Issues with pBurn in Fossapup64 9.5 - MD5 sums don't match

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Issues with pBurn in Fossapup64 9.5 - MD5 sums don't match

Post by Snail »

EDIT While the minor issue with the Fossapup menus still stands, the other issues may be related to my DVD drive seemingly in the process of last gasps before dying.

1/ In the Multimedia sub-menu there is an icon labeled Pburn. In the Rox-right-clicks menu for .iso files, there are two entries: Pburn and pBurn, which have slightly different icons. All 3 open pBurn 4.3.19. A minor point.

2/ The progress window shows nothing but a blinking cursor, which is almost invisible against the window edge. A report has been made previously about the same issue with pBurn in Bionicpup: ... d%5B0%5D=6

3/ I downloaded a Windows 7 repair disk .iso file and attempted to burn it with pBurn. The file is only 165MB in size. I burnt an unused 16x DVD +R disk at 4X, being cautious. It seemed to go OK but, at the end, I got what seemed to me to be a mismatch in MD5Sums.

Code: Select all

4197fba922c39b6a473503a35dda7302 - ISO-image
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - Verifying disc

I interpreted this as a burn failure, so I binned that DVD and tried again with another new disk. Same result. I then mounted both the ISO file and the DVD and laboriously did a file by file MD5Sum matching check. Every file checks out OK.

Is this a bug in pBurn MD5Sum calculation or have I misinterpreted what this is supposed to mean?

Is my burnt disc OK?

Last edited by Snail on Sat Aug 27, 2022 8:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Issues with pBurn in Fossapup 9.5 - MD5 sums don't match

Post by Flash »

I think of an .iso as a file that can contain many files. A sort of wrapper if you will, like a burrito. So when an .iso is burned, only the files it contains are burned on the disk, without the wrapper that made it an .iso. Thus the MD5 sums won't match. Your disk is safe to use.

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Re: Issues with pBurn in Fossapup 9.5 - MD5 sums don't match

Post by Snail »

Flash wrote: Tue Aug 23, 2022 11:11 pm

I think of an .iso as a file that can contain many files. A sort of wrapper if you will, like a burrito. So when an .iso is burned, only the files it contains are burned on the disk, without the wrapper that made it an .iso. Thus the MD5 sums won't match. Your disk is safe to use.

Thanks Flash. You would think that pBurn might be capble of working that out. At least give a warning that it can't do a legitimate hash for an iso?

Presumably it has to recognize isos, so that it knows to unpack them and make the resulting DVD bootable?

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Re: Issues with pBurn in Fossapup 9.5 - MD5 sums don't match

Post by Snail »

OK, I reported 3 "bugs". #1 is minor and just needs the menus fixed. My memory of how to do this in Rox has evaporated. I'll have a go though.

#2 is definitely a bug. I think that the fix was identified in the discussion about it in Bionicpup , that I referred to in my first post.

#3 is also I bug I believe. Fixing that needs reprogramming inside pBurn. That's way beyond my capability alas.

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Re: Issues with pBurn in Fossapup 9.5 - MD5 sums don't match

Post by Snail »

In /usr/local/pburn/func_exec I found this code:

Code: Select all

#verify md5sum if burnt iso-image to CD, else no verify
			if [ $BURN = iso ] || [ "$COPY_BURN_ISO" = "true" ]; then
				if [ ! "`grep -F 'nrg2iso' $WORKDIR/exec_preburn`" ]; then
					TEXT_VERIFY="<text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"$(gettext 'Note! <b>Verify may take time.</b> Depending on burnt complexity.')\"</label></text>"
					GUI_VERIFY="<button><label>$(gettext 'Verify burn') (md5sum)</label><input file stock=\"gtk-apply\"></input><action>EXIT:md5</action></button>"
			#Verify with dd
			if [ $BURN = data ] && [ "$EXPORT_ISO" != "true" ]; then #verify button
				TEXT_VERIFY="<text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"$(gettext 'Note! <b>Verify may take time.</b> Depending on burnt complexity.')\"</label></text>"
				GUI_VERIFY="<button><label>$(gettext 'Verify burn')</label><input file stock=\"gtk-apply\"></input><action>EXIT:verify</action></button>"
			#Verify copy-data-disc on-the-fly (off-the-fly uses the iso-image verify)
			if [ "$COPY_BURN_ISO" = "false" ]; then
				TEXT_VERIFY="<text use-markup=\"true\"><label>\"$(gettext 'Note! <b>Verify may take time.</b> Depending on burnt complexity.')\"</label></text>"
				GUI_VERIFY="<button><label>$(gettext 'Verify burn')</label><input file stock=\"gtk-apply\"></input><action>EXIT:verify_2drives</action></button>"

I can't really interpret code it but it is clear that the program "knows" that it's dealing with an iso. So the check is either buggy, or in fact, the write hasn't worked somehow. If the latter is the case, it is odd that each individual file checks OK.

I tried one more test. In pBurn, I started the copy process. When the input DVD had been read, I aborted the process. This left the file

~/my-documents/tmp/Pburn.iso (Note the capitalisation is inconsistent again).

When I ran gtkhash on it, its MD5Sum did not match the original source iso file. Nor does it match the MD5Sum reported at the end of the burn of this DVD. So there are differences following both the burn and the read! I haven't time to check the hashes on each individual file again but the files on Pburn.iso look OK, superficially anyway. They are all the right size and their data stamps are OK as well. Either my DVD reader/writer is sick or there is something else going on?

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Re: Issues with pBurn in Fossapup 9.5 - MD5 sums don't match

Post by one »

Snail wrote: Tue Aug 23, 2022 10:26 pm

3/ I downloaded a Windows 7 repair disk .iso file and attempted to burn it with pBurn. The file is only 165MB in size. I burnt an unused 16x DVD +R disk at 4X, being cautious. It seemed to go OK but, at the end, I got what seemed to me to be a mismatch in MD5Sums.

Code: Select all

4197fba922c39b6a473503a35dda7302 - ISO-image
d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e - Verifying disc

I interpreted this as a burn failure, so I binned that DVD and tried again with another new disk. Same result. I then mounted both the ISO file and the DVD and laboriously did a file by file MD5Sum matching check. Every file checks out OK.

Is this a bug in pBurn MD5Sum calculation or have I misinterpreted what this is supposed to mean?

Is my burnt disc OK?

Hi @Snail,

after the burning has finished:
- eject the CD/DVD (to open the drive tray)
- leave the CD/DVD in the tray
- push the button to close the tray

Now run the md5 check - md5sums should match ...


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Re: Issues with pBurn in Fossapup64 9.5 - MD5 sums don't match

Post by Clarity »

In the past, I have done exactly what @one shares as a pathway.

I have, IIRC, also approached the PBurn author, @zigbert for his approach to correcting this by either code in PBurn or auto-opening and auto-closing, prior, when doing an checksum comparison.

Hopefully, if this missing open-close problem remains, it will get fixed by the author.

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Re: Issues with pBurn in Fossapup64 9.5 - MD5 sums don't match

Post by zigbert »

We need to know what burn engine is used. The latest pBurn requires cdrtools-3, but several Puppies tries to squeeze down size by using the cdrkit package instead. As a workaround it's made links from crdkit commands to cdrtools 'equals'.

'cdrecord' is the burning command in cdrtools, so to check if this is real, or a link to wodim (cdrkit), execute this is terminal...

Code: Select all

cdrecord --version

The result in Slacko 7, which have cdrtools installed, is

Code: Select all

Cdrecord-ProDVD-ProBD-Clone 3.01 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2015 Joerg Schilling
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Re: Issues with pBurn in Fossapup64 9.5 - MD5 sums don't match

Post by Snail »

Hi Zigbert,

Code: Select all

cdrecord --version
Cdrecord-ProDVD-ProBD-Clone 3.02a09 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2016 Joerg Schilling

Sorry about the delay in responding. Part of the reason for the delay is that, after much fussing around, I have finally realised that the DVD writer was dying. Initially, I was using Fossapup and for a while it seemed OK. However Windows 10 refused to have a bar of it. In Fossapup, I actually managed to burn the file on a CD, not a DVD, and the MD5sums checked out. I am not sure if I re-loaded the CD or not, I may have in response to a message asking me to. However there was no drama that one time. Shortly after that however, even Fossapup stopped being able to access disks in the drive. Now it's got to the point where it just ejects the disk in a few seconds, it never even spins up.

This is a second-hand desktop I have just bought online. It hadn't been all that well packed and I suspect it got knocked a bit hard on the 400 mile courier trip.

Hope that I haven't wasted too much of everyone's time. I should have been less trusting of a strange new (to me) device.

I have edited the first post of this thread and the first line now acknowledges that my hardware is suspect.

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Re: Issues with pBurn in Fossapup64 9.5 - MD5 sums don't match

Post by bigpup »

Even old computers, that do not get knocked around, have internal connection issues.

Connections work loose, get dirty, corroded, etc.....

Open the computer up and check all connections, you can unplug, and plug back in.

Actually look inside the CD/DVD drive disk slot and see if any dust bunnies, dirt on lens, etc.....
Best if you could run a cleaning disk in it.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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