EDIT While the minor issue with the Fossapup menus still stands, the other issues may be related to my DVD drive seemingly in the process of last gasps before dying.
1/ In the Multimedia sub-menu there is an icon labeled Pburn. In the Rox-right-clicks menu for .iso files, there are two entries: Pburn and pBurn, which have slightly different icons. All 3 open pBurn 4.3.19. A minor point.
2/ The progress window shows nothing but a blinking cursor, which is almost invisible against the window edge. A report has been made previously about the same issue with pBurn in Bionicpup:
https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/search ... d%5B0%5D=6
3/ I downloaded a Windows 7 repair disk .iso file and attempted to burn it with pBurn. The file is only 165MB in size. I burnt an unused 16x DVD +R disk at 4X, being cautious. It seemed to go OK but, at the end, I got what seemed to me to be a mismatch in MD5Sums.
Code: Select all
4197fba922c39b6a473503a35dda7302 - ISO-image
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - Verifying disc
I interpreted this as a burn failure, so I binned that DVD and tried again with another new disk. Same result. I then mounted both the ISO file and the DVD and laboriously did a file by file MD5Sum matching check. Every file checks out OK.
Is this a bug in pBurn MD5Sum calculation or have I misinterpreted what this is supposed to mean?
Is my burnt disc OK?