Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

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Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by JustCurious »

Any grandpa style solution?

My FW is: MrChromebox-4.14 07/25/2021.
So, I tried:
Instaling Win10 then Puppy. Received info: Booting from "Windows Boot Manager" failed: verify it contains a 64-bit UEFI OS.
Wiping everything and installing only Puppy. Received info: Booting from "Windows Boot Manager" failed: verify it contains a 64-bit UEFI OS.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by rockedge »

Which Puppy Linux was used to attempt an installation? The Puppy looks like it will need the UEFI boot mechanisms or the Chromebook needs to be in Legacy boot mode. Can you enable the Developer Mode?

Going by the first post I assume now the best try would be going with a standalone Linux install.

A boot loader needs to be present that can be manually configured or has functions to find the Puppy Linux OS

I might be getting a Chromebook lent to me for total experimentation soon.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by JustCurious »

I fiddled with fossapup64-9.5.iso and bionicpup64-8.0-uefi.iso.

"BIOS" (UEFI?!) is very limited on this setup. I can:
- select boot device
- change boot options
- delete boot option
- boot from file
Nothing more.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by rockedge »

Wondering what the boot options could look like and what does boot from file do exactly.?

Interesting project this will be. Will try and search for something like puppy linux chromebook

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by JustCurious »

rockedge wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 5:09 pm

Wondering what the boot options could look like and what does boot from file do exactly.?

Interesting project this will be. Will try and search for something like puppy linux chromebook

Well, in the past I fiddled with linux a bit, but the GRUB (?!) solved Linux-Windows "coliving" problems.
UEFI changed things a bit.

I gave a try Bohdi Linux and it starts normally after installation (this hasn't happened with any Puppy). Still don't know Bohdi+Windows "coliving". Still interested in Puppy as it would be the most idiot friendly lightweight linux distro.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by williams2 »

Booting from "Windows Boot Manager" failed

This is saying that the UEFI tried to start Microsoft Windows
but it failed
because MS Windows is not configured properly in /boot
or because MS Windows is broken
or because MS Windows is not there.

This is not a problem with the UEFI bios (it does try to start MS Windows)
it is a problem with MS Windows (that is, it is a problem with the MS Windows boot loader)

It is not a problem with the Linux boot loader
The UEFI is not trying to execute the Linux boot loader.
The UEFI is trying to execute MS Windows, specifically the MS Windows boot loader.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by bigpup »

If this is a chromebook.
You need to look at information in this topic:

Carefully read the different posts.
They do tell you all you need to do, to get a Puppy version installed, and booting.

Always keep in mind. A Install to the internal drive requires two things.
The Puppy version installed as a frugal install.
A boot loader installed to boot it.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by bigpup »

My FW is: MrChromebox-4.14 07/25/2021.

I assume this is the MrChromebox full rom UEFI firmware that completely replaced the original Chromebook firmware?
If so, you did properly disabled the write protect?

Wiping everything and installing only Puppy.

Tells us nothing.
You did what exactly to do the install?
You did install a boot loader to boot the Puppy install?

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by bigpup »

If you must have Windows 10 on this computers internal drive.

You have to get it installed and working, before trying to install Puppy along side Windows 10.

If this computer has only 16GB Solid state Drive.

Even if you do get Windows 10 on it.
It will probably use up all the free space to do it.

Storage needed to install Windows 10: 16 GB or more free space on your hard drive for the 32-bit version of Windows 10. You'll need 20 GB or more for 64-bit Windows 10.

Sorry, I have no idea how to get Windows 10 installed.

I only install Puppy versions on the Chromebook I have.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by JustCurious »

I bought this chromebook with already installed Win10, MrChromebox-4.14 07/25/2021 as firmware and 128 GB SSD (so I have space for linux and win10).

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by bigpup »

If you get Windows 10 back on it and booting.

Lick installer is the easiest way to install Puppy Linux alongside Windows.

Forum topic on Lick:

Lick is a program that runs in Windows.
Download LICK-1.3.4-win32.exe and click on the file to run it.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by mouldy »

How much hard drive space do you have? Seriously dont think you will have space for win10 to function very well on older Chromebook with 15GB eMMC. If win10 was working when you bought the machine, then yea apparently the MrChromebox UEFI can do windows. I think absolute minimum space for win10 still around 10GB to 13GB. Sorry, just dont keep up that much with windows changes. I know people complain on the little netbooks that come with windows and 32GB drive. It quickly eats all that and updater complains no room for further updates. One secret there, those use big chunk to store restore partition for windows. Nuke that and you have wee bit breathing space. Being an ex-chromebook you wont have that cause it didnt come from factory with windows.

My idea, get yourself a usb SSD, you can get used SATA SSD on ebay with minimum of 64GB for pretty cheap $15 or so (bigger one not significantly more), then get SATA to usb cable, be around $10 or less. Now there is a FREEWARE version of program called wintousb that lets you copy installed version windows to usb drive and boot windows from the usb drive. Meaning win10 is made portable. Then use the entire internal drive for Puppy or whatever linux you want. Or also boot linux from external drive, even usb thumbdrive if you need to. I would guess you may need to first restore win10 boot loader. You will need to be booted to windows to use wintousb. I think, played with it on one of the little windows netbooks few years back cause of lack of space, so kept copy win10 if I ever needed to boot it, but gave all internal space to Puppy. You really will need to go find the wintousb site and read instructions on ways to use it. It could well changed since I used it. Oh and be sure to get the free version, think the site had couple pay versions too that supposedly gave more options. Only the high end version windows gave this option natively. Home version definitely didnt and dont think even pro version did either or it may have at one point but they eliminated that ability in updated versions. The wintousb third party software gave you the ability to do this with any version windows. Well maybe win7 or newer, not sure on older systems.

Now if I am wrong and your Chromebook has like bigger internal drive, minimum of 64GB and hopefully more like 128GB or more, then look at BarryK's EasyOS, he now has Limine boot loader included and it is friendly to linux (and Puppies) and windows without lot configuration. He also offers a pet version you could use with other Puppies. This IMHO is easier than alternatives that need more configuring. I seriously not big fan of GRUB2. It works for sure, but not friendliest beast to configure.

Oh another non-puppy option, I recently converted old Chromebook with 15GB eMMC internal drive. Nuked ChromeOS and got the MrChromebox UEFI setup. I was just trying to get linux on it without downloading anything. 15GB internal drive small for ONE full install linux, forget anything more. I have several versions linux around. Imaged them to thumbdrive and booted. Nearly all booted that way but only MX21 and Debian11 had kernel with sound driver support for it. So MX21 it was. And something I had always wondered about whether you could boot a UEFI only computer from a live dvd. So I plugged in usb dvdrom and tried booting from the live MX21 dvd. Yep, it booted, used that to install though could easily done it from thumbdrive. MX21 uses GRUB2 so if the drive was big enough for both windows and MX21 (it isnt), pretty sure GRUB2 would seen windows partition and boot partition and been able to boot both automagically. Be aware secure boot probably needs to be off and windows fully shut down not hibernating to do anything on computer with windows installed. Some linux can handle secure boot, some cant. Umm, said that, dont think the Mr.Chromebox UEFI offers secure boot, so not something you need worry about though windows would need to be fully shut down, I was thinking of that old win10 netbook I mentioned.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by bigpup »

JustCurious wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:16 pm

I bought this chromebook with already installed Win10, MrChromebox-4.14 07/25/2021 as firmware and 128 GB SSD (so I have space for linux and win10).

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by JustCurious »

@mouldy , thanks for long reply.


I've used Lick tool for the second time and... finally success.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by mouldy »

bigpup wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 11:45 am
JustCurious wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 10:16 pm

I bought this chromebook with already installed Win10, MrChromebox-4.14 07/25/2021 as firmware and 128 GB SSD (so I have space for linux and win10).

Thanks somehow didnt see that 128GB drive, I can be oblivious sometimes in my dotage. That should be enough, well depending. I personally would try BarryK Limine pet with whatever Puppy that JustCurious is using or try latest EasyOS with it built in. If it doesnt do what he wants its not like he is out much .

Also depends how much one uses windows. I rarely use it so having it bootable on usb drive seems really practical, it can happily set in a drawer until needed. but if you use it frequently then suppose one want it on internal drive.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e

Post by bigpup »

When you shutdown Windows 10.
Make sure to do a complete normal full shutdown.
Do not use hibernate.
It will not fully release control of computer if shut down in hibernate mode.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by Phoenix »

Don't forget to turn off Fast Startup.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by JustCurious »

Hm. Can I hijack this topic?

Are there any programs to install SliTaz and TinyCore alongside Win10 UEFI as smoothly as Lick enables that for Puppy?

Their forums are almost abandoned.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by JustCurious »

Coming back to Puppy Final Solution problem:
with each restart I start with clean state... Why?

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by bigpup »

When you shutdown Puppy, you need to make a save to store anything that is a change.
You should get asked to make a save file when you do the first normal shutdown.
menu -> Exit -> Shut Down
Are you being asked?
If yes.
Did you make a save file?

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by JustCurious »

bigpup wrote: Fri Aug 19, 2022 3:05 am

You should get asked to make a save file when you do the first normal shutdown.
menu -> Exit -> Shut Down
Are you being asked?
If yes.
Did you make a save file?

If not... what should I do?

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by bigpup »

Are you saying you are not getting asked to make a save the first time you do a normal shutdown?
Have never been asked to make a save, even if it boots not using a save, and you do a normal shutdown?

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by JustCurious »


Are you saying you are not getting asked to make a save the first time you do a normal shutdown?
-> I don't know what I've chosen. The fact is that Puppy doesn't save and then load state of the system automatically.

So my questions are:
- where can I change it to make these processes automatic?
- I tried doing this by hand. I created this *.sfs backup file successfully. Where can I load it?
- How can I make this work with Ventoy? Apart from my old nettop setup, I want to have ultimate pen drive with some OSes.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by bigpup »

So your answer to the question about making a save is:

I don't know what I've chosen.

So do a shutdown and tell me if you get asked to make a save?

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by JustCurious »

bigpup wrote: Tue Sep 13, 2022 10:45 pm

So your answer to the question about making a save is:

I don't know what I've chosen.

So do a shutdown and tell me if you get asked to make a save?

Now, I don't receive any questions during shutdown.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by bigpup »

I may be missing the info, but what exact Puppy version did you install?

By what you are telling us.
I see no reason, why you should not be asked to make a save, when you do the first shutdown of Puppy.

The save stores any changes you make, so they are used, when you next boot Puppy.

In Rox file manager.
Look on the drive location of the Puppy version install.
It should be probably on drive C in Windows.
Rox will see it as sda3 or sda4.

The Puppy files should be in a folder, probably named for the Puppy version.
Look in that folder and tell us if there is any file in it that has save in it's name?

When you boot the computer.
What options for booting Puppy, do you see in the menu, where you can select to boot Windows or Puppy?
If there is more than one option for Puppy.
Which one are you selecting?

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by JustCurious »

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by bigpup »

That boot screen shows you have a fossapup64save.4fs save file getting loaded.

Now, why it is not giving you changes and settings, you made to Fossapup64.

fsck seems to be finding issues with it and having to correct them.

Maybe you need to delete the fossapup64save.4fs file.
Something is wrong with it.

Reboot the computer with no save there to use.

Do some setups and basic settings.

Shutdown and make a new save when asked.

512MB is too small a size.
Make it 3 or 4 GB in size.

Warning Note:
If Windows 10 is still on this computer and Fossapup64 is installed on Windows drive C.
There is a good chance that the drive C file system is fragmented.
Placing a save there, will also fragment the save file, and that can cause issues.

Boot Windows 10.
Use Windows defrag program, to check drive C for fragmentation and correct any found.

Then boot Fossapup64
Then make a save file for Fossapup64 placed on drive C.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by JustCurious »

Ok, thanks for help. Things seem to work atm.

BTW, Pup is on sda4, win10 on sda3.

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Re: Installing Puppy alongside Win10 on X131e (solved)

Post by mikeslr »

The reason you are/were not being asked whether or not to Save at shutdown is that your Puppy is now on a hard-drive. The boot-manager recognized that and wrote the boot-argument which will automatically write the changes you make to the SaveFile or SaveFolder. Some people prefer that so they (a) don't have to remember to Save changes; (b) and shut-down/reboot takes place automatically rather than hanging until a decision is made.

Being both a 'screw-up' and explorer of applications that may not work, I want the time to reflect whether I may have done something wrong and whether I really want to preserve the present condition of my system or revert to that condition it had before the current exploration. And I certainly don't want to preserve any malware or a building block for any malware I may have inadvertently picked up while surfing the Web. So I change the shutdown's behavior to that which is automatically offered when Puppy is booted from a USB-Key.

It's an easy 2-step procedure. See this post as to how, viewtopic.php?p=66960#p66960.

Note: So changed, the default setting is "No Save". I can walk away and Puppy will shutdown/reboot in 30 seconds without Saving. The above post will also explain how to change the delay.

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