So I read this and it sheds a lot of light on the difficulties of scripting. I, not having a coding background or any training, learning everything by reading man pages and arch-wiki's, can get easily frustrated with understanding syntax. Now I can see why. But it does raise some questions.
The book was written in 1994? I don't think they ever use the term linux, and so I'm assuming at that time we are talking about Unix "proper." Though now I can see that there really wasn't ever such a thing to begin with.
The history is interesting. As I had somehow held the belief that Unix was basically a dying operating environment, until linux sort of revived it. Reading this book it appears that not to be the case, and that academics at least broadly propagated Unix into the mid-nineties. I'm sure there are more complex business considerations, as to what companies actually held some kind of rights to it and whether they were profitable, etc.
I would have to assume that many of the issues examined in the Haters book have been worked out on one level or another 30 years later, and yet, I'm not so sure. I recently was configuring my urxvt, and it took me awhile to figure out that it could be done from Xdefaults, or Xresources, or some combination of both, and it seemed dicey as to what settings go where and which ones stick. Lo and behold, I find that very thing on the pages of this book.
There's also X, which now seems to be gradually yielding to Wayland. And so X, taking me quite awhile to understand, may never have been that good to begin with. Yet I can do so much on puppy-linux systems running X. Quite amazing. I would never trade it for mac or windows, but their downfall is entirely of a different nature I suppose.
One of my friends descibed the Big Three pc OS's to me this way: Apple is like a Volvo or a Mercedes. It's proprietary, not everyone is allowed to make replacement parts, it's expensive and you have to go to an authorized dealer if something breaks. Windows is like a Ford or Chevy, it's widely used, parts are readily available and just about anyone can manufacture them, anyone can work on them. Linux is like an old car, that you have to go the junk yard to get parts for, where Harry at the auto-salvage says, yeah I got a fuel-pump that might fit that, and then retro-fits it to your model.
Well there might some truth to that analogy after all.