Android X86

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Android X86

Post by user1111 »

Downloaded the more recent version of android x86 (64 bit version in my case) iso. i.e. android-x86_64-9.0-r2

Initially burnt it to a dvd and booted that (seems to be a Hybrid so you can also dd if=.... of=/dev/sdb ... or whatever to a usb). Worked really well, booted (albeit slowly) and connected to the net using my laptops wifi OK (had to enter the ssid and password), and I installed vnc and ssh from google play and vnc'd into my fatdog desktop system and that all worked fine. One problem was I couldn't figure out how to right-click within a rox-filer window for the right click context menu. ssh into the same box also worked fine. Another thing that initially caught me out was how to close apps/windows, where its a matter of selecting the square icon at the bottom of the screen, scroll (two finger drag across touchpad) to the relevant window, then click and flip the window off the top - as though you're throwing it away gesture). Another thing that took some figuring was how to shut down, which is a case of using Alt-F1 to drop to cli and then running poweroff or reboot ... type commands (or alt-F7 returns you to the gui desktop)

I did have the idea of running the android system on my desktop system (that is rarely used nowadays other than being a file server/accessed 'remotely' from my laptop) so I could boot fatdog on my laptop and then vnc into the android (desktop), so for example on the laptop have fatdog on desktop 1 and android (via vnc) on desktop 2. However the touchpad controls work better/easier when the laptop is running android and I vnc into fatdog.

Love the ability to scroll around and zoom using pinch motions (more so given my ageing eyesight); Dislike how the touchpad becomes sensitive to being touched such as when typing; Dislike how when playing a youtube music video in one chrome window, that stops when you open another chrome tab.

Decided to have a look around at how their live-boot is set up, and made the following notes (those familiar with puppy/fatdog initrd's init content will see similarities in how android x86 are doing things.

Code: Select all

Files extracted out of the iso ... initrd.img kernel ramdisk.img
and system.sfs (which has inside it a system.img file, which is
a actual image file i.e. can mount it using ...
mkdir m;mount system.img m)

grub4dos menu.lst entry with files on my sda3 ext4 partition ...

title android
root (hd0,2)
kernel /kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.selinux=permissive quiet DATA=
initrd /initrd.img

Note when booted, to shutdown its Alt-F1 to drop to a cli and then
you can run poweroff or reboot ...etc.

To extract the initrd ...

mkdir initrd
cd initrd
cat ../initrd.img | gunzip | cpio -vid
Modify the ramdisk accordingly (e.g. you modify init.rc or 
add another additional files) Then repack accordingly

cd initrd
find . | cpio --create --format='newc' | gzip > ../myinitrd.img

inside initrd.img the init contains the following code

#!/bin/busybox sh
# By Chih-Wei Huang <>
# and Thorsten Glaser <>
# Last updated 2018/01/26
# License: GNU Public License
# We explicitely grant the right to use the scripts
# with Android-x86 project.

PATH=/sbin:/bin:/system/bin:/system/xbin; export PATH

# auto installation

# configure debugging output
if [ -n "$DEBUG" -o -n "$INSTALL" ]; then
	set -x
	test -e "$LOG" || busybox mknod $LOG c 1 3
exec 2>> $LOG

# early boot
if test x"$HAS_CTTY" != x"Yes"; then
	# initialise /proc and /sys
	busybox mount -t proc proc /proc
	busybox mount -t sysfs sys /sys
	# let busybox install all applets as symlinks
	busybox --install -s
	# spawn shells on tty 2 and 3 if debug or installer
	if test -n "$DEBUG" || test -n "$INSTALL"; then
		# ensure they can open a controlling tty
		mknod /dev/tty c 5 0
		# create device nodes then spawn on them
		mknod /dev/tty2 c 4 2 && openvt
		mknod /dev/tty3 c 4 3 && openvt
	if test -z "$DEBUG" || test -n "$INSTALL"; then
		echo 0 0 0 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
	# initialise /dev (first time)
	mkdir -p /dev/block
	echo /sbin/mdev > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug
	mdev -s
	# re-run this script with a controlling tty
	exec env HAS_CTTY=Yes setsid cttyhack /bin/sh "$0" "$@"

# now running under a controlling tty; debug output from stderr into log file
# boot up Android

	echo $*
	return 1

	RW=$1; shift
	if [ "${ROOT#*:/}" != "$ROOT" ]; then
		# for NFS roots, use nolock to avoid dependency to portmapper
		mount -o $RW,noatime,nolock $@
		return $?
	case $(blkid $1) in
			mount.ntfs-3g -o rw,force $@
			mount -o $RW,noatime $@
			return 1

	if [ "`dirname $1`" = "/dev" ]; then
		[ -e $1 ] || return 1
		blk=`basename $1`
		[ ! -e /dev/block/$blk ] && ln $1 /dev/block
	try_mount ro $dev /mnt || return 1
	if [ -n "$iso" -a -e /mnt/$iso ]; then
		mount --move /mnt /iso
		mkdir /mnt/iso
		mount -o loop /iso/$iso /mnt/iso
	if [ -e /mnt/$SRC/$RAMDISK ]; then
		zcat /mnt/$SRC/$RAMDISK | cpio -id > /dev/null
	elif [ -b /dev/$RAMDISK ]; then
		zcat /dev/$RAMDISK | cpio -id > /dev/null
		return 1
	if [ -e /mnt/$SRC/system.sfs ]; then
		mount -o loop,noatime /mnt/$SRC/system.sfs system
		if [ -e system/system.img ]; then
			mount --move system /sfs
			mount -o loop,noatime /sfs/system.img system
	elif [ -e /mnt/$SRC/system.img ]; then
		mount -o loop,noatime /mnt/$SRC/system.img system
	elif [ -s /mnt/$SRC/system/build.prop ]; then
		mount --bind /mnt/$SRC/system system
	elif [ -z "$SRC" -a -s /mnt/build.prop ]; then
		mount --bind /mnt system
		rm -rf *
		return 1
	mkdir -p mnt
	echo " found at $1"
	rm /sbin/mke2fs
	hash -r

	# "foo" as mount source is given to workaround a Busybox bug with NFS
	# - as it's ignored anyways it shouldn't harm for other filesystems.
	mount -o remount,rw foo /mnt

	if [ -x system/bin/sh ]; then
		echo Running MirBSD Korn Shell...
		USER="($1)" system/bin/sh -l 2>&1
		echo Running busybox ash...
		sh 2>&1

echo -n Detecting Android-x86...

[ -z "$SRC" -a -n "$BOOT_IMAGE" ] && SRC=`dirname $BOOT_IMAGE`
[ -z "$RAMDISK" ] && RAMDISK=ramdisk.img || RAMDISK=${RAMDISK##/dev/}

for c in `cat /proc/cmdline`; do
	case $c in
			eval `echo $c | cut -b1-3,18-`

mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /android
cd /android
while :; do
	for device in ${ROOT:-/dev/[hmnsv][dmrv][0-9a-z]*}; do
		check_root $device && break 2
		mountpoint -q /mnt && umount /mnt
	sleep 1
	echo -n .

ln -s mnt/$SRC /src
ln -s android/system /
ln -s ../system/lib/firmware ../system/lib/modules /lib

if [ -n "$INSTALL" ]; then
	zcat /src/install.img | ( cd /; cpio -iud > /dev/null )

if [ -x system/bin/ln -a \( -n "$DEBUG" -o -n "$BUSYBOX" \) ]; then
	mv -f /bin /lib .
	sed -i 's|\( PATH.*\)|\1:/bin|' init.environ.rc
	rm /sbin/modprobe
	busybox mv /sbin/* sbin
	rmdir /sbin
	ln -s android/bin android/lib android/sbin /
	hash -r

# load scripts
for s in `ls /scripts/* /src/scripts/*`; do
	test -e "$s" && source $s

# ensure keyboard driver is loaded
if [ -n "$INSTALL" -o -n "$DEBUG" ]; then
	busybox modprobe -a atkbd hid-apple
	auto_detect &

if [ 0$DEBUG -gt 0 ]; then
	echo -e "\nType 'exit' to continue booting...\n"
	debug_shell debug-found

# A target should provide its detect_hardware function.
# On success, return 0 with the following values set.
# return 1 if it wants to use auto_detect
[ "$AUTO" != "1" ] && detect_hardware && FOUND=1

[ -n "$INSTALL" ] && do_install


if [ 0$DEBUG -gt 1 ]; then
	echo -e "\nUse Alt-F1/F2/F3 to switch between virtual consoles"
	echo -e "Type 'exit' to enter Android...\n"

	debug_shell debug-late

[ "$SETUPWIZARD" = "0" ] && echo "ro.setupwizard.mode=DISABLED" >> default.prop

[ -n "$DEBUG" ] && SWITCH=${SWITCH:-chroot}

# We must disable mdev before switching to Android
# since it conflicts with Android's init
echo > /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug

export ANDROID_ROOT=/system

exec ${SWITCH:-switch_root} /android /init

# avoid kernel panic
while :; do
	echo '	Android-x86 console shell. Use only in emergencies.'
	debug_shell fatal-err
Being a live boot no changes are stored, so you have to reconfigure locale, wifi ...etc. settings at each reboot. Very early days for me but looks like persistence could be set up by using rsync or suchlike of the /android content; Or using puppy style overlays.

Version of kernel and busybox running ...
sc2.png (192.35 KiB) Viewed 2520 times

Press PrintScreen grabs a screen shot, I scp'd that over to my fatdog box
sc3.png (150.95 KiB) Viewed 2520 times

Re: Android X86

Post by user1111 »

Once you're more familiar with the initial setup, you can add the kernel boot parameter


to the menu.lst entry. That takes you straight into the desktop on boot, but you then have to manually open and configure your locale, wifi connect ...etc.

Code: Select all

title android
root (hd0,2)
kernel /kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.selinux=permissive quiet SETUPWIZARD=0 DATA=
initrd /initrd.img

A couple more screenshots
Screenshot_20200927-233216.png (148.44 KiB) Viewed 2507 times

vnc into Fatdog
Screenshot_20200927-233122.jpg (107.33 KiB) Viewed 2507 times

Re: Android X86

Post by user1111 »

The DATA= boot parameter, if set to a folder on a ext3 partition, saves all your data to that folder. Persistence :) It even stores the configuration changes.

So one way to have a save/not option would be to hard link rsync that folder content, which takes up little space, and provides the option to 'not save' i.e. roll back changes made since the last rsync.

I have the boot files in / on sda3, and I also created a /data folder for that. DATA=data
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Re: Android X86

Post by dancytron »

I tried to do a manual frugal install from your 1st post.

It just kept loading with the "....." for what seemed like at least 15 minutes.

I am definitely interested in this. Being able to run my favorite Android map programs on a 12" screen instead of a crappy little phone screen would be great.

Re: Android X86

Post by user1111 »

I've tried it on a couple of other boxes and hit similar problems of not booting. Looked like it wasn't finding the graphics. After trying all sorts of additional boot parameters such as vga=ask nomodeset xforcevesa ...etc had no luck with either of the boxes. I guess I hit it lucky with my AMD Radeon R2 laptop. Everything seems to work on that, except for the camera. A annoying factor however is not being able to multi-task, such as playing a .mp4 and soon as you invoke the menu ... the music pauses. Same for multiple browser tabs.

You could try the DEBUG=2 boot parameter. When I did that it threw out loads of messages and after also entering 'exit' once or twice it continued bootup, but not to the desktop. I never got around to deciphering all of the messages, there was no 'obvious' error, saw something like a 'limits exceeded' error report.

Re: Android X86

Post by user1111 »

It shouldn't take that long for each stage of bootup, if there's no obvious activity after a few minutes its likely not working.

Re: Android X86

Post by user1111 »

After lots of tiny text reading of debug kernel boot messages and trying all sorts, I downloaded the release 9 rc2 32 bit version and booted that in one of my desktops and it got to the "android" graphical screen in around a minute or two, it does hang on that for quite a while (I booted from a burnt DVD) - perhaps another few minutes, and then the desktop appeared :thumbup2: ... .0-rc2.iso

... but, on that desktop its hard wired ethernet, there is a VirtWifi option for that, that seems to provide net access, but I couldn't for instance log into GooglePlay - kept asking for credentials to login to google, but then doing-a-windows (not working, just a spinning circle). Chrome worked some of the time, not at other times.

Your mileage may vary.
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Re: Android X86

Post by dancytron »

That doesn't sound too encouraging. :(

I'll try more later...
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Re: Android X86

Post by keniv »

@ rufwoof

I tried your link but had a problem. The first window to appear (see andimage1) looked normal but a few seconds later the second window appeared (see andimage2). I also tried to download the 64bit version but got the same result download/file.php?mode=view&id=1044http ... ew&id=1043
Have you any ideas as to how I can get the iso to download?


andimage2.png (21.35 KiB) Viewed 2413 times
andimage1.png (39.74 KiB) Viewed 2413 times

Re: Android X86

Post by user1111 »

Uploading the iso to my googledrive now. Will post the link when done.

Login into google and it flashed up a message to say my accounts password might have been revealed, and to change it. Don't really log into google that much so guess its a lapse on google's behalf. Or maybe they've just detected different devices i.e. those android tests. 725MB

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Re: Android X86

Post by keniv »

Thanks for that. Have it downloaded and I am just about to burn the iso to a DVD.

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Re: Android X86

Post by keniv »

Well I booted up using the iso I burnt to a DVD. It seems to work well enough except that, like you, I could not connect to my wifi. When playing about with this I noticed a mention of superuser permissions so I assume this is a rooted version of Android. I have very little experience of Android except for one of those cheap Chinese tablets that used Android 2.2 which I was given. I was able to install a rooted version of Android called Uberoid. This made it a bit more usable. It still works but is only used to play audio books. Using the information you gave in your first post I tried to make a manual frugal install, similar to that done with the pups and tried to boot it using grub4dos. This did not work giving me a "could not find" error. The drive I was using for this has two partitions. The first sda1 is formatted ntfs and contains BusterDog and Racy551. The second sda2 is formatted ext3 and contains the save folder for BusterDog. On this partition I made a folder called 90rc2android. I copied initrd.img, kernel, ramdisk.img and system.sfs to this folder. I already have grub4dos installed to boot BusterDog and Raccy551 so I added another menu entry to menu.lst as shown below.

Code: Select all

title android
root (hd0,1)
kernel /kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.selinux=permissive quiet DATA=
initrd /initrd.img
As you can see it is very similar to yours but as I said it did not boot. Although I have some experience in booting pups and dogs using grud4dos I have no idea what to try with Android.
I also had a number of other goes at downloading the 64bit version from
However, every time I try I manage to download between about 30-60MBs before the download fails. Is there some problem with this site?


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Re: Android X86

Post by 8Geee »

just wondering out loud... possible rpm download instead of iso?


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Re: Android X86

Post by keniv »

I tried downloading the 64bit rpm and this downloaded first time without a problem. Flushed with this success I tried downloading the 64bit iso again which, you may not be surprised to hear, failed. I did get a record part download of 225MB of the 920MB iso. Now I'm not sure what to do with the rpm. I can see the files initrd.img, kernel, ramdisk.img and system.sfs packed inside as well as qmem-android. The first four of these were the ones rufwoof used but as I could not get my 32bit frugal install to boot I'm not sure trying this again will work. When I burned the 32bit iso to a dvd it did boot but wifi would not connect. Can I convert the rpm to a bootable iso which I could burn to a dvd?


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Re: Android X86

Post by 8Geee »

There is a 32-bit rpm IIRC.
When converting, do NOT use pinstall... it appears the rpm is stored in /tmp.



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Re: Android X86

Post by keniv »

8Geee wrote: Sun Oct 04, 2020 1:04 am There is a 32-bit rpm IIRC.
When converting, do NOT use pinstall... it appears the rpm is stored in /tmp.


The link above seems to refer to .pet packages whereas I assume I need to convert from a .rpm to an .iso. Is there a way to do this in linux? I have searched on the web but I'm none the wiser.


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Re: Android X86

Post by keniv »

Was able to download the 64bit iso from, ... .0-r2.iso/
My web search gave as an alternative mirror to Will burn this iso to a dvd and see how I get on from there.

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Re: Android X86

Post by oui »


I have an operable full installation of Android 64 on my HD.

It did be installed with grub, I can remember.

I did start it one unique time and it did start pretty ... until the MUST login into a google account and I did break for this reason (my hope did be, to use android as a completely neutral OS!); I also use no portable phone ... to avoid such providers following me step by step. I use Puppy BECAUSE I start each time with a completely fresh desk and content :mrgreen: . it is my vision of freedom!

(in very older releases of android for PC, I can't remember some obligation to login into a google account!)

along the long month since the installation, the grub.cfg list did become to long and someday, I did erase and loose the item for my android installation in the grub chain.

I suppose there is in android as in linux an entry / directory for the boot loader but as I don't understand really android, I don't know where in the partition and can't find it any more.

that is my first problem.

my second problem is that I don't agree to MUST use the google services :lol: . is there a way to avoid that :?:

my third problem is how to become root right to install more (and free stuff)?
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Re: Android X86

Post by dancytron »

If it's like ROMs for regular android devices, then you can just not install the Google stuff (which comes separately anyway for licensing kinds of reasons) and either install F-droid (which is open sourcish android programs) or just download what you want to install manually from the web.

I don't know about the x86 version, but I kind of assume it is the same.

Re: Android X86

Post by user1111 »

If you boot with the SETUPWIZARD=0 boot parameter then it takes you straight in, without all of the startup 'requests' to log into your Google account.
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Re: Android X86

Post by keniv »

I've now tried three different versions of x86 android. I checked the md5 check sum of all three isos and burned all three to DVD. Only one of these DVDs would boot to a desktop and that was android-x86-9.0-rc2.iso. Both the 64bit of android-x86-9.0-rc2.iso and cm-x86_64-14.1-r4.iso may have booted eventually but they took so long that I thought there had been some sort of failure with both of them and I gave up. I've still not managed to boot a frugal install of android-x86-9.0-rc2 using grub4dos but I've managed to install it to a USB drive and am able to boot it using the version of grub with which it comes. Image1 bellow shows the content of the installed Grub folder. Menu.lst is editable and the changes persist. Below is the full menu.lst

Code: Select all

root (hd0,0)

title Android-x86 9.0-rc2
	kernel /android-9.0-rc2/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 vmalloc=192M SRC=/android-9.0-rc2
	initrd /android-9.0-rc2/initrd.img

title Android-x86 9.0-rc2 (Debug mode)
	kernel /android-9.0-rc2/kernel root=/dev/ram0 vmalloc=192M DEBUG=2 SRC=/android-9.0-rc2
	initrd /android-9.0-rc2/initrd.img

title Android-x86 9.0-rc2 (Debug nomodeset)
	kernel /android-9.0-rc2/kernel nomodeset root=/dev/ram0 vmalloc=192M DEBUG=2 SRC=/android-9.0-rc2
	initrd /android-9.0-rc2/initrd.img

title Android-x86 9.0-rc2 (Debug video=LVDS-1:d)
	kernel /android-9.0-rc2/kernel video=LVDS-1:d root=/dev/ram0 vmalloc=192M DEBUG=2 SRC=/android-9.0-rc2
	initrd /android-9.0-rc2/initrd.img
I booted using the first option however this brought up the setup screen which froze after about 10 secs. I then used rufwoof's suggestion and included SETUPWIZARD=0. I also commented out some of the titles. Here's my menu.lst.

Code: Select all

root (hd0,0)

title Android-x86 9.0-rc2
	kernel /android-9.0-rc2/kernel quiet root=/dev/ram0 SETUPWIZARD=0 vmalloc=192M SRC=/android-9.0-rc2
	initrd /android-9.0-rc2/initrd.img

#title Android-x86 9.0-rc2 (Debug mode)
	kernel /android-9.0-rc2/kernel root=/dev/ram0 vmalloc=192M DEBUG=2 SRC=/android-9.0-rc2
	initrd /android-9.0-rc2/initrd.img

#title Android-x86 9.0-rc2 (Debug nomodeset)
	kernel /android-9.0-rc2/kernel nomodeset root=/dev/ram0 vmalloc=192M DEBUG=2 SRC=/android-9.0-rc2
	initrd /android-9.0-rc2/initrd.img

title Android-x86 9.0-rc2 (Debug video=LVDS-1:d)
	kernel /android-9.0-rc2/kernel video=LVDS-1:d root=/dev/ram0 vmalloc=192M DEBUG=2 SRC=/android-9.0-rc2
	initrd /android-9.0-rc2/initrd.img
This now boots to the desktop type I chose and this is also persistent.
Wifi does not work but a cable connection does. I'm not convinced this is a rooted version. The file manager is called "file". When I used a rooted rom before the file manager gave access to the system files. This one does not do this. It does not seem to have the required permissions.
It is also extremely slow though this might have a lot to do with running it from an old 4GB USB2 drive.
I would be interested if anybody could convert the boot code for "title Android-x86 9.0-rc2" to code that would boot a frugal install using grub4dos. The drive I have has two partitions sda1 formatted ntfs and containing frugal installs of BusterDog and Racy551. Grub is also on this partition. The second partition sda2 is formatted ext4 and has the save folder for Busterdog and the android-9.0-rc2 folder called 90rc2android. The grub4dos menu.lst is shown below.

Code: Select all

title android  
  uuid 32638d9f-1c3b-4703-881a-38bff6b033ef
  kernel /90rc2android/kernel root=/dev/ram0 androidboot.selinux=permissive quiet DATA=
  initrd /90rc2android/initrd.img
32638d9f-1c3b-4703-881a-38bff6b033ef is the uuid of the second ext4 partition. root (hd0,1) does not work. Any help with this would be much appreciated.


image1.png (14.19 KiB) Viewed 2564 times
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Re: Android X86

Post by watchdog »

I'm using on my asus laptop k52n Lineage OS 14.1 x86 r4. My laptop has the webcam upside down. In linux I install libv4l and launch skype or any app prepending:

Code: Select all

export LD_PRELOAD=/path-to/

This solves the webcam upside-down in any app in linux. How can I solve this problem in Lineage OS using skype for example? Can someone suggest a solution?

EDIT: I have solved this problem using an external usb uvc cam and using the USB Dual Camera app from the Play Store.

Last edited by watchdog on Tue Feb 09, 2021 4:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Android X86

Post by r96chase »

ngl I've tried Android-x86 before. Specifically, LineageOS 14.1. It's pretty stable somewhat. I might try it again eventually, but I'm not sure.

I am a crash-course Linux novice. :lol:

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Re: Android X86

Post by r96chase »

Okay, so I decided to necro this thread because I'm thinking of installing LineageOS x86 again.

I'm still considering the pros and cons of this decision. Here's what I got so far:

-Being able to run Android apps on my ThinkPad when I'm not using Puppy Linux (note: I have a Puppy installed on a USB stick. Used f2stickpup to create it).
-Having a higher-end way to run SunVox projects with little worry of limitations of my phone and my Chromebook
-Experiment with Android development at times (huge maybe on this one tbh).

-Android is a bit limited in terms of software.
-I'm not sure how well Wine runs on Android-x86 yet, so I might end up giving up FL Studio or something.
-Certain Android apps might run weird iirc.

I don't really know tbh, but I might try running my Puppy USB first before I even try any Android-x86 distro again.
I'm still deciding though.

I am a crash-course Linux novice. :lol:

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