Slacko 7: Speed up starting

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Slacko 7: Speed up starting

Post by Martinus »

I want to start Slacko 7 as fast as possible without stop to chose from different personal files as given.
How can I speed up my computer with my personal file automatic started as usual with Puppies

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Re: Slacko 7: Speed up starting

Post by bigpup »

That screen shot is not downloading showing anything.

without stop to chose from different personal files as given.

Not sure what you are talking about.
What names are these files you have to choose from?

Are you talking about have several different Slacko 7 save files/folders?

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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Re: Slacko 7: Speed up starting

Post by Martinus »

I asked: How to speed up starting Slacko 7.
It stops booting with "Type a number to chose which personal file to use
0 - non
1 - sda9 /slacko64 .....
2- sda9 /slacko64 ......."

I want to get rid of this stop.

My slacko64 7.0 version I had downloaded from ibiblio in Mai,1th.2021.

The correct screenshot of my last mail was refused, it was to big. It is obvious I failed with my next attempt.


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Re: Slacko 7: Speed up starting

Post by mikeslr »

You've created two (2) SaveFiles/Folders. On bootup Slacko doesn't know which you want to use. So booting stops until you make that choice; or perhaps choose none in order to have a pristine version and the possibility of creating a 3rd SaveFile/Folder.

You've ended the display of the two SaveFile/Folders choices with ..... You, of course, know what their names and differences are. If there is one you prefer you can boot into it or 'none', mount Slacko's partition and file-browse into its folder* Left-Click an empty space, select New>Directory and give it a name (e.g. Alternate-Save; or --as I do-- Protect); Left-Click, Hold, then drag the SaveFile/Folder you don't always want to use into that Folder. On next boot up it won't be offered. Puppy only look at the two 2 levels for SaveFiles/Folders. The top of a drive/partition is the 1st level. The folder in which your Puppys system files are located --e.g. sda2/slacko-- is the 2nd. A 3rd level folder --e.g. sda2/slacko/Alternate-Save-- would not be looked into.
* If your Puppy's system files are not in a folder, i.e. are at the top of a partition/drive, you'll have to create a folder within the 'Alternate-Save' folder to hold your alternate SaveFile/folder.

If you want to have a choice at boot-up without having the delay until you make it, you can create a 2nd Slacko folder, named for example 'slacko2'. Copy slacko's system files and move one SaveFile/Folder into that folder. Then edit your boot menu to include a Stanza for this other Slacko. You'll have to decide at boot-up which to boot into, but one could be the default.

Near the top of my grub.cfg are these two lines [grub4dos's menu.lst would have the same]:
set default=0
set timeout=10

Under 'Linux-speak', 0 is the 1st number so 'set default=0' says boot the first OS on the menu if another isn't chosen.
set timeout=10 says wait 10 seconds to see if the user chooses a different OS.

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Re: Slacko 7: Speed up starting

Post by Martinus »

Translated with:

Slacko 7: Speed up starting, Answer:

Hello Mikeslr.
Thank you very much for prompt reply. Now I know that I caused the unwanted startup settings myself. Months ago I saw that after installation, Slacko 7 no longer backs up personal data on its own, as is usual with older Puppy versions. I then randomly reached a backup via the selection system with the additional fingerprints.

Unfortunately, with your instructions I can not find where the selection is saved. Slacko 7 is located on partition 9 of the machine, where I found "Slacko647". I did not find the "Save file folder". So I didn't succeed speed up the start-up.

I would rather continue working with the more stable, comfortable Quirky Beaver in full installation, if instead of Seamonkey Mail version 2.49.4 which has a security problem, there would be obtainable a new "Seamonkey Mail" package, about and a working "Gimp" for Quirky.


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Re: Slacko 7: Speed up starting

Post by bigpup »

When you are running Slacko 7.

You know the names of the other saves you do not want to use.

To find them.
Use Pfind program to do a search for them by name.

The easy way to keep a save from being seen.
Rename the save file/folder by adding bak. to the beginning of it's name.
If you ever want it to be usable.
Just remove bak. from the name.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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