That's ok, I got curious, wondered how difficult it is to compile SuperTuxKart from source.
Did it last night, quite easy. Had to compile openal, a needed dependency.
As it is compiled from source, it uses the existing libraries in EasyOS, including jpeg.
I could either create a PET or a SFS. Will probably go for an SFS, will do that later today probably.
Thanks for introducing me to STK, it is fun.
The steps to compile it are simple. Need the "devx" SFS of course.
I have compiled openal and added it to the package repository, can get it from here: ... -64.tar.xz
Then to compile STK version 1.3 (the latest stable version):
Code: Select all
# tar -xf SuperTuxKart-1.3-src.tar.xz
# mv -f SuperTuxKart-1.3-src supertuxkart-1.3
# cd supertuxkart-1.3
# mkdir cmake_build
# cd cmake_build
# make
# new2dir make install