Viewing /dev/by-label shuts down computer!

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Viewing /dev/by-label shuts down computer!

Post by geo_c »

I'm kind of afraid to try it again, but it seems when using a file manager, in my case Xfe and once Rox, opening /dev/disk/by-label and viewing the contents caused my computer to completey shut off, basically like a power drop. The first time I did it I thought it was unplugged and the battery died.

I'm running vanilladpup-9.2.17 from a usb drive.

It happened twice. The first time I thought maybe I clicked on the link in /dev/disk/by-label to the home drive, but the second time I'm positive that I was simply viewing the contents of /dev/disk/by-label.

Anyone know what might be happening here?

I suppose it's possible it's some kind of conincidence, and there's some other factor at play. It was on the same machine. I could try it on another machine and see if it happens again.

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Re: Viewing /dev/by-label shuts down computer!

Post by April »

I'm on xenialpup64-7..5 and when I click on the device names direct I get a message ,don't know how to open that unless its the hard drive or a plugged in usb stick..

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Re: Viewing /dev/by-label shuts down computer!

Post by geo_c »

April wrote: Mon Nov 14, 2022 8:05 pm

I'm on xenialpup64-7..5 and when I click on the device names direct I get a message ,don't know how to open that unless its the hard drive or a plugged in usb stick..

The first time I did click on the device symlink itself, but the second time no. I was in vanilladpup, and I installed Xfce, so the drives were not showing up, I went to /dev to see if they were there, which they were. I don't really want to keep testing it, since I'm using usb install and those devices are my internal hard drives. Don't want to mess around with them.

Old School Hipster, and Such

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