How to run old Windows games in Fossapup?

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How to run old Windows games in Fossapup?

Post by mimine »


I would like to play "windows XP" games on linux.
How is it possible please ?

Games I would like to play on linux :
"age of empires"
"fallout new vegas"
"half life 2"
"GTA San Andreas"
"Diablo 2"

I guess it's not in native , but with an emulator ?
Any one knows how to do for an old computer and the easiest simplest fastest best EASY PEASY way ?


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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by BologneChe »

You may be able to use Wine. Or install a Windows XP under Virtualbox if you have enough RAM.

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by mouldy » ... n&iId=1007

Here is page for Age of Empires, its rated GOLD so assume it works. You can go to that WINE developer site and do your own research on windows programs you want to play. Be aware the version of WINE matters. Some programs can run on very old small versions WINE, some need the latest and greatest. Sometimes there are tricks to getting some windows software to run, sometimes it just is not going to run in WINE, no matter what. Assuming XP that your software is 32 bit. Be sure you install 32bit version WINE (there are 64bit versions for windows 64bit software) and have 32bit compatibility library in whatever linux you are using.

There is a 32bit WINE-5 appimage around here that is super simple to use and it includes its own 32bit compatibility library. Seriously it doesnt get simpler than that. But if you need WINE-7 or whatever, there is a puppy package or you can use Play On Linux and have it download and install whatever version WINE you need. You dont need Play On Linux but it is front end for WINE that seems to make life easy for newbies to WINE.

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by mimine »

BologneChe wrote: Mon Aug 29, 2022 2:00 pm

You may be able to use Wine. Or install a Windows XP under Virtualbox if you have enough RAM.

LOL, I already have windows XP on a hard disk, so it's not the solution I am asking for...

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by mimine »

mouldy wrote: Mon Aug 29, 2022 2:14 pm ... n&iId=1007

Here is page for Age of Empires, its rated GOLD so assume it works. You can go to that WINE developer site and do your own research on windows programs you want to play. Be aware the version of WINE matters. Some programs can run on very old small versions WINE, some need the latest and greatest. Sometimes there are tricks to getting some windows software to run, sometimes it just is not going to run in WINE, no matter what. Assuming XP that your software is 32 bit. Be sure you install 32bit version WINE (there are 64bit versions for windows 64bit software) and have 32bit compatibility library in whatever linux you are using.

There is a 32bit WINE-5 appimage around here that is super simple to use and it includes its own 32bit compatibility library. Seriously it doesnt get simpler than that. But if you need WINE-7 or whatever, there is a puppy package or you can use Play On Linux and have it download and install whatever version WINE you need. You dont need Play On Linux but it is front end for WINE that seems to make life easy for newbies to WINE.

I run fossapup 64 bits, and your solution looks complicated.
Do you know any step by step tutorial for beginners ?
Something as easy and simple as possible, that even a grandma could do it. :)

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by mouldy »

mimine wrote: Mon Aug 29, 2022 2:19 pm
mouldy wrote: Mon Aug 29, 2022 2:14 pm ... n&iId=1007

Here is page for Age of Empires, its rated GOLD so assume it works. You can go to that WINE developer site and do your own research on windows programs you want to play. Be aware the version of WINE matters. Some programs can run on very old small versions WINE, some need the latest and greatest. Sometimes there are tricks to getting some windows software to run, sometimes it just is not going to run in WINE, no matter what. Assuming XP that your software is 32 bit. Be sure you install 32bit version WINE (there are 64bit versions for windows 64bit software) and have 32bit compatibility library in whatever linux you are using.

There is a 32bit WINE-5 appimage around here that is super simple to use and it includes its own 32bit compatibility library. Seriously it doesnt get simpler than that. But if you need WINE-7 or whatever, there is a puppy package or you can use Play On Linux and have it download and install whatever version WINE you need. You dont need Play On Linux but it is front end for WINE that seems to make life easy for newbies to WINE.

I run fossapup 64 bits, and your solution looks complicated.
Do you know any step by step tutorial for beginners ?
Something as easy and simple as possible, that even a grandma could do it. :)

I have actually given you three possible solutions. Here is part of forum dealing with WINE:

Like I say, the appimage of WINE-5 is as simple as it gets. It includes the 32bit compatibility libraries. The link for it is in the WINE section of Puppy that I just pointed you to. You just park it, make it executable (right click and ROX permission gives you way to do that), and put sim links to it in your /usr/bin directory. But read the Puppy WINE section and then go to the WINE developer site I gave link to to learn more on how compatible the XP programs you want to run. I suspect those are popular old games and good chance they will run, but I am not going to do your homework for you. Like say Age of Empires is rated GOLD so that gives you a start. It will tell you what works, what doesnt and what you need to do. Be aware to look at dates, etc, some of this WINE site info is really old and they may be talking about running it in linux from 15 years ago. If nobody has tried it in recent year, it might be worth trying with latest version WINE. Be sure to configure WINE to run the software as XP. The default "global settings" is probably worst choice, things might run, might not. For example I use WINE-7 to run latest version Kindle for PC, I found the most stable choice was to set WINE to run it as win7. You have to experiment.

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by mikeslr »

mimine wrote: Mon Aug 29, 2022 12:46 pm


I would like to play "windows XP" games on linux.
How is it possible please ?

Games I would like to play on linux :
"age of empires"
"fallout new vegas"
"half life 2"
"GTA San Andreas"
"Diablo 2"

I guess it's not in native , but with an emulator ?
Any one knows how to do for an old computer and the easiest simplest fastest best EASY PEASY way ?


Well, nothing is that easy. :( :lol:
You could run Windows in a virtual machine, of which I know nothing other than there's a Section on the Forum providing information, But what came immediately to my mind was to run Wine, about which I know a lot including IIRC that Wine is an acronym for 'Wine is not an emulator'.
Again, there's a Section on the Forum specifically dealing with it.
First off, it is likely that the games you want are 32-bit. So don't make the mistake of trying to use 64-bit Wine. But I'll get back to which 'type' of wine shortly.
As to the games, themselves, you can find out if they will run under wine by searching here, Although the impression I get is that Wine Devs spend a great deal of time perfecting Wine to run games, they never discuss any program which can be run as a portable. And portable programs often run even when their install-able versions don't. The difference is that 'install-ables' write to Windows' registry and although Wine has steadily improved its registry is not yet identical with Windows' registry. The posts at WineHQ will frequently note the version of Wine used, problems and how to overcome them. A good resource, but frequently problems encountered under old versions were resolved by newer versions. So, my 'Rule of Thumbs' are: (1) use a new version of wine and (2) assume a program will work out of the box until that's proven false.
Which wine:
You didn't tell us which Puppy. Always tell us which Puppy.
If you are running a 32-bit Puppy, running 32-bit Wine is 'easy-peasy'. Do not install wine via Puppy Package Manager. And if your Puppy offers Wine via Quickpet, Don't use that either. Quickpet is very good. But constructing Wine is an Art and Puppy's master in that Art is version2013.

The advantage of installing one of version2013’s wine pets is that you have many to choose from. You can check Winehq, find out which version of wine has reports about success with the programs you’re interested in and then install that version (or a close-match) from the repository of wine builds, either his own or allys. (See the discussion and links in the Wine Section of the Forum).
If you are running a 64-bit Puppy, you can download a Wine AppImage. There’s a little manual work involved in setting up a Wine AppImage. Again, see the discussion in the Wine Section.

The biggest disadvantage to either installing a pet or using a Wine AppImage is that they will install a lot of files to /root and /usr taking up a great deal of space in a SaveFile and impacting the amount of available RAM even when not in use. You can move much of those files out onto your Storage space. But we’re no longer talking ‘easy-peasy’.

My preference remains wine-portable. It is designed to run from ‘Storage’ and is, in fact, portable. The only ‘tricky part’ is that if you are running a 64-bit Puppy, you must first download, load, and configure the 32-bit compatibility SFS. See MikeWalsh’s post here about using the ldconfig command, ... 715#p64715.

The ldconfig command is used to setup links between your 64-bit system and the 32-bit system provided by the compatibility SFS. Those links must exist for 32-bit wine to function. Sometimes the ldconfig command doesn't 'take' and you'll have to run it again. To make certain it has what I do is run a 32-bit application less demanding than wine. For example, I'll download and setup MikeWalsh's 32-bit palemoon portable. ... 4251#p4251. If it runs under a 64-bit Puppy, I know that the 'ldconfig command did it's job. [The entire palemoon portable folder can then be deleted, leaving no trace, if I have no reason to keep it].

Versions of Wine-portable can be obtained via the links here, ... p=279#p279. As I’ve often stated, these are built using version2013’s pets and the technique and structures developed by Shinobar and the Japanese Team to ‘portablize’ such pets.
I still use the 3.3 portable version and in 4 years the only report of a problem about getting a windows’ program to run under it had to do with the latest version of Kindle.
Of course, wine isn’t windows. So don’t expect every program to function regardless of what wine version you employ.

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by mikeslr »

There are really three possibilities --install a pet, use an AppImage, or use a Wine Portable. Mouldy and I have directed you to the appropriate Sections of the Forum. But specific recipes are scattered there. On my 'To Do' list is to write up a How To Deploy Wine and post it somewhere in this Section,

Since you're running Fossapup64, as mouldy said, using an AppImage or a Play-on-Linux AppImage may be the easiest to set up. Just download the AppImage, make it executable --Right-Click, Select Properties from the pop-up Menu, and put 'checks' in the boxes under Exec-- then create three symlinks to it in /usr/bin: one named wine32, another named wine and the third named wineserver. See MikeWalsh's post, ... 203#p23203. There are no menu entries, and I don't recall if you have to set run-action (Right-Click >Set Run Action>wine32) for a Puppy to know that happens when you click an 'exe'. But the downside of this method is that it will write 800 Mbs (the 32-bit libraries and connections) to /root. /root is Puppy's equivalent of a User's Home Folder in other Linuxes. On other Linuxes that folder is 'on storage'. In Puppy it will be in your SaveFile or SaveFolder. If you are using a SaveFile, you'll have to have first resized it to accommodate that. But it doesn't stop there. Every install-able program will also be written to that folder. I short, don't use a SaveFile. A SaveFolder will expand as and when it needs to to the full available space on its partition if needed. But SaveFolders are specific to each Puppy version. If you change Puppys --e.g. Fossapup64 to say VanillaDpup or even Friendly-Fossa-- you can't use your 'old' SaveFolder. You have to start from scratch.
As I said, I prefer wine-portables. They are automatically on your Storage medium [that's where you decompress the wine-portable tar.gz] and installed programs will automatically be within its folder there. All that is written to your Puppy are a couple of pixmaps, desktop files (creating menu entries) and a couple of scripts. Registering a wine-portable does that for you.
Among the advantages of wine-portable are (1) if you change/upgrade Puppys --other than again SFS-Loading a 32-bit compatibility SFS and running ldconfig-- registering your wine-portable with the new Puppy is a one-click operation and everything you have is once again available. And (2) it's transportable. Just copy your Wine-portable folder to a different computer, location, even a Linux formatted partition on a USB-Stick.
If you wait a little bit, MikeWalsh and I have been working on a new Wine-portable which --at this point I think-- will use version2013's 32-bit Wine 7 pet. If all goes well, it will probably be published in about a week.
After which writing the aforementioned 'How to' will be at the top of my agenda.

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by mimine »

WOW. So complicated ??? Now I understand why linux is not made for games and will never be.

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by mouldy »

mimine wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 4:13 pm

WOW. So complicated ??? Now I understand why linux is not made for games and will never be.

Ok, sorry it didnt work out for you, you will get a full refund for every penny you paid for Fossapup. By way, if its so easy, I want you to tell me how to run a linux/unix/mac game in windows? Shock and bewilderment, you mean it wont magically run linux software with no effort? Whats the matter with windows that it is so lacking? Obviously windows is not made for linux software and never will be unless Microsoft decides to cut costs and make windows another linux distribution. You are asking to run a non-native program and expect it to just plug and play with no effort. Doesnt work like that. Programs that let you run non native programs are not made for no effort use. You have to do your homework and figure out how to make it work and find out it may not work at all. Linux IS NOT A FREE VERSION WINDOWS. YOu want to run windows software and own a copy windows that can run ones you want, there you have your answer, use that.

You get WINE set up and some windows programs are super easy, some arent, some are impossible. Funny thing is you will find some older windows programs will run on latest WINE but not on latest version windows. So there is that. LOL

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by mouldy »

mikeslr wrote: Mon Aug 29, 2022 3:55 pm

I still use the 3.3 portable version and in 4 years the only report of a problem about getting a windows’ program to run under it had to do with the latest version of Kindle.
Of course, wine isn’t windows. So don’t expect every program to function regardless of what wine version you employ.

Being a Kindle for PC user can tell you that you need 32bit WINE-6 or newer to run latest Kindle for PC. For old XP era windows programs doesnt matter that much, I do suspect for those trying to run modern games and such that you need latest version. And then no guarantee it will work. The larger game programs especially, think it can take huge amount time and tinkering to get them running right, if ever. Most people dont have patience for that. For people really into large complex games, might go look on CrossOver website (, they sell their own customized version WINE made for games especially. And they contribute lot effort to free WINE development. I tried a trial version of CrossOver. Didnt do anything for me that latest free WINE didnt do, seemed to be mostly lot hand holding for those fearful of WINE. But sure for some specialty uses its worth the money.

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by mimine »

mouldy wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 10:19 pm
mimine wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 4:13 pm

WOW. So complicated ??? Now I understand why linux is not made for games and will never be.

Ok, sorry it didnt work out for you, you will get a full refund for every penny you paid for Fossapup. By way, if its so easy, I want you to tell me how to run a linux/unix/mac game in windows? Shock and bewilderment, you mean it wont magically run linux software with no effort? Whats the matter with windows that it is so lacking? Obviously windows is not made for linux software and never will be unless Microsoft decides to cut costs and make windows another linux distribution. You are asking to run a non-native program and expect it to just plug and play with no effort. Doesnt work like that. Programs that let you run non native programs are not made for no effort use. You have to do your homework and figure out how to make it work and find out it may not work at all. Linux IS NOT A FREE VERSION WINDOWS. YOu want to run windows software and own a copy windows that can run ones you want, there you have your answer, use that.

You get WINE set up and some windows programs are super easy, some arent, some are impossible. Funny thing is you will find some older windows programs will run on latest WINE but not on latest version windows. So there is that. LOL

Well I asked for easy solutions...
Oh yeah I forgot , it's linux , so it must be complicated and often impossible. :)

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by mouldy »

mimine wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 6:10 pm
mouldy wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 10:19 pm
mimine wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 4:13 pm

WOW. So complicated ??? Now I understand why linux is not made for games and will never be.

Ok, sorry it didnt work out for you, you will get a full refund for every penny you paid for Fossapup. By way, if its so easy, I want you to tell me how to run a linux/unix/mac game in windows? Shock and bewilderment, you mean it wont magically run linux software with no effort? Whats the matter with windows that it is so lacking? Obviously windows is not made for linux software and never will be unless Microsoft decides to cut costs and make windows another linux distribution. You are asking to run a non-native program and expect it to just plug and play with no effort. Doesnt work like that. Programs that let you run non native programs are not made for no effort use. You have to do your homework and figure out how to make it work and find out it may not work at all. Linux IS NOT A FREE VERSION WINDOWS. YOu want to run windows software and own a copy windows that can run ones you want, there you have your answer, use that.

You get WINE set up and some windows programs are super easy, some arent, some are impossible. Funny thing is you will find some older windows programs will run on latest WINE but not on latest version windows. So there is that. LOL

Well I asked for easy solutions...
Oh yeah I forgot , it's linux , so it must be complicated and often impossible. :)

Just a practical observation. Think you will continue searching for any super easy solutions. Again HOW DO YOU run linux software on windows? It must be really easy since its supposed to be so easy to run windows software on linux???????? They are two very different operating systems. WINE is work in progress and will translate and let some windows software run on linux, but its neither EASY nor automatic. Nor will larger software run as fast on WINE as on native system. If you need that, then go back to windows. Software designed for windows should run on windows with little problem.... RIGHT? Course older windows software may not run on latest greatest version windows..... funny that. Guess I am a clown for pointing out the obvious. Or maybe you already know that and thats why you are looking to linux?

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by mimine »

mouldy wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 10:40 pm
mimine wrote: Wed Aug 31, 2022 6:10 pm
mouldy wrote: Tue Aug 30, 2022 10:19 pm

Ok, sorry it didnt work out for you, you will get a full refund for every penny you paid for Fossapup. By way, if its so easy, I want you to tell me how to run a linux/unix/mac game in windows? Shock and bewilderment, you mean it wont magically run linux software with no effort? Whats the matter with windows that it is so lacking? Obviously windows is not made for linux software and never will be unless Microsoft decides to cut costs and make windows another linux distribution. You are asking to run a non-native program and expect it to just plug and play with no effort. Doesnt work like that. Programs that let you run non native programs are not made for no effort use. You have to do your homework and figure out how to make it work and find out it may not work at all. Linux IS NOT A FREE VERSION WINDOWS. YOu want to run windows software and own a copy windows that can run ones you want, there you have your answer, use that.

You get WINE set up and some windows programs are super easy, some arent, some are impossible. Funny thing is you will find some older windows programs will run on latest WINE but not on latest version windows. So there is that. LOL

Well I asked for easy solutions...
Oh yeah I forgot , it's linux , so it must be complicated and often impossible. :)

Just a practical observation. Think you will continue searching for any super easy solutions. Again HOW DO YOU run linux software on windows? It must be really easy since its supposed to be so easy to run windows software on linux???????? They are two very different operating systems. WINE is work in progress and will translate and let some windows software run on linux, but its neither EASY nor automatic. Nor will larger software run as fast on WINE as on native system. If you need that, then go back to windows. Software designed for windows should run on windows with little problem.... RIGHT? Course older windows software may not run on latest greatest version windows..... funny that. Guess I am a clown for pointing out the obvious. Or maybe you already know that and thats why you are looking to linux?

Yeah I will go back on windows for games on windows , clowny.

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by sucuklu yumurta »
This place is a kind of pacman for me, a kind of tetris
VIRUS BOMB 2-EU nom nom it's me :lol:

Acer Aspire One AO751h Netbook Intel Atom CPU Z520 1.33 GHz:1-1 core 2 GB+2 GB Swap.
Sony 5200 mAh
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BullseyePup32 9.1.0 Lite Frugal
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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by BologneChe »

sucuklu yumurta wrote: Mon Jun 19, 2023 9:57 am
This place is a kind of pacman for me, a kind of tetris
VIRUS BOMB 2-EU nom nom it's me :lol:

You can also use DOSBox for old DOS game.

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by oldapup »

how to run in Puppy Linux?

(all this games)

(Fatdog64 & Slacko user / all Puppy Linux - test) whoami

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Re: Old windows games on linux ?

Post by sucuklu yumurta »

It's not that there are no games for Puppy, there is, here is an archive of games, maybe someone would like to try it ... _Game_Repo :thumbup:

Acer Aspire One AO751h Netbook Intel Atom CPU Z520 1.33 GHz:1-1 core 2 GB+2 GB Swap.
Sony 5200 mAh
BionicPup32 19.03 Full
BullseyePup32 9.1.0 Lite Frugal
✨ Kingston 30 GB SSD ✨
✨ 2 GB Kingston USB ✨

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