after reading the post viewtopic.php?p=75954#p75954 . @rockedge that you can log in as a user spot
I decide to do further research on pulseaudio-equalizer-ladspa
I leave the session and enter as a spot
I see that Pulseaudio did not start in the system tray
checking why: missing file "pulseaudio --start " /etc/xdg/autostart/
I create a launch file and exit the session and enter, pulseaudio started
next check the run output run-as-spot pulseaudio-equalizer enable
run passed the output in the terminal is correct
I go to applications> multimedia> Pulse Audio Equalizer I choose, I see that it is turned off, although the terminal output showed that it turned on
and I understand that it does not work.I take the source and compile my pulseaudio-equalizer-ladspa
I remove the installed one from the box. I see that it is removed along with swh-plugins
I had it saved at one time, I install my pulseaudio-equalizer-ladspa and the native swh-plugins plugin
I run it and voila everything works.
how to run it as root user
I see that they have 2 different ID 0 and 1001
launch browser as run-as-spot in root session, browser has no sound
spot session does not have a command to run .sh scripts in Thunar so the file start_pulseaudio does not start