Now for download and testing is F96_2-CE a second stage development test of Fossapup64-9.6-CE.
F96_2-CE is built from woof-CE and is using the kernel huge-6.0.5-lxpup64.tar.bz2
. Several additions and corrections then remastered the base rootfs and modified the adrv SFS then squashed the rootfs and adrv and created the boot-able ISO.
Ready for testing the ISO resides here ->
F96_2-CE.iso 499 MiB download size
Added in some suggested refinments and fixes from @radky. Removed megabytes of hanging remaster files. Created ISO and rootfs SFS files using a combination of the techniques used to build KLV-Airedale comonents and nicOS-Utility-Suite from @amethyst.
Desktop design is prototype and remains under development. I would like to add some of @geo_c theme utilities and icon sets. There is now some room to add in some more of the tools and programs that will round out F96-CE.
In the next stage 3 version I will update the Hiawatha
web server to the very latest version and tweak the configuration. @dimkr, what is the best way to do this at the woof-CE level?