run to make it simpler. I also moved it to the root directory, so I don't have to cd to Downloads later. (I'm lazy in that way)
2) Enter these commands in the terminal:
Code: Select all
apt update
apt install build-essential
3) Exit to the command prompt and execute the Nvidia run script. In my case it was
Code: Select all
bash nvidia_525.run
The installer will detect a conflict with the currently installed nouveau driver and not proceed with the install, but will give you an option to try to automatically disable the nouveau driver.
Choose that option. Next, it will tell you to reboot. Type "reboot" and press enter.
[4] After rebooting, exit to the prompt and run the installer again. This time it will run properly. Once it has completed, reboot one more time and the Nvidia driver should now be installed.
Dynamic SFS loading is back, in some limited form. It supports only PUPMODE 5 and 13 and optimized for fast load times. I've tested it with several browser SFSs and it seems to work fine, but I'm waiting for more feedback before the final 9.3.0 release.
Would like to test it but can't figure out how to download the ISO
Was hoping that clicking on "Assets" would bring up something, but all I get is a spinning circle.
Tried several browsers. No dice.
@MochiMoppel https://github.com/vanilla-dpup/unstabl ... x86_64-9.3
Search the page for "vanilladpup-9.3.0-beta6.iso".
dimkr wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 12:01 pm@MochiMoppel https://github.com/vanilla-dpup/unstabl ... x86_64-9.3
Search the page for "vanilladpup-9.3.0-beta6.iso".
What next?
You're at the wrong URL, go to https://github.com/vanilla-dpup/unstabl ... x86_64-9.3.
dimkr wrote: Tue Dec 13, 2022 1:14 pmYou're at the wrong URL, go to https://github.com/vanilla-dpup/unstabl ... x86_64-9.3.
It's the URL you gave me. I searched for the term you asked me to search.
The URL just shows an ever spinning circle - as mentioned before. No hint in the statur bar, no download link.
log in from another browser not from Pale Moon
KL LINUX Simple fast free
@MochiMoppel or add this extension to palemoon to deal with GitHub
Palefill is an add-on for Pale Moon that injects polyfills into pages to improve compatibility.
Download the attachment and use palemoon Tools->Add-On-Manager->Setup button->Install from File
remove the fake gz
Tried the newest Fatdog (SeaMonkey 2.49.5). No luck either.
@rockedge This extension is not compatible with my PM 28.9.1
BTW: Lately I experience problems with "mention" notifications, e.g. yours didn't show up in my Notifications list.
Dear MochiMoppel
You are absolutely right, seamonkey and palemoon can not handle the "Assets" coding in that page.
Having notice your knowledge and thoroughness is unlikely that you have not found a way to download the ISO by now (or even before you pointed to the problem) but for others with similar issue here are the direct links that do work in the browsers and directly with wget
https://github.com/vanilla-dpup/unstabl ... -beta6.iso (ISO)
https://github.com/vanilla-dpup/unstabl ... el-kit.sfs (kernel)
https://github.com/vanilla-dpup/unstabl ... ta6.tar.gz (source code)
Of course the links are for beta6 only and will be dead when the new version appears
Hopefully the problem with be fixed by then, going to the older state where assets are visible (at least the latest if I remember correctly)
retiredt00 wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 5:54 amHaving notice your knowledge and thoroughness is unlikely that you have not found a way to download the ISO by now
My "thoroughness" and curiosity have limits
Triggered a beta7 build. It adds a nice usability improvement in ptheme_gtk by @user1234 (https://github.com/puppylinux-woof-CE/woof-CE/pull/3737) and replaces Debian's mpv package with a much smaller one with less features but without huge dependencies like libsmbclient: apt install mpv
will replace it wtih Debian's more full-featured mpv.
EDIT: the build failed due to a woof-CE bug, will fix
EDIT 2: beta7 will include additional applications (xournalpp and putty), while abiword, gnumeric and mpv should be lighter and faster to start because now they're built from source with less dependencies.
MochiMoppel wrote:Lately I experience problems with "mention" notifications, e.g. yours didn't show up in my Notifications list.
I will check into it. Is it still not working correctly currently
I find this %F error in fossapup64 v.96 also.
Thanks @esos, fixed in https://github.com/puppylinux-woof-CE/woof-CE/pull/3770 and cherry-picked to the branch 9.3.x is built from.