Good-day @BarryK (we all know who he is!) @bigpup @rockedge and @666philb / @peebee
I'm writing a short note to say 'thank you' for this rather nice thing called Puppy Linux. I first installed Puppy to hardware in 2019; since then I have used it exclusively. Puppy taught me bash; Puppy is teaching me C. Puppy taught me 'dd' - and the second amendment:
A well ordered disk, being the basis of an effective operating system, - (i.e. system of management) has the right
to 'dd'. All citizens may 'dd', but at their own risk.
I installed Puppy on a number of older PCs I dragged in from the cow paddock; Puppy revived them when Windows declared them dead. More than that - Puppy ran faster than Windows; people said, "wow, that's fast" when I demonstrated the Puppy booting.
So - I write this 'epistilos to the Puppians' It's a note of thanks to various people (including various contributors on the forum) but especially to BK and the others named above. I hope you get a warm feeling in your heart when you read this; getting the Puppy to its present state is a mammoth task and greatly appreciated here in Newcastle, Australia.