@sc0ttman's Pkg-cli never stops amazing me. To take a break periodically from building KLV's I decided to address the Puppy Linux Wikka we have slowly sailing along like a ghost ship. Turns out the dev's of the software we use, Wikkawiki have called it quits after 15 years of development and support for it. So I am looking at replacement software to again bring us to a more modern system that again will be added to with the wealth of information around both forums and that the community can contribute to.
This set up is running a test cutting edge ZoneMinder v 1.37.6 (master branch) successfully and now MediaWiki which requires a minimum of PHP7.3+ which poses the problem that Bionic64's Ubuntu repos only provide up to PHP7.2+.
But using pkg
I was able to add the Ubuntu PPA for PHP7.4+ and all the php modules and extensions (extensive) that both of these major packages need to run. Then with a search done with the PPM
to give me the exact package names, I used pkg add
to install all the extensions for PHP7.4 and even the tricky ones that need dependencies from earlier PHP versions, installed with ease. Pkg output gave me the necessary missing and or needed dependency messages to make it possible to track down some of those lib's that need to be tricked into installing. Pkg-CLI really performed well in this case of sometimes not straight forward installations.
My testing platform is on a Dell Optiplex 990 running Bionic64-CE (woof-CE built) with:
Web Server = Hiawatha v 10.10
PHP Version = v 7.4.27
Database = 10.1.44-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 - Ubuntu 18.04
phpMyAdmin = v 5.0.4
So it is possible to have several versions of PHP7+ onboard and easily selected by modifying the hiawatha.conf file and restarting hiawatha. Which is handy when testing different PHP based software packages.
Pkg-CLI proved to be versatile and together using the PPM as a package name search tool, proved again the power of Puppy Linux as a development platform and it's excellent qualities for running solid, stable fully featured Web Servers.