pFind Addon available

Moderator: BarryK

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pFind Addon available

Post by don570 »

pFind Addon available for Easy linux only.
Adds a right click menu item to folders and mnt-point
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528 bytes ... sp=sharing

Warning! There is odd obscure bug in pfind when you search a specific folder.
I discovered that the folder name must not have a '$' character.
I didn't check for other characters. Nothing too serious. :roll:
Here is an example...

screenshot-pfind-bug.png (41.33 KiB) Viewed 582 times


I noticed that when making a right click script for Easy linux
there was an unusual behaviour that I haven't seen in other versions of puppy linux.
Barry K warned that a script was necessary.
This worked well .

However a script that my PET package installed
needed "$1" passed to pfind. Apparently a Bash rule.

Code: Select all

pfind -d "$1"


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Re: pFind Addon available

Post by williams2 »

here is odd obscure bug in pfind when you search a specific folder.
I discovered that the folder name must not have a '$' character

For what it is worth,
i have 1462 files and dirs in my ntsf MS Window partition, that have at least one $ in the name.

Code: Select all

# f5 \\\$ | wc 
   1462    4676  163573

F5 is my bash script version of slocate. Slocate used to be a shell script.

$ is a special character in bash, and needs to be escaped and you need to be careful that the bash expansions in the script work correctly.

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Re: pFind Addon available

Post by ikt »

don570 wrote: Mon Aug 22, 2022 10:54 pm

pFind Addon available for Easy linux only.

It works in Quirky 8.8.1.
Thank you.

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Re: pFind Addon available

Post by don570 »

For what it is worth,
i have 1462 files and dirs in my ntsf MS Window partition, that have at least one $ in the name.

In this bug pFind doesn't search in the folder that is designated i.e. the foldername has a "$" character.
Fortunately this is rare.

The filename can have "$" character.

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Re: pFind Addon available

Post by don570 »

It works in Quirky 8.8.1.

Thanks for testing.
I warned about using different versions of puppy because the link is
put in 'OpenWith' folder. Earlier versions of puppy linux used the "SendTo" folder.

.. but it probably doesn't matter.


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