How to boot a virtual PC on a FossaPUP desktop

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How to boot a virtual PC on a FossaPUP desktop

Post by Clarity »

The following a condensation of information about setup and running a Virtual PC to boot the Fossapup64 ISO on that virtual PC.
This is an Easy to Follow guide.

Ingredients REQUIRED for this EXAMPLE running on a AIO AMD system
  • At least 2GB RAM
  • Running FossaPUP64 v9.5 distro
  • the FossaPUP64 ISO file available on your local/removable storage
  • 8GB of free disk storage available (preferably on a local drive as USB stores are unpredictably SLOW)
  • QEMU PET installed on your running FossaPUP64 from here ===> viewtopic.php?p=5936
Your PC is running, so let's go!
  1. We will check the PC for proper hardware
  2. We will load the kernel KVM support
  3. We will start QEMU
    1. We will create a small 4GB virtual HDD for this virtual PC
    2. We will create a 4GB virtual SWAP HDD for this virtual PC
    3. We will tell QEMU where the FossaPUP64 ISO is that we want to boot
    4. We will boot the virtual PC to a FossaPUP desktop
Start by doing the following
  1. check the PC for proper hardware via following command and our observation

    Code: Select all

    egrep --color=always -i 'vmx|svm' /proc/cpuinfo
    Look for either svm (for AMD CPUs) or vmx (for Intel CPUs) in red. If you see either you are ready to go.
  2. load the kernel KVM support
    • check to see if its already loaded
      lsmod| egrep --color=always kvm
    • IFF no answer, its not loaded. So let's load it
      • In a terminal, type either

        Code: Select all

        modprobe kvm-amd (for AMD CPUs)
        		modprobe kvm-intel (for Intel CPUs)
    • If NO errors, you are ready to go. If err, reboot your PC to is UEFI/BIOS and enable "virtualization" and return here and test
  3. start QEMU. Use its wizard to
    1. Create a disk for any save session you might want.
      QEMU_createHDD.jpg (23.32 KiB) Viewed 767 times
    2. Create a SWAP for stability. Example
      QEMU_createSWAP.jpg (23.33 KiB) Viewed 767 times
    3. Tell the wizard about the SWAP Example
    4. Find the ISO and boot it via "Run QEMU" button. Example
      QEMU_bootISO.jpg (25.86 KiB) Viewed 767 times
Last edited by Clarity on Tue Sep 29, 2020 6:07 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Rendering Desktop on booting ISO in KVM Virt-PC

Post by Clarity »

Rendering Desktop on booting ISO in KVM Virt-PC
The following PUPs-DOGs do render to desktop without any user intervention
  • easypup 2.3.3 but only with VESA driver via xorgwizard
  • etionapup64
  • FossaDOG
  • groovypup64 but requires Firstrun video resolution change to match the KVM screen
  • DebianDOG
  • pupbuster64 but lots of latency

The following will not render requiring user intervention to render to desktop
  • FossaPUP
  • UpupGG
  • LxPupSc64-20.06+1-T but returns to console for conf. No xorgwizard steps helped.
To achieve rendering the above ISOs,
  1. boot ISO using the ISO's "No X" option
  2. type the following command when it boot to the prompt

    Code: Select all

    chmod a-x /usr/sbin/xorg-autoconf;xwin

The following ISOs did not render a desktop...even with the above command or the xorgwizard command
  • ScPup64-20.06+0-T
  • BusterDOG
Hope this helps
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