Hello all & woof!
Weird things are happening on my desktop puppy.
The immediate context: I have a makefile open, (in Geany, of course).
Taking a break I went looking at photos of Maatsuyker Island - and I visited several pages on the web - photos of places etc.
Then I read a little more about "make" and re-directing IO before I returned to Geany.
Here is a snapshot. You can see it's a "make file" - but whoa!! I see additional text inserted into the file!
You can see it: https: etc
At the end you see the original line in the make file began: CFLAGS = (and so on).
And (yes!) web address is one of the photos/pages I visited. Nice photo eh?
This is a 'several times' experience. I had the same thing (additional text) in an open-document file. (LibreOffice 5.3)
Can anyone suggest what's going on here? Am I doing something wrong? Have I failed to attend Mass recently?