DeaDBeeF: Stopping play after more than one selected track

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DeaDBeeF: Stopping play after more than one selected track

Post by amethyst »

Quite amazingly, most players do not have this option. DeadBeeF does have a user option to stop after the current track that is being played but that will be fruitless in this exercise. I suggest the following methods:

1. Select the tracks you want to play and drag them to the bottom of the playlist. Then select the first track of the tracks you have dragged down and hit play. These tracks will then play and the player will stop afterwards which is the default behaviour ie. stopping at the end of the playlist. Make sure that the "Stop after current" and "looping/shuffle/random" play options are not selected. This method could work with other players too. Depending on how your playlist is organized it should be easy to restore your original playlist order, for instance: say your playlist is organized according to "Title" then all you need to do, is to click the "Title" tab at the top of the playlist to restore the original order.

2. Instead of dragging your selected tracks down the list, you can also select "Crop" under Selection in the Edit menu but then you will have to save your playlist beforehand because I don't see any option to reverse cropping. The cropping feature does however have the advantage that only your selected tracks will show in a new window and that you can use other options like shuffle, etc.

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