Running Fossapup on a USBFlash stick, I boot with Pupmode=13. I have set the automatic save interval to 0 i.e. Never. I also set the prompt to save or not on exit. I haven't been using this setup long but I often don't save on exit, especially if I have just been browsing. All this is to minimise writes to the USB of course.
As I boot, I see a message that my save folder is loaded into RAM. Why then is the persistence partition mounted after boot and set up so it can't be unmounted? It seems the opposite of what you should want for security and not needed, since the whole save folder is copied into RAM anyway?? It seems to me that it could be setup so the partition is only mounted when required for saving?
Unless the partitions for the Puppy files and persistence are mounted noatime every read is accompanied by a write, to update the access date stamp on the files being read. Is this flag being set? How do I check? (Also, there are other flags that might be relevant to this aspect, unfortunately I've forgotten what they are.).
I was a bit horrified by the size of the save folder, about half a gigabyte. Shutting down was really thrashing the USB. I only have about 7 Meg in the downloads folder. The rest will be the Fossapup updates from Quickpet, about 3 or 4 Palemoon updates in very short order and the Palemoon cache stuff. Simply deleting all the Palemoon history more than halved the size of the save folder. However, there are pages on the web giving detailed and involved instructions on how to delete the Palemoon cache. None of them match the latest Palemoon version. Does simply deleeting everything in history amount to the same thing, or do I need to do more to limit the crud?