How to unblock ports so two computers can share?

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How to unblock ports so two computers can share?

Post by Zedward »

I want to share two machines with Puppies. I unblocked SMB and 445 in firewall, but they don't see each other and I can't ping them.
When I disable firewall, I can see shares in PNetHood and use them.
It is obvious that I need to unblock some more ports for browsing shares and exchanging files between them. Tell me, please, which one.

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Re: Number of ports used Samba to unblock

Post by Clarity »

IN a terminal, type findsmb and tell me what you see. It'll hint at the problem.

Need to know what versions of SAMBA you are running... type samba -V If you get "samba: command not found", then type

Code: Select all

smbd -V;nmbd  -V
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Re: Number of ports used Samba to unblock

Post by mikewalsh »

@Zedward :-

IF all you want to do is for each machine to be able to access files on the other machine, probably the simplest way I've yet found is the SimplePythonHTTPServer. You run it on each machine; a terminal window will open, saying it's running, and it will tell you the IP address that any other machine will need to use in order to access it.

Access is simply through your browser. Type in the address bar and hit 'Enter'. You can save this as a bookmark, especially if it's always accessing the same machine. Or you could save a series of bookmarks, one for each different machine. However, for this to work you would need to set each machine up with a static IP address, so that this item would always be the same. With DHCP, it changes at every boot.

Of course, if you wish to go one step further, and be able to view the running environment on the other machine, you then need remote desktop capabilities. Clarity - and several others - can help with that far better than I. It's not something I understand; it CAN be done, but seems to require a LOT of work to achieve.

I'll let those more knowledgeable than me explain that one!

Mike. ;)

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